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(1504) Movement at the Sterling

31 - 40
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  1. #31
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    So this is an Invictus, thinks Konrad curiously.

    Konrad gives his attention, having nothing else to keep him occupied. It's clear she has not come here tonight with an open mind. If anything, not a single chord they sang held any resonance with her. The account of Gerald's insult is new. Though with the Invictus you were more likely to insult one than to trip over your own feet. It doesn't surprise Konrad one bit that Gerald is the culprit. Konrad wonders who this prominent figure is.

    He doesn't disagree with Velma's points, save two, but he's not about to argue with someone so opinionated. That would be too much work for too little to show for it. But he can't speak for the others. A loud-mouthed and proud Ventrue couldn't stay silent to this kind of abuse. And an naive idealist like Marco would buckle under the pressure, either lashing out to defend his sacred philosophies or resort to some form of sniveling.

    He would have to step in before they were baited by Velma's challenge.

    "Hey, that's pretty rude alright. I'm sure there are lots of neonates and coteries that would take offense to that. Maybe you're being a little hard on them, comparing them to us. Soon you'll be giving all neonates a bad name." Konrad chuckles, playing it off as a joke. "You asked, and now you know. But we do appreciate your being candid with us. Maybe we'll learn a thing or two. Right, boys? Thank Miss Star for taking the trouble to come down here to talk with us children."

    Konrad makes an effort to get to his feet again, wondering why he bothers to sit down in the first place. "And let me thank you personally for bringing us some new ideas to think about. How about a Boon. Yeah, a Trivial Boon as a token of good faith from me to you. Maybe you can use it to have me take you out for that drink you were so keen on."

    Konrad stands before Velma expectantly. If Gerald or Marco start to sound argumentative, Konrad will turn and shake his head in a clear 'no'. But he's not their boss, and he won't be able to do much more than that to dissuade them. Maybe they'll even take issue with Konrad's words, allowing such open criticism to go unchallenged.

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  3. #32

    Marco lowered his head and smiled slightly. He then stood up, buttoned his suit jacket, and held his hands in front of him. At the sight of Konrad shaking his head "no" Marco just held up a hand as if to say "it's alright." Marco smiles and then politely says, "Lady Star. We are family and you have shown me respect since I arrived, and for that I am grateful. I thank you for your words of advice, but they are not needed. As I said, the Movement is all about change, and it appears you don't have any interest in that. You may go tell whoever you work for that you were unsuccessful in dissuading us from our beliefs. Thank you so much for your time," Marco says before raising a hand politely toward the door, "but I believe the public portion of our meeting has been concluded for the evening."

    He then smiled a wide polite grin. "It was very wonderful to see you. I hope to see you again soon."

  4. #33
    Gerald Baker's Avatar


    Marco's speech truly paints him as an idealist. Not unwelcome in the ranks of the Movement, though somewhat less appealing as a selling point for...

    For what? Friendship? Unlikely. Gerald is all too aware of how quickly friendships can change under pressure.

    But if Marco is really as innocent as his intentions - which he can hardly accuse anyone of - he might be difficult to be around. Words like 'naive' and 'boring' come to mind. The Ventrue will probably have dig deeper to find his fellow Carthian's darker side. Maybe I'll show him how to have fun, some time. A charity, in Gerald's mind. I'm practically a Saint.

    "Paying it forward. There was some older movie about that, I believe." Didn't work out so well for one idealist. A private grin. "I do respect that your Houston companions were able to make something from nothing." Eyeing Velma, now, Gerald isn't so sure she agrees.

    Hearing her speak, he's quite certain she does not. Her very first comment practically turns Gerald's vision red. Children and neonates? What does she consider herself?

    Gerald's eyes narrow ever so slightly, but he holds his tongue. Physically, at times, biting down on it just shy of drawing blood. He reminds himself, as she speaks, that he cannot show any weakness now. She underestimates them. Let her. It shows just how narrow-minded she is. She wants them to disband? Good. She fears what they can become, if left unchecked. She apparently is here tonight to make sure they are, in fact, 'checked'.

    She is a bothersome little snake. This is twice she has begged me to break her. He could be patient, to a point. Here and now is just not the time.

    Konrad apparently is in the mood to placate; he practically apologizes to her for her efforts to insult them. That wouldn't go unquestioned. The Hispanic idealist shrugs it off as well. Big surprise. Only when the other two have spoken their peace does Gerald finally break his silence.

