Bonnie continues to squirm in Avis's hands until that moment when the neck finally snapped. She kicked it away and the body laid there motionless before her, not even the slightest hint of breathe remained within the motionless corpse.

With the situation fairly under control, the Veiled Threats are able to finish this mission together. Star made like a ghost and disappeared into the night, but a quick text gave them a place to meet up again. Suit was resilient, but injured and no match for the Mighty Talon before him. The still living perpetrators of this attempted theft were shaved with the clippers and razors Star had secured and taken to a place for Warding. Bonnie? There were ways of dealing with the dead. Taken west past the city limits at night there was plenty of open areas and farmland where a body could be properly buried without drawing too much attention.

Clyde would eventually find his way with the other survivors into the wards, but once he was allowed to regain consciousness it was only a matter of time before the Orphan healed and escaped. Few things could incarcerate a Master of Life for long, or his allies for that matter. While the Threats were able to reclaim all their stuff at the end, hostages proved a difficult thing to keep contained. The Seers and Apostate eventually managed to escape their prison, but with the hair the Threats had managed to procure from each, it was doubtful they would try anything when the adversary had such a clear advantage over them.

This concludes Something Borrowed! I hope you guys enjoyed the story!