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A Couple of 'Couples', Drinking

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  1. #11
    Marcus Evan's Avatar

    Marcus Evan


    Nodding in agreement with Terri and Rick, Marcus gives Aaren a reassuring squeeze.

    "I'd be happy to help you with beefing up the security for your place. What did you have in mind? A treehouse... or a garden... or the Parthenon?"

    The elemental smiles as he takes another sip of his bourbon. Although he said it as a joke, nothing's too good for his girl, and if she really wants the Parthenon...

  2. #12

    Aaren laughs at the Parthenon comment, taking another sip of her bourbon as she gives a potential Hollow more consideration than she ever has as of yet. “No, no, nothing quite like that.” A thought, comes across and Aaren muses, “Something sun-dappled during day and with clear-sparkling nights. A place of impossible color and glass houses.

    A quick look is shared with Marcus and her smile curls, “Probably impervious to rocks.” A chuckle as she lifts her glass but pauses, mid-sip, “A place of decadent comfort, indulgence, and over-stuffed chairs.” That sip deferred is finally taken and she adds, “Something I'm sure might come along in time, mm?

  3. #13
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    "There's also safety in numbers," Terri suddenly blurted out, eyes glancing from Aaren towards Marcus and then fully towards Rick.

    She took another sip of her drink, thinking about how to go about this.

    "I won't lie to any of you, I'm scared of what's coming, yeah? Not an easy thing to admit to for an ex-Dread Lady but it is true. Fairweather alone gives me more nightmares than I care to admit. I'm sorry to change the subject so abruptly yet I was really hoping to form a motley with each of you. Aaren," Terri said, focusing on the Spring Courtier with an apologetic look, "I appreciate we barely know each other and this is a big ask, but if you have Marcus' trust and heart, then you have mine. It would be an honour if each of you would share in this most dangerous of times."

    Once finished, Terri went silent and finished her drink. She was pretty certain Rick and Marcus would agree