    "It would seem we have a difference in opinion, Velma of the Invictus. I suppose that is why you are with them and we..." he spreads his hands out to indicate the others, "are here. It is in one's nature to seek acceptance among those who share your ideas. I am sure the First Estate is glad to have you to single-handedly dissolve bothersome covenants." Covenants who aren't exactly like yours. Now, at last, he grins. "I won't lie to you, Velma; I take no small pleasure in informing you that we have no intention of dismantling our chapter of the Movement simply because you suggest it. Even if you had chosen to do so in a less crass and incendiary fashion." He looks down for a moment, smile fading, considering the next carefully. He turns back to look at the former Harpy with an almost inquisitive look.

    "I hope you didn't come here to make right on this perceived insult. Honestly, I'm not even sure on who's behalf you speak. Of two names I can remember speaking, I mentioned one I am rather fond of. The other... well, I'm sure she is more than capable of speaking for herself." His voice is almost sad. Not out of some sense of empathy and regret. Let's not kid ourselves. No, Gerald can only think that this woman had ruined an otherwise pleasant evening at Court. In his very long Requiem, Gerald has found disappointment second only to boredom on the list of his least favorite things. "Enjoy the rest of your evening." he says, flatly.

  5. #34
    Velma's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    Presence: Bewitching ●●●●●
    Striking Looks: Tempting ●●●●
    Distinct Voice: Honeyed ●●●●
    Velma Star


    Apparently Velma hadn’t succeeded in her endeavor.

    The three Carthians were still Carthians, they are still going to get their Movement going and now they had one more reason to stand united.

    But Velma knows what Velma knows. And what Velma knows is that it’s the little things that matter and that from one small detail shall begin the Carthian undoing. They have been informed of one of its members misgivings. Eventually one of them will be stung because of it once and when that happens they will know why.

    She never expected to dissolve the movement in one swift swath.

    The Ravager keeps her smile fixed and doesn’t move it a millimeter.

    ”I shall get going then…” She concedes. The Succubus turns her back and prepares to leave but she stops halfway.

    ”Just one more question before I leave though, which one is the leader of your movement?”
    Velma Star*

  6. #35
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    Konrad looks between Marco and Gerald after Velma poses her question. It's a loaded one. There's no real 'leader' for the Movement. But Invictus can only see power as a ladder. Someone has to be on the top and someone on the bottom. Maybe that's a truth Kindred can't ever escape.

    "We'll be discussing titles and positions shortly, don't you worry," answers Konrad, keeping his eyes on her for the moment.

    Not bad to look at. Think I'll enjoy the view. Despite being on opposing viewpoints, Konrad is intrigued by the bewitching temptress. He's almost disappointed they had to ask her to leave, though one less Beast is all his cares about.

  7. #36
    Velma's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    Presence: Bewitching ●●●●●
    Striking Looks: Tempting ●●●●
    Distinct Voice: Honeyed ●●●●
    Velma Star


    ”Oh! I see! Everything has to be a consensus… none of you man enough to grab the power for himself… its ok!" She condescends.

    "Otherwise and you would be Invictus, not Carthians.” Velma shrugs before turning her back and leaving.

    When close to the door she continues.

    ”Just don’t forget to inform me when you have reached a consensus, I need to know to whom I need to direct new Carthians that bump into me…” and if she isn’t stopped Velma leaves.

    Velma leaves the scene.
    Velma Star*

  8. Likes Travisc06489, Vassagon liked this post
  9. #37

    Marco watched Velma closely as she continued her mind games. Konrad responded before he even has a chance to speak but he was pleased with the response he gave. He continued to watch her as she walked toward the door. Even though he was infuriated with her comments he kept his signature smile until she was out the door, then he dropped it. For the first time in the meeting Marco sat with an annoyed look on his face. "That was a very good, political answer Konrad. I don't know what either of your future goals are, but for the present we need to be united against the wave of resistance we'll face. That bitch is only the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if more people have set plans in motion for our destruction."

    He stood up and walked away from the group for a moment and went through the motions of expelling breath. It wasn't necessary of course but something about the motion always relaxed him; helped him calm down and focus on the task at hand.

    He turned to look at Gerald first, "Now I don't know how this domain has handled Prefects in the past, but my experience with them is they act similar to the US President. They are a figure head that helps control the day to day activities of the covenant but they're not the same type of powerful leader that the Judex is. He doesn't rule the covenant with an iron fist, but instead is just one piece of a larger puzzle involving checks and balances. Now there are only three of us, so what I believe we need to do is talk about what we can each do or offer to the covenant and try and figure out the best role for each other. The Movement is all about adapting, and right now we are at a huge disadvantage numbers-wise. Something we could do, as a suggestion, is decide on a figure head that the other covenants can reach out to, possibly have a recruiting leader that new members can be referred to, and then have a position that expands the influence of the Movement. Those are just examples of positions and they don't necessarily include all the things we need done, but I believe if we want more people to join we must at least give a better impression that we have our shit together."

