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Digging Deeper

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  1. #11
    Parable's Avatar

    Kenneth Gilroy
    Kenneth Gilroy

    “Sorry for the confusion. But like, my fetch died before I got back. If I were to go to my family would they think I was me or my ghost? That’s what I meant,” he said it with such understanding casualness you would almost think it didn’t bother him.

    “Over all it sounds like I need to do more research then,” he said as he picked up the academic looking title and felt it in his hand as if telling the weight would tell him how good it was “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to open the register for a bit before I leave?” he asked. A passing thought wondered if this was all some elaborate plot to make him buy and read books. That made him smile a little.

    “You’ve been very helpful and given me a lot to think about. I did have one other thing I wanted to ask you. I was talking to Tessa about her fetch. I offered to follow it and try to figure out its schedule. You know, to help her avoid it in the future. Would you be willing or know someone who might be willing to help with that? Having to shadows would be better than one.”

  2. #12

    "Oh, alright. Hm." The revelation about his Fetch didn't seem especially revelatory; maybe the sting had gone out of it, or they hadn't been close in the first place. Or maybe it was a lot of other things.

    "Well," she said, drawing out the word as if it was a difficult decision before ending with a shrug and a smile. "Yeah, I can do that. Just pick out which ones you're interested in."

    Standing up, she stretched her back side to side. "Well, I'm glad it was useful; sorry I don't have anything more concrete, it's not a subject I've ventured very far into. But, ah, Tessa's fetch... let me see." The list of people she knew who could viably stalk someone was, to her mind, on the short side. If Jack was still around she'd've been first pick, but she wasn't, much to her and Mal's dismay. Instead- "Morgan, I think, would be your best bet. But I'm also willing, if that doesn't work out or you'd like a third. I'd be happy to help make things a little easier for Tessa."

    Her smile grew a little sly as something seemed to occur to her. "Very sweet of you to offer your help, though." There was a teasing spark in her dark, fish-like eyes but she took it no further, heading toward the register.

  3. #13
    Daniel Leto's Avatar
    Daniel Leto

    Mask: He looks to be late teens or early twenties with blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a kind face and an understanding look. When talking with him he is always engaged, nodding and giving indications he’s listening to you. His smiles have a melancholy to them, though.
    Mein: His eyes and hair turn black beneath the mask. His skin becomes paler as if drained of color, giving him the slight appearance of a marble grave statue. Two stumps with tattered black feathers grow from his shoulder blades. They can be seen pressing at the back of his shirt. The odd feather pokes through holes. Most striking though, is that he is slightly transparent in an otherworldly way. His mantle manifests as wisps of fog and mist.

    Presence: 2
    Freehold Status: 3
    Winter Mantle: 3
    Wyrd: 4
    Hidden Life: 1
    Rigid Mask
    Contacts (Digital Networks)

    Willpower Max: 5

    Health Max: 7

    Glamour Max: 9/13
    Promises and Vows

    Vow (Winter Freehold Commendation):
    Task: Fealty, Medial Alliance (Freeholders)
    Boon: Vassalage (+1 Clarity deg), Adroitness (+1 Empathy)
    Sanction: Medial Curse
    Duration: Year and a Day

    Horn and Bone

    Vow (Sharpened Horn and Bone):
    Task: Dreaming, Endeavor (stop nightmares)
    Boon: Adroitness (Empathy, Occult)
    Sanctions: Poisoning of Boon (Adroitness)
    Duration: Year and a Day


    Daniel grabbed a couple other books that looked interesting, including one that had a very tacky cover. Then, as Daniel made to get up and follow, Ava made her comment. For a half second he wasn’t sure what she meant and then the pieces fell together with scandalous clarity. The chair seized its chance. With an unexpected groan of springs and a small exclamation of surprise, Daniel lost his balance getting up and instead fell backwards. The chair creaked happily as he was nearly buried in cushions. Rather ungracefully, the Darkling extracted himself looking even more pale and marble-like.

    “Ehem, I think your furniture is out to get me,” he commented with his small smile when he approached the counter. He placed the books out in front while he intently fished some cash out of his pocket.
    Darkling Gravewight | Winter Mantle ••• (Mist and Fog) | Glamour 9 / Willpower 4/5 (4 HotD) / Wyrd 4
    Rigid Mask / Hidden Life 1 / Winter Freehold Vow / Horn and Bone

  4. #14

    Shooting a look over her shoulder at the sudden commotion of springs and surprise, an expression of delighted amusement lit the Scrivener's face. Mal was never so much fun to tease. To be able to put someone so off balance with no harm done warmed her scaly little maybe-cannibal heart.

    But, for everyone's sake, she contained herself when he joined her at the desk. "Dangerous things, easy chairs," she said offhandedly, picking up the books he stacked before her and flipping open to the first page. Tallying the prices written there, she knocked one of them down a few cents for "condition" and punched in the total before reciting it to him. "You going to need a bag?"

  5. #15
    Daniel Leto's Avatar
    Daniel Leto

    Mask: He looks to be late teens or early twenties with blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a kind face and an understanding look. When talking with him he is always engaged, nodding and giving indications he’s listening to you. His smiles have a melancholy to them, though.
    Mein: His eyes and hair turn black beneath the mask. His skin becomes paler as if drained of color, giving him the slight appearance of a marble grave statue. Two stumps with tattered black feathers grow from his shoulder blades. They can be seen pressing at the back of his shirt. The odd feather pokes through holes. Most striking though, is that he is slightly transparent in an otherworldly way. His mantle manifests as wisps of fog and mist.

    Presence: 2
    Freehold Status: 3
    Winter Mantle: 3
    Wyrd: 4
    Hidden Life: 1
    Rigid Mask
    Contacts (Digital Networks)

    Willpower Max: 5

    Health Max: 7

    Glamour Max: 9/13
    Promises and Vows

    Vow (Winter Freehold Commendation):
    Task: Fealty, Medial Alliance (Freeholders)
    Boon: Vassalage (+1 Clarity deg), Adroitness (+1 Empathy)
    Sanction: Medial Curse
    Duration: Year and a Day

    Horn and Bone

    Vow (Sharpened Horn and Bone):
    Task: Dreaming, Endeavor (stop nightmares)
    Boon: Adroitness (Empathy, Occult)
    Sanctions: Poisoning of Boon (Adroitness)
    Duration: Year and a Day


    "Yes, please," he replied as he was finally able to gather the needed sum the register told him he owed. It was less than he'd expected. Then again he had been very intent at looking in his wallet until he was a little less pale from embarrassment.

    "Thanks again for taking this time. I really do appreciate it." And from his slight melancholy smile it looked like he really did. "And" he considered not extending his next offer for a moment but he was pretty sure it wouldn't be taken the wrong way. Plus he kind of owed her "If you ever need to talk with someone beyond, you know, for academic or other reasons, you can hit me up."

    Good with ending here?
    Darkling Gravewight | Winter Mantle ••• (Mist and Fog) | Glamour 9 / Willpower 4/5 (4 HotD) / Wyrd 4
    Rigid Mask / Hidden Life 1 / Winter Freehold Vow / Horn and Bone

  6. #16

    Ringing him up with casual efficiency, she returned his change and snagged a bag from beneath the counter. "No problem, I'm happy to." With the books tucked into the bag, Ava slid it across the counter to him. His offer was certainly appealing, though she was happy to say that most of the people she wanted to talk to were still alive. Still, never knew when it might come in handy. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Have a safe trip home." With a warm smile, she saw him out and went about closing the store down for the night.

    End scene (:

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