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(SVD) L'aire and Kyle

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  1. #11
    Kyle Ferlen's Avatar
    Kyle Ferlen


    Kyle is handsome, with a strong jawline that is usually marred with stubble or an unkempt beard. He has short, messy brown hair that is often hidden beneath a hat. When he moves about he is accompanied by the sound of rustling foliage. He has bright, expressive brown eyes.


    Kyle's hair - his real hair - is comprised of short, tangled vines. He sports hornlike growths of twisted branches behind his pointed, elegant ears. His skin tone is tinted with the slightest hint of green, and is covered with crisscrossing white scars on his back and arms. His hair on his face and body is green and fibrous like the tufts on an ear of corn. Shifting vines grow from his palms, which are usually coiled around his hands like bandages. His irises are dull and pale.


    Kyle welcomes Sasha's embrace, laughing lightly at her admission. He doesn't agree, but he laughs all the same. In truth, he had hoped for something very close to that outcome. One always takes a risk in making assumptions, but in his eyes a performance can be liberating. It is something artists of any caliber should enjoy. He is glad to have been proven right about it. And he's certainly glad the door is, in fact, still open.

    "Well... us guys can be thick sometimes." The Dancer seems ready for another number as the next song comes up, but thankfully it doesn't seem to be a performance. Just reminder of the season and something to play in the background. With one hand holding hers and one on her waist, Kyle dumbs his dancing down to a much needed autopilot.

    "You know, my own Court is up next at bat. Mrs. Rosemary's probably going to outdo herself this time. I'll hafta hit the gym a lil' harder after that one." He grins in a dumb, comical fashion. He doesn't really know the Ogress all that well, but his experience with her did tend to lead him to believe it.

    "No offense, of course, but I'm lookin forward to the change in seasons. Can't help it. The sunshine, the animals comin out of hiding. the flowers in bloom..." He seems to gaze off at nothing for a moment, then snaps out of it again. He looks at Sasha a little awkwardly. "I've got a confession to make.... promise you won't laugh?" His awkward look is replaced again by a grin. He doesn't really care if she laughs.

  2. #12

    “Well, women can’t always say what they’re thinking either. Or something.” Shaking her head. That was more true than she wanted to admit.

    L’aire was aware they were on the cusp of Spring. How could she not, she felt her Season coming to a close quickly. As the weather began warming, so did the hearts of the city and the sorrow slowly being alleviated. “She usually does.” Nodding with a small smile. “You know, instead of the gym… maybe you could take some advanced dance lessons…” Smiling a little coy. “I happen to know a good instructor.” Wiggling her eyebrows.

    “And no offense taken. It is your season after all. Isn’t that part of what called you to it?” A question that was probably best for details later, but for now, it was lighthearted.

    “Well…” Smirking the side her lip. “I can’t promise you I won’t. But I’ll try hard not to.” If it was a serious confession, L’aire doubted he’d ask here nor would he mention the laughing. She was enjoying the calm, back and forth steady and ‘normal’ dancing right now. Far easier to have a discussion through even though the Dancer was still on some adrenaline from moment’s ago.

  3. #13
    Kyle Ferlen's Avatar
    Kyle Ferlen


    Kyle is handsome, with a strong jawline that is usually marred with stubble or an unkempt beard. He has short, messy brown hair that is often hidden beneath a hat. When he moves about he is accompanied by the sound of rustling foliage. He has bright, expressive brown eyes.


    Kyle's hair - his real hair - is comprised of short, tangled vines. He sports hornlike growths of twisted branches behind his pointed, elegant ears. His skin tone is tinted with the slightest hint of green, and is covered with crisscrossing white scars on his back and arms. His hair on his face and body is green and fibrous like the tufts on an ear of corn. Shifting vines grow from his palms, which are usually coiled around his hands like bandages. His irises are dull and pale.


    "Tell me about it... and if she's half as good as you I'll be in good hands." he deadpans. And waits for a second or two before cracking into a goofy smile. "Sorry. Couldn't resist."

