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  1. #11
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    Chris shakes his head, 'It's alright. You did not overstep anything, it's just that the matter brought up some memories.' A story for another time, perhaps. 'I always enjoy discussing our philosophy. It's not something set in stone. Especially since I'm not so old, stuck in traditions, and unable to change.'

    "Not so old" is of course relative, but he knows a few much older Kindred. And that he's not an old cranky crone Hierophant, if such a stereotype exists, should have been clear already.

    The sudden commitment surprises Chris. It's a pleasant surprise though.

    'We would be honored to have you, Julian. You see, all Kindred have been initiated into the Second Descent. But only a few can truly accept it, and see the world that's opened to us. Thus it is not in our nature to convince others to join the Circle, or truly recruit in any way. If you feel you're ready to dedicate your Requiem to our purpose, you will have my full support. And even if you decide not to fully embrace the philosophies of this faction, the Circle will always be a place for all Acolytes. Since you have been in a Chorus already, I trust your feelings are sincere.' The Hierophant would not accept just anyone, but it's clear that the Nosferatu has given this plenty of thought.

    'You said the Circle in Philadelphia was pretty robust, but it makes me wonder, what are your personal views? Have you followed a certain path of traditions so far, one pantheon? You see, before Sacramento I was never really part of a big Circle, which is why I can easily adapt to this new path.'
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  2. #12
    Cameron's Avatar

    The Haunt felt his smile widen more than little - he was glad he hadn't been too forward. He bowed his head slightly as he spoke. "Thank you, Hierophant. I believe I am ready." He'd just been welcomed into a wider community - and few words could express the relief that brought.

    "Well, if you were to attach a label to us, we were broadly pantheistic. We believed in a form of philosophical monism - everything that exists is an extension of one indivisible whole. It was this we worshiped as the Crone, for from this sentient and conscious whole - all things sprang, and all things would be returned. It was per its will that all things acted" he recounted pleasantly, vaguely surprised at how easily the words came - lessons that were beaten into an unwilling subject had, at some point, stopped feeling hollow. "Animals; Humans; Kindred; Mummies" a moments pause as a slight grin stretched across his features, before he continued "the spirits, and the Gods are all and each a collection of different 'attributes'. Each posses a different measure of the divine spark, accorded to them to pursue different ends.
    So, when I said it was robust, I meant in the sense that I've always found it fairly easy to incorporate other elements into this broader framework. For instance, I can worship Jupiter as Jupiter - as a distinct entity with the traits afforded to him as per Roman mythology. Or, I can worship him as an archetype : a Father, a Sky God, a Law Giver. Or, I can direct my worship to him as a representative of the greater divinity. Because he is all of these things, and each are worthy of reverence. But I could extend my worship to any number of other gods, even those with the same archetype - for under such a framework they need not be exclusive. They may all exist, and be entities worthy of worship

    He paused, taking in the metaphorical breath as he shot Chris an apologetic grin. "Sorry, I promise that was the short version."

    "Please correct me if I am wrong, but from what you have said, it sounded like the fundamental principle of the Second Descent was an acceptance of our new place in this world. As something distinct from humanity, with its own unique vantage point and perspective. What I take from that - is that a hierarchy of sorts exists, a ladder if you like, with Kindred being somewhere between humanity and the spirits and gods. That it is foolish to try and step down to the 'human' rung, when we ought be looking to step up to something more? - would you say that is a fair assessment, or have I missed something important?" Julian asked, hoping he'd at least gotten the gist of it right. He was hoping he could demonstrate what he meant when he had said that it felt right. That the position Chris had explained seemed only a short logical leap from where he already stood conceptually.

  3. #13
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    And again it seems that the Haunt has quite a few things in common with Chris. When he describes his pantheistic tradition, the Hierophant realizes that's sort of what the Woven Circle was.

    'It is indeed a very workable, and believable way of seeing the Crone. Before I took the turn towards the Second Descent, I think my worship was mostly the same. That's how the Circle was "Woven", seeing all elements of the world around us combined in one being, the Crone. Every facet could have it's own name, which could thus be a God of any culture. But being in the Dark House - as I like to call it - does not necessarily exclude this worldview.' Or that is how Chris understands it.

    When Julian poses another questions, a grin spreads across the Hierophant's face. 'That is a fair assessment. Although as I come to think of it, not even such a strange one. Many Kindred have distanced themselves from the kine. However, if we look at the broader perspective, it is indeed something special for the Second Descent. More political Covenants strive for control over mortal organizations, but such mundane matters are of lesser value. And while it is nice that we can have a drink here, it is dedication to the Crone that might bring us to a deeper understanding of our being. In a way we have all evolved to Kindred. Acolytes however, are even closer to the gods.' There's a noticeable tone of pride when he speaks. But what kind of Hierophant would he be, if not convinced by his own faith?

    Before asking another question himself, he waits to see if Julian has other things he wants to know.
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  4. #14
    Cameron's Avatar

    The Haunt nodded, listening intently as Chris spoke. That the Hierophant had shifted from a position not dissimilar to his own, towards that of the Second Descent was gratifying. It meant both that the doctrine was broadly compatible, and that it had something to add to the mix. He looked forward to learning more of its tenants.

    "When I was travelling between Domains, the only things that mattered to me were temporal in nature - did I have shelter for the day, food for the night; was someone going to catch me poaching - that sorta' stuff. When I arrived in Sac, my concerns were much the same. But, you know, weeks turned into months, and it sort of struck me...what was the point? I could sit here and accrue titles and wealth and influence for the rest of eternity. But even just imagining it, it struck me as an empty existence. Which is why I'm here, I suppose. I wanted something more to do, something more to be." He remarked pleasantly - the smile still on his lips. The more they spoke, the more this felt like the right decision. Julian wanted more than to just exist - he needed some sort of purpose, not dissimilar to the sort the Second Descent seemed to promise.

  5. #15
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    Chris is about to reply, when he stops, and first looks at Julian with almost a cocky grin, 'Well, I got my titles and wealth along the way, but there's indeed more to life.' Of course he's teasing, there's really zero certainty in a Requiem when it comes from power bestowed upon you by others.

    'And hopefully you've found a place? There's no need to poach.' Especially with tenancy now in the hands of the Prisci, Chris presumed things would be divided more liberally.

    'You should visit the Crone Farm another time again. Maybe with enough fellow Acolytes, it's worth celebrating the Spring Equinox. Then we can think of new ideas, a purpose for the coming year.'
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  6. #16
    Cameron's Avatar

    "Mm, I was lucky enough to be granted a nice bundle of Rights and Privileges when I stepped up as Whip, which has made life much easier" he added pleasantly, declining to the mention that the aforementioned privileges were less to do with the position, and more to do with the way he'd acquired it. Indeed, it had been around that time that he'd begun to feel that his existence had become fundamentally hollow - not having to spend as much time hunting gave more time for navel gazing.

    "I'd like to - I didn't get much of a chance to look around last time.." what with the traps, and the small army and all "and it'd be great to meet my fellow Acolytes - please, let me know when it would be a good time to stop by."

  7. #17
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    'I see, that is nice.' For that matter, Sacramento has a relatively welcoming Domain. Compared to some of the stories you hear from time to time. Or, compared to Chris' earliest Kindred memories.

    After a soft chuckle, he nods, 'I will let you know. I try to be there as often as possible, but aside from my time at the Office, and the few times actually I decide to be at my own haven...' He shrugs, it speaks for itself. He has so many places to be. 'Unfortunately Dirge recently left the Domain, I believe. She was a longstanding member of the Circle. And I haven't heard from Edwin Bridges in a while, but there's at least one new arrival that I know about. Otherwise, the farm is always open.'

    We could wrap this up, and let you join this scene? But if there's more to discuss privately, that's cool.
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  8. #18
    Cameron's Avatar

    Eyebrows wrinkled a little at the news at his Cousin had left the Domain. Now, she was just a name. "That's a shame, I was hoping to meet Dirge. A few people had mentioned her in passing now, and I was hoping to put a face to a name."

    "I'll pop by sometime, hopefully I get lucky and run into someone there" he remarked, the usual lazy smile affixed to his face. He paused for a moment, and nodded once "I really do appreciate you meeting with, Chris - I can only imagine how busy your nights must be. Thank you for putting your trust in me - I look forward to joining you and your Acolytes in worship." And with that, the Haunt gave a slight bow of his head. He wasn't really sure what he'd expected, but the Hierophant hadn't really made him jump through any hoops. Atleast, not yet.

    I'm happy to wrap this up here, and jump into the Circle scene : )

  9. #19
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    Chris nods, it's sad when such once-important Kindred leave. 'Maybe we'll see her return someday.' There's nothing more to it.

    A wide smile crosses his face, 'Oh please, Julian, I should be thanking you. I'm always happy to make time for fellow Acolytes - or potential ones. I look forward to seeing you there.' Hopefully Julian is one to stay.

    'If you ever have any questions, about anything, don't hesitate to ask. Now, maybe I should go back to my busy schedule.' With that he rises from the couch. He also gives a slight bows of his head, a polite gesture.

    'Have a good evening,' then he departs.
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  10. #20
    Cameron's Avatar

    When a man who is both a Reeve and Hierophant extends an open offer for information or advice...well, you know the night has been a good one.
    Julian returns the bow, though his own head goes a touch lower out of deference, and simply replies "I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening, Chris".

    Great scene, thanks

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