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(1503) Arthur, Faye, Star, Striker

31 - 40
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  1. #31
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
    Occultation •••

    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


    Einstein approaches the group, nodding at each person in turn. "Hello." She waves her hand slightly. What was the proper way to say hi to people again? It popped right out of her mind. Instead, she opts to make a joke. A grin is shot at Arthur. "God, I hope not. I lost my robe in the move, and you just can't find a good robe tailor these days. It's not like 1450 at all."

  2. #32
    Truce's Avatar

    Presence •• (Bookish)

    Fair-skinned and thin, Truce does not appear to get out much, choosing instead to pursue more studious endeavors. He appears as a typical college student, wearing button up shirts, slacks, and a sports coat at times. His hair is dark brown and wavy, his eyes hazel.

    Spell List

    Spiders: EGuard(3P,self)


    "Robes?" Truce asks, blinking. "So those are the more traditional garments worn?" he asks Arthur curiously.

    At the approach of his Cabalmate, Truce smiles and greets Einstein warmly. "Hello, Einstein. So you've also owned a robe before?" He is surprised that she would participate in that sort of tradition given her placement among the Free Council.

    To Faye and Pepper he says, "Well it's good to know I have lots of time to prepare for that if exams are held in October. So this woman, Telos, is the one who administers the exams?"

  3. #33

    July always hated meeting new people. They always responded so poorly if July forgot to be tactful and he never understood why people always felt they needed to be individually spoken to when addressing a whole group saved so much time. The group seemed mixed in conversation as he reached them.

    "Why hello everyone. I just got in and was hoping to find out who I need to introduce myself to," he said to the group as a whole.

  4. #34

    Striker returns from here.

    Striker just in time to hear the cowboy's greeting and gave him a nod.

    "G'day mate. If you're new in town you'll wanna talk to the Herald Crowley, but he's not here unfortunately. Which is a bugger 'cause I wanted to talk to him myself. Name's Striker mate. What'a they call you?" he said extending his single arm to offer the cowboy a handshake.

  5. #35


  6. #36

    Striker eh? Some people have the most interesting shadow names, though July's no different I guess. July eyes Striker's hand for a brief moment, gives a slight smile and extends a hand to accept the handshake.

    "Hello Striker. I'm July. I'm actually here for a man named Star, though I guess I'll have to look into meeting the Herald as well, Crowley was it?

  7. #37
    Pepper's Avatar
    Presence 3: Subdued
    Frozen moment before plummeting


    Pepper seems to be caught in a moment just before plummeting
    Awakened Status

    Consillium 2
    Silver Ladder 2
    Acanthus 2
    Mortal Status


    Entertainment 1

    Entertainment 1
    Scene Info


    8/11 Standard
    -1 Magic and Coffee

    5 Standard

    7 Full


    Pepper laughed, partly at Einstein's joke, but even more at Truce buying it. "Robes and mantles are sometimes used symbolically in Ladder rituals - you're going to wind up in one when we initiate you, but you can wear clothes underneath. Though no, formal is more like - business. The council presents any new modifications to the laws and charter, hear complaints, etc. Other people can mingle... But I'd say business dress is as formal as it gets, and only for those who care on those regards. Showing up in full costume would make people too curious." She shook her head, then shrugged.

    As for the exams... "A Deacon would, typically, but Sacramento doesn't have a proper one, so a Lictor comes in to administer it. I'm a Famulus, and Aquinas was nearly a Magister, but chose to be hierarch instead."

    And then July came up and Striker rejoined. Pepper frowned slightly, not quite annoyed but - "Hello July. I'm Pepper. Star -" She quickly glanced around, noting he'd left. "You must have passed him on the way in, since it seems he left."

  8. #38
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    The idea of robes amused her, it would certainly make for an interesting night.

    Blue eyes turn to the new guy with the authoritative presence.

    "Nice to meet you July," she says with a warm smile and an extended hand, "I'm Faye. Enchantress of the Silver Ladder."

  9. #39
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
    Occultation •••

    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


    Einstein waggles her fingers mysteriously at her cabalmate. "Believe it or not, there's a lot of things I've done that you don't know about. Yes, wearing robes is one of them." Those Mystagogues, always sticklers for protocol and things. The robes weren't even that comfortable.

    The Angel's eyes turn to July next, looking him up and down. "Hi. Einstein. Libertine, and current Councilor for the Obrimoi. And, whether or not she mentions it," Her hands drifts over to lazily indicate Pepper, "Pepper is Councilor for the Acanthus." New arrivals need to know who all the players are. Part of the packet. "As for who you should introduce yourself to, everyone is pretty much the correct answer. But yes, Crowley is the Herald, and he can get you through Recognition."

  10. #40

    Striker frowned as Pepper and Einstein casually revealed the identities of half the ruling body of the concilium to an unrecognised unknown. Not that he could talk about being unrecognised. Hmmm. I'll have to do something about that. And try an' do Crowley's job for 'im.

    The one armed Australian eyed the cowboy off as if sizing him up before speaking. "So what bring's you to Sacro mate? An' why'd you wanna see Star ay? You inna cabal? They're big on cabals here." he said trying make it sound a bit less like an interrogation.

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