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(For Justine) Return to the Scene

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  1. #91
    Truce's Avatar

    Presence •• (Bookish)

    Fair-skinned and thin, Truce does not appear to get out much, choosing instead to pursue more studious endeavors. He appears as a typical college student, wearing button up shirts, slacks, and a sports coat at times. His hair is dark brown and wavy, his eyes hazel.

    Spell List

    Spiders: EGuard(3P,self)


    Truce isn't sure what he expected when Emrys reacts so vehemently to his questions. The Necromancer responds calmly without the fervor that Emrys displays. "We? I suppose you're right. I am also responsible for this failure. I failed to realize how careless and unprepared you were for this task. Yes, I would like you to leave, Emrys. You have neither the patience nor understanding for dealing with sensitive matters such as these. The fact that you are so defensive and quick to use insults only proves my point that you haven't the tact nor subtly to interact with the dead. But then it isn't my call to make."

    Truce looks to Mace once more with no change in expression. After all, he is only there on the Councilor's behalf. If she believed Emrys to be in the right in this then there is little else he can say in the matter.

  2. #92

    Mace waited until the others had stepped back from Justine, before following them. She'd hung back, just in case, but Justine was lost in her grief. But somehow, the tensions continued to rise among their little party. She stayed silent through the exchange, at least until it became clear that Truce was asking her to back him up. She took a breath. "That could have gone better," she said. "To answer your question, I don't know anything about the dad. I got his name from the article, but we haven't spoken to him. I was trying to make Justine comfortable, to make her trust us so that she'd come to the new anchor without a fight." She looked at Emrys. "The anchor I was prepariyng while you talked with her. Look, I'm not great with people, as you have no doubt noticed. But Ghosts... ghosts are held to this world by the barest threads of memories. They are fragile psyches. We were trying to make her comfortable, to make her trust us, not tell her hard truths."

    She sighed. "We need to regroup, pool what we know and come up with another plan. There's obviously more to the story. You can keep trying to help us figure it out, but we're going to all need to be way more patient. With her, and with each other."

  3. #93
    Emrys's Avatar



    Emrys watched the hand at Pelican's mouth and the smirk behind it, the words of another being the only thing stopping Emrys from pulling Time and Fate into a late night beatdown on the man.

    When Truce started up he wasn't sure how to respond. The Enchanter was to shocked at him and Mace to say much of anything, but as Mace mentioned being patient with each other he took a deep breathe.

    "Let's meet somewhere and talk, but after that I'm out." Eyes thinned and he shook his head at Truce before he returned his attention to Mace. "For the record, she wasn't calm, and she didn't trust us. You don't call people you trust lyers, and you don't ask people comforting you to leave. That plan was dead in the water. If someone weren't completely hellbent on contorting reality and fact to escape personal responsibility he could have noticed that himself."

    Eyes rolled and Emrys started walking again. "My car is that way, where and when do you want to meet?"

  4. #94

    Patience. Calm. I smile very friendly. To all reunited there. Keep calm and avoid resentment.

    I open my hands.

    I suppose this would be wise, Mace. Gents. Shall we move?

    The words of Emrys were in... Character. Patience.

  5. #95
    Truce's Avatar

    Presence •• (Bookish)

    Fair-skinned and thin, Truce does not appear to get out much, choosing instead to pursue more studious endeavors. He appears as a typical college student, wearing button up shirts, slacks, and a sports coat at times. His hair is dark brown and wavy, his eyes hazel.

    Spell List

    Spiders: EGuard(3P,self)


    Truce understands what Emrys is saying but he doesn't necessarily agree with the Enchanter's assessment. Nevertheless he doesn't see any reason to further argue.

    Instead he addresses Mace. "I see. Well if her father really is responsible for Justine's death then that complicates matters. She is bound to the idea that her father is coming to get her. If you could, Mace, I would like to see the article you found. I would like to investigate more regarding her father. Amends must be made if possible."

  6. #96

    I give a look around. There was some reasonable point done. As usual, I listen with attention to the word said. After a respectful nod to Mace, I talk with a serious face.

    If Truce agrees, I migth assist him with Justin father.

  7. #97
    Truce's Avatar

    Presence •• (Bookish)

    Fair-skinned and thin, Truce does not appear to get out much, choosing instead to pursue more studious endeavors. He appears as a typical college student, wearing button up shirts, slacks, and a sports coat at times. His hair is dark brown and wavy, his eyes hazel.

    Spell List

    Spiders: EGuard(3P,self)


    Truce nods to Pelican. "I would appreciate the assistance, thank you." If contact details need to be exchanged, Truce will provide his.

    To Mace he says, "Please get in touch with me when you can so that I might look the article over. If there's nothing else for the moment I will be on my way."

    Unless stopped, Truce departs for his vehicle, getting his car keys from Mace if she has not already given them to him.

  8. #98

    "Let's meet up in a couple days," Mace agreed. "We can go over the articles in more detail." Apparently the dad's involvement hadn't come up in her own investigation. But what did it mean for poor Justine? Justine, who would likely not trust the lot of them again. She shook her head. "Let's meet at the library," she told the others. "It'll give us the most flexibility for doing additional research." She handed Truce back his keys. "Thank you all for your insights." The thanks sounded hollow, even to her.


  9. #99

    With the usual, customary, friendly smile I thank Truce with earnestness. As much as a smile can be earnest, of course.

    I nod in agreement with what Mace says. I just add.

    Yes, we should see what is written in the various articles with what poor Justine ghost told us earlier. I would like to wish you a good night.

    Even if I did not appreciate the general outcome of the event, there was some information could be salvaged. If no one stops me, I move away, pick my mobile and read the text Emrys.

    Good for me. thank you for the scene, March is ending, I'll be more available.

  10. #100

    Good Scene, go forth and continue in the next scene.~

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