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July and a Herald meet in a bar

11 - 17
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  1. #11
    Crowley's Avatar

    Free Council

    Temoins du Sud, Doorwarden

    Free Council


    "I can always set up a meeting with the others of my group, see if it can work. We started with the goal of keeping tab on the known, vacant, High Places (not that we've got round to doing that) but for the most part we simply keep tabs on South Sacramento... for weird stuff working through the Lie. We have two libertines and a mystogogue dude so far, so that gives you an idea of how our politics stand..."

    Chew, drink, pause.

    "As for team building... I haven't heard anything specific for a while. But I can keep you in mind if I hear a whisper."

  2. #12

    July listened, adjusted his hat, and thought for a second over what Crowley had said. "Well I'm comfortable working with anyone even though I'm of the veil. The bigger issue is if they'd be interested in working with me. I'm not ignorant to the general opinion of my group. Just know I can look past personal difference in beliefs for the betterment of our community. And I'd definitely appreciate you keeping me in mind if you hear any rumblings of a get together."

    July leaned back, picked up his soda, and took a sip as he looked around to make sure they were still ignored.

    "So you may be wondering a little more about me. I came from Chicago, been there a while. Before that, before we found out what Path we're on, I was in law enforcement. I spent a lot of my time investigating and finding people, it's kind of my specialty. I say all that because I was sent here without much direction. I assumed I'd be given an assignment but that hasn't been the case so if you have anything you need help with I'm willing to make myself available."

    He set the drink back on the table and adjusted his hat. Leaning back still, he put his foot up on his leg and crossed his arms.

  3. #13
    Crowley's Avatar

    Free Council

    Temoins du Sud, Doorwarden

    Free Council


    Crowley listened attentively.

    "Before I found myself on the path I was a metal guy. Had a band and everything. As for the offer, thats a good thing to have around here... the Charter has a fair few problems, right now." He set down his cutlery again and folded his hands lightly. "Now many of these problems may be interlinked, but we don't know that for a fact right now. Basically, with the previous Charter so self absorbed, some Mad zealots got their hooks into the infrastructure at Sacramento State - and they buried their hooks in quite deep, as I hear. Aquinas has made it a policy to dislodge this group, for our own safety; some teams have already begun investigations. Another hand to the... uh... war effort will always be welcome. I'd speak to Panthera Nox and Veiled Threats - I think they've had the best success so far. Alternatively you could liaise with Free Council assembly as we recently were given a target of our own - but we haven't kicked into gear yet."

    He paused to wet his lips with his drink.

    "Of course, there is always other things cropping up that need our attention. I'd suggest keeping your ear to the ground and your eyes open."

  4. #14

    July gave a slight smirk and put his hand to his chin thoughtfully. "Well that's the kind problem I'm made to solve. But it sounds like I have a lot of work to get to. Is there anything else you need to tell me or do before I head out?"

  5. #15
    Crowley's Avatar

    Free Council

    Temoins du Sud, Doorwarden

    Free Council


    Crowley sat back, head bobbing as he ran off a mental check list.

    "No. I think that might just cover it. We gather about once a month... different places... different times. Keep an eye out for flyers advertising local clubs and bands. Sometimes there might be... um... code... in the borders. That'll tell you were we meet next. And other stuff as the case may be."

  6. #16

    July pushed his seat out and stood up. "That's good to hear, I'll keep an eye out for those special flyers." He adjusted his hat and held a hand out to Crowley. "It's been a pleasure, oh and thank you for the meal."

  7. #17
    Crowley's Avatar

    Free Council

    Temoins du Sud, Doorwarden

    Free Council


    "Don't mention it. Welcome to the River City, I guess."

    Anything else or shall we wrap here?

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