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(1502) Daeva Acknowledgment

21 - 28
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  1. #21

    Spencer smiles, a little overwhelmed by the numerous Kindred around him. Even though the old woman was a weird apparition, his Beast nearly conquered his will at the sight of her coming. This "Granny", as she calls herself, provoked him, her membership in the Ordo Dracul made him ask himself a few questions.

    He didn't quite have anything to say to the others, but he felt the need to talk. He turned to Granny: "Would you be avalaible at a later date ? I might have a few questions for you, Granny." . Smiling, he now adressed his Priscus: "Honorable Cordoba, may I request you the names of the Covenant leaders ? And I mean all of them. I plan to join a Covenant in the near future." .

  2. #22

    Eva lit up and smiled at the Priscus broadly. "Oh, it's most personal, you see - all but the hat is my creation. I am a tailor by trade, you see." She reached up and gently touched the fascinator. "This is from a shop on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. Truly, quite the lovely place."

    Sensing the Priscus's Acknowledgement coming to a close, she curtsied to the group.

    "It was a true pleasure meeting you all. Have a pleasant evening, everybody."

    Eva leaves the thread.

  3. #23
    Dorn Koon

    Granny continued to listen when Eva talked, speaking about the High Wyrm and making a gesture in his direction. "Yes, I heard he was a charming man. I made it a point to ask before I arrived to the town, but naturally it would be foolish to trust rumors alone." Her response was polite and she did not seem to show any hidden malice. "It would be an honour for me if you would do that. Putting a face to a name is always a welcome event."

    On the score of the order it seemed that the Priscus when he talked about the High Wyrm, taking in his words the old lady made a mental note to remember that. "I am certain he like yourself is a very interesting man Priscus Cordoba. I am certain I will find out before long."

    Her attention was drawn to Spencer Marick as he was talking to her. "Oh my, well now you have my curiosity. I have no important plans apart from settling into my new home. Never would I dream to object to such a request. I do enjoy conversation immensely." Now this had turned to become a very interesting evening! Not that these kind of clubs and bars was her thing, but even so it made for a refreshing change.

  4. #24
    Vivian York

    Vivian had no need for recruiting, how does one recruit to remain unaligned? No benefits, no grand scemes… but for now freedom. Eventually she would choose where her loyalties lay within the Domain. For now, not her problem.

    It was far too bad Eva took off before she’d had a chance to corner her about her skills. She knew a lovely Haunt that may have use for her. As far as useful, the Daeva thought she’d at least try to do so presently.

    “If I may, Priscus de Cordoba…” Although Vivian didn’t wait for an answer. Her eyes looked to Spencer as she addressed his query. “Correct me if I’m wrong, the leaders are as follows: Circle of the Crone, Chris Wooding, if I’m not mistaken, David Regan is for the Ordo Dracul, His Majesty is the leader of the Invictus, Lancea Sanctum I believe is Thomas Galilei and as far as the Carthian Movement… I believe that’s to be determined*…”

    As if I remember their titles.

    The only reason Vivian kept track of these people was just in case she decided to get all join-y, she'd know where to turn. If Juan was upset with her, he'd probably address it later.


  5. #25
    Juan Cordoba

    "Farewell Miss Edwards," the Priscus called to Eva as she departed.

    Granny established she was of the Ordo Dracul. That much was interesting. "My gratitude," he remarked in response to her compliment to him.

    An appreciative nod was given to Vivian. "Thank you Miss York." It certainly saved him having the trouble of doing so.

    His eyes settled upon Spencer. A Daeva with a Mask - such an interesting aspect. "If there is any one in particular that interests you, please let me know." It never hurt to keep tabs on Family.

    Apparently Edith had fallen into some sort of contemplative state.

    The Toreador clasped his hands together, "Well, I hope that covers everything." Juan smiled to the assembly, "If there are any questions, comments, concerns, feel free to seek me out. Otherwise, I conclude this rather impromptu meeting."


  6. #26

    The Daeva rocker noded slightly to the words of his Priscus.

    He spoke calmly to Juan: "Not a single questions winding through my mind right now. And yes, I think you can conclude the Acknowledgement, Priscus Cordoba." .

    Smiling and hiding the raging Beast inside, he turned to Granny. He remarked on the same calm voice: "And, Granny... I will contact you when I will have made my mind on the questions I wish to ask." .

    He looked at all the Daeva around him. It was quite a good chunk of them. "Enjoy your evening, fellow kindred. I wish you sweet laughter.". He then turned his head to his Priscus, noding once with a friendly smile. "And it was a pleasure to meet you all. Thanks for the Acknowledgent and for the time you spent here with us in this evening. "

    And while he kept smiling, he discretly departed from the Daeva around, walking through the sea of masked (...and unmasked) Kindred. Enough for a night, he thought. Enough of those electronic beats and raging beasts in this place he now calls Elysium.

    Unless someone has something to say to him, or someone intrerupts him, Spencer leaves the scene.

  7. #27
    Vivian York

    Nodding, “'Twas no problem at all.” Vivian looked around, the Daeva had all seemed to depart. Her head turned to Juan, and she smiled. “It looks like that went rather well.” Although, there was something strange about Granny, an accident of sorts. It was those types of Kindred that you had to look out for, at least in her mind.

    “If there’s nothing further you need me for, Priscus deCordoba, I will take my leave.” Grinning devilishly. “I believe a quick bite is in order.” Honestly, there was always a truck stop around somewhere. She didn’t care if she had to drive to the outskirts of town.

    Not like I can have a quick nip here. I'll take that over hitting someone's radar.

    Too bad she was missing the new guy ( Gerald Baker ) already leaving... and didn't get to catch Eva Edwards , who was tied up with someone 'Cest le vie.

  8. #28
    Juan Cordoba

    "Go forth, enjoy yourselves," he said unto the remaining Daeva, "By all means, go where thou will, Miss York."

    That's a wrap for Acknowledgement

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