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(1411) Crowley's Corner

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  1. #21
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
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    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


    Outfits? It sounded interesting. Any amount of knowledge was interesting, really. "Outfits? What are you talking about? Cabals? I've heard of a few, well...one, really. But I assume there are others hanging around somewhere. Not to mention the droves of non-approved Cabals that always hang around. And the groups of people who work together without actually being a cabal."

  2. #22
    Crowley's Avatar

    Free Council

    Temoins du Sud, Doorwarden

    Free Council


    "Mmm... Yeah. Cabals - if you want to play the Diamond's game, I guess. Work groups or outfits sounds much better. Crew... now crew would be better still, you know..." Crowley squeezed another mouthful before continuing. "Yeah. This here Charter has about four Cabals at present. The Archangels and the Unbound Smoke are probably the oldest ones. The Archangels are mostly drawn from the Adamantine Arrow and they've moved out east recently; they used to hang at the Circle of Creation - its the big Cathedral-looking place (which belongs to all of us, I suppose. Its where the Charter got its new leadership in a duel).

    "Now the Unbound Smoke are... who knows? They keep themselves hidden. A lot. And well. Maybe they're all Guardians? Can't say. But I hear the group is all about information. So they be like, spiders in the web and stuff. I guess. I hear they might still be out at the Circle of Creation but I doubt that is their actual... um... home.

    "Panthera Nox and Veiled Threats are more recent. I mean, they appeared after the Big Change. Panthera Nox hold up closer to the city - maybe Arden Arcade and you might be able to persuade them to let you join. Dunno. They seem to be for active engagement. Not sure what Veiled Threats do - they keep themselves to themselves - but they are organised and know their stuff. They have interests in the west of the city."

    He stopped for another mouthful.

    "I suppose I should mention the Medstars. Not a full Cabal. But as a faction they keep an agenda going. If you need healing - they will patch you up. And I guess, if you have an interest in healing magics and stuff, they'd be happy to talk shop."

    He lapsed into silence, tossing the conversation over to the others.

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  4. #23
    Miach's Avatar



    Miach had to shook his head in denegation as a reply to Darkslide. "I thought she would show up, but no..." he admitted.

    During Crowley's talk about the Cabals, the Enchanter's face turned more and more eager, until at last the Herald talked about the Medstars. "The Medstars is me and Idun. And we'd love to consider any Healer's application to form back a Cabal..." he said, looking intently at the newcomers. Moros were not the most likely fit, but then Four had been a founding member of the Medstars.

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