    He turned away again, holding his hands behind his back. He took a moment to think before he turned just his head and said, "We may also want invite only meetings from now on, at least until we're more prepared."

  10. #38
    Gerald Baker's Avatar


    He isn't sad to see her go. Gerald's smile for her is more of a sneer. Velma's question, however, is a good one. One that had been on the Ventrue's mind since the covenant's earlier meeting in the same hotel. Inform her? Like she will be given the courtesy of keeping tabs on us?

    When she is finally done with her charade of a friendly visit, Gerald can hardly contain his tongue. He is about to say something about it when Marco speaks up - and surprises him. Gerald's frown turns upside down at the Incubus' use of the word 'bitch'. He does have a backbone. Valid points, and all too likely true. The Sea King had known this day would come. Ever since he learned that this was an Invictus Domain.

    When Marco stalks off to gather his thoughts, Gerald offers words of consolation. "We will have to be prepared, then. By standing together." As loathe as he is of using Collectivist rhetoric, the words ring true. Being tested like this will give them the opportunity to prove that they are not just a bunch of Solos inhabiting the same city.

    "Democracy, then. I must say I'm fond of the notion." He pauses, giving Konrad a look before turning his attention back to Marco. If these are my people, they deserve to know. A single nod seems to settle it for him. "I was turned in the later half of the eighteenth century. My first introduction to the idea of Democracy was within the pirate Domain of Vieux Fort. You could say... Democracy is in my blood." He laughs lightly to himself. He wouldn't overtly mention his bloodline - that would be unwise. Although... it is unlikely either of them had the faintest idea of where Vieux Fort was even located.

    "In order to move forward with selecting a leader to bolster our recruitment effort... I will present my angle. I am a Ventrue of over 300 years. I cannot escape the love of power any more than you, Marco, can resist your desires." A forward, but non-judgmental assessment of the Daeva clan's condition. "So yes, I would love nothing more than to represent our covenant from that seat. However, in the interest of progress, I will offer to withdraw my name from the hat - so to speak - in favor of assuming the position of Myrmidon. I make no claims at being more 'Carthian' than either of you, but the fact remains that I have been Carthian material since before the Movement reached the states. I am deeply ingrained in our policies and customs. What better way to serve our chapter than to act as a mediator for disputes within our ranks? I would remain a neutral party as well as offer a counterbalance to our selected Prefect" He gives them a moment for his offer to sink it before continuing.

    "If, however, you both would rather I step in to fill the shoes of Prefect..." He chuckles to himself, giving them a smile that is anything but modest. "I would not disappoint."

    He turns to face Konrad expectantly, seeing if the Savage had any desires to claim leadership.

  11. #39
    I've Done Things... Bad Things.
    Konrad Roth's Avatar

    Domain Status (Bloodhunted)
    Status (Criminals) ••
    Presence •• (Wallflower)
    Konrad Roth

    5'10" 158lbs (72kg), Konrad has narrow dark blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He looks to be in his late twenties and often is seen wearing a heavy leather overcoat and sneakers.


    Konrad takes a few steps after the departed Velma to arrive at the seat she once occupied and sinks down into it, folding his legs together by the ankles in a relaxed slouch. "Guys guys, take it easy, relax," he says in a tone that suggests he's already achieved this desired state. "No need to rush just because a woman's gotten under your skin, though I'll admit she does do a good job of getting anyone hot and bothered. She wants us to rush into a decision here, to feel threatened. Don't let her set the pace."

    He smirks and resists the urge to light up a cigarette. "Thanks, by the way, Marco. But this isn't a bad thing here. It means that we've become recognized as a Covenant to have the Invictus knocking on our doorstep. I really was thanking her there. Of course that doesn't mean we should underestimate her either."

    Konrad notes Gerald's repeated glances. "Before we get on the subject of Covenant positions, I think you might want to explain what Miss Star was talking about. About what you promised her? And who exactly you insulted? Sounds like some important details."

  12. #40

    "No, you're right Konrad, we shouldn't rush into any decisions. This does show that we are somewhat of a thorn in their side, though how big a thorn will be on us. Before we decide on positions we need to discuss what the three positions will do, regardless of what Prefect and Myrmidon are known to do. And yes I said three because I think we need a third position. All three of us will make this covenant, any who join will follow in our footsteps. But before any of that I agree I'd like to know exactly what Velma was referring to," Marco said, joining Konrad's gaze at Gerald.

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