    Kyle looks at her thoughtfully. "Probably. Course I feel like someone who resembles a weird plant deity also probably can't help it. Spring is a very green season." Even though he's joking he can't help but feel a little 'down' after the admission. He'd always been more compassionate with other people about the way they appear - particularly other Changelings - since his durance had affected him so. In truth, though, it is only to cover for how badly he feels about himself. You know... to not be a hypocrite.

    But, as he usually does, he quickly turns his frown upside down. For L'aire's sake.

    Trying is probably good enough, as long as no one else hears. He runs a hand up the back of his neck, looking down and off to the side for a moment. Here goes. After taking a slow, deep breath, Kyle leans in and whispers in her ear. "I'm deathly afraid of roses. Can't help but imagine they're going to eat me. He leans back again and looks around before continuing in a normal voice. "There's a story behind that, of course. Just not gonna talk about it around all these people." He winks, smile slowly returning to his face.

  4. #14

    The Fairest smiled and looked a little shy about his inadvertent compliment. She always wanted to be cautious and not let it go to her head, she had many reasons for that. Laughing sweetly. “Its okay of course. I was kinda wondering if you’d help me with something, please.”

    Her brows furrowed a little, L’aire glanced at the arm and hand that hers was in. “I think it’s kind of pretty… or cool, or whatever guys think is the equivalent of pretty.”

    Turning her hair a little toward him, L’aire listened closely over the music as he whispered. At first, the Dancer didn’t know if Kyle was kidding. But he did whisper it, there was no tone that was humorous. Then he winked as he leaned back. She was slightly confused. “Okay, well now I really want to hear the story.” Her eyes were sincere, it was a secret he wanted to share. “But, if they give you any problems. I could blow a little cold air on them. Maybe they’ll wither and die…” Not like she'd ever tried it, but maybe she could experiment some day.

    Is this the story of his ivy? L'aire was curious as ever. After all, the Spring Queen seemed to have a lot of roses around. So did Mrs. Rosemary.

  5. #15
    Kyle Ferlen's Avatar
    Kyle Ferlen


    Kyle is handsome, with a strong jawline that is usually marred with stubble or an unkempt beard. He has short, messy brown hair that is often hidden beneath a hat. When he moves about he is accompanied by the sound of rustling foliage. He has bright, expressive brown eyes.


    Kyle's hair - his real hair - is comprised of short, tangled vines. He sports hornlike growths of twisted branches behind his pointed, elegant ears. His skin tone is tinted with the slightest hint of green, and is covered with crisscrossing white scars on his back and arms. His hair on his face and body is green and fibrous like the tufts on an ear of corn. Shifting vines grow from his palms, which are usually coiled around his hands like bandages. His irises are dull and pale.


    Kyle raises a brow. "Sure. What is it?" he asks, hoping he doesn't sound too eager.

    "If you say so. But thanks." It's odd for him to think that she likes the way his Mien looks. Or at least claims to.

    "Next time we get a chance to talk I'll tell you about it. Maybe we could get lunch or coffee or somethin." Kyle lets out a little bemused laugh. "And I don't think I need'em to wither or anything. Just can't stand seein them around. Really hard to enjoy gardening... and forget visiting a florist." He shakes his head at the ridiculousness of it all, though still in good humor.

    "Really though... I'd love to pick up where we left off last time. What do you say?"

  6. #16

    L’aire was surprised he didn’t have a stipulation immediately. “Well, the studio wants me to teach a public beginners class. Just some basic partner stuff. We could practice before. Well, not like you need practice… or, maybe to move with me better. Although, we kinda did that.” Her eyes grew wide. “Dancing that is…”

    The Fairest understood his hang ups with the roses. “Gotcha. No flowers or flower shops.” Nodding a little. She didn’t blame him at all. They all had things that dreadfully reminded them of the past.

    Still, they were slowly dancing to the music. The Fairest looked down after he asked the last question. Her eyes slowly looked back up to him, gentle bewilderment hung on the question. “Even after I completely botched everything I tried to say?” Softly a smile teased her lips. “Well, if you’re willing to try to pick up after that, then sure.”

  7. #17
    Kyle Ferlen's Avatar
    Kyle Ferlen


    Kyle is handsome, with a strong jawline that is usually marred with stubble or an unkempt beard. He has short, messy brown hair that is often hidden beneath a hat. When he moves about he is accompanied by the sound of rustling foliage. He has bright, expressive brown eyes.


    Kyle's hair - his real hair - is comprised of short, tangled vines. He sports hornlike growths of twisted branches behind his pointed, elegant ears. His skin tone is tinted with the slightest hint of green, and is covered with crisscrossing white scars on his back and arms. His hair on his face and body is green and fibrous like the tufts on an ear of corn. Shifting vines grow from his palms, which are usually coiled around his hands like bandages. His irises are dull and pale.


    "Dance class, huh? Yeah, sure. I mean... I'm not about to get a part on 'Dancing with the Stars', but I can probably manage." Kyle, still smiling, feels a little rush of heat rising to his cheeks at Sasha' moment of cuteness vulnerability.

    He nods and offers a 'thank you look' with his eyes.

    Kyle's smile turns playful. "I'm the one who subjected you to that crappy apartment. I think the botch job is on my shoulders." This is nice. A simple thought, but one he feels in earnest. He imagines the party will end soon, though. How long have they been dancing?

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  9. #18

    The Fairest grinned ear to ear. “Did you see what you just did with me?” L’aire lifted a finger from his shoulder and spun it around. “After that, I’m sure you will do just fine.” And she meant every word. They both had their ups and downs. She tripped on her way to the dance floor. She wasn’t perfect and the Dancer didn’t expect the Minstrel to be either. Her perfection was somewhere else in this world.

    The Fairest shook her head with a sweet smile. “I think we can agree that we both had a hand in a very different evening.” Singularly shrugging a shoulder. Her violet eyes glanced around, time seemed to have slipped away. “Hmmm, I think its about time to leave.”

    For a moment, her face was in thought, debating. Then, gently, she asked. “Do you need a ride home, or anything?” Giggling slightly. “I can’t stay though. I have to go to the studio in the morning.” The Fairest's head titled slightly with a thoughtful smile. "But... we could discuss when we'd like to go do what you spoke of earlier."

  10. #19
    Kyle Ferlen's Avatar
    Kyle Ferlen


    Kyle is handsome, with a strong jawline that is usually marred with stubble or an unkempt beard. He has short, messy brown hair that is often hidden beneath a hat. When he moves about he is accompanied by the sound of rustling foliage. He has bright, expressive brown eyes.


    Kyle's hair - his real hair - is comprised of short, tangled vines. He sports hornlike growths of twisted branches behind his pointed, elegant ears. His skin tone is tinted with the slightest hint of green, and is covered with crisscrossing white scars on his back and arms. His hair on his face and body is green and fibrous like the tufts on an ear of corn. Shifting vines grow from his palms, which are usually coiled around his hands like bandages. His irises are dull and pale.


    Kyle knows exactly who carried their dance. Moments or hours or however long ago it was. Still, a sincere compliment is always nice. From a girl like her? More than 'nice'. The Minstrel is on cloud nine.

    Is it that time already? His eyes look past her for just a moment, probing the rest of the room to see if the activity is dying out. Satisfied, his faded eyes come to rest on the one piece of the picture that remains in focus. Definitely not a bad view. "Yeah, you're right." He steps back slightly as the last song fades in a peculiar coincidence of timing.

    "I'd like that, yeah. If you've got anyone to say goodbye to before we go... I'll give ya a moment. Meet me outside when you're ready to go?" He smiles once more, holding onto her hand for a moment before letting go and making his way back towards the door.

    Kyle returns to the main thread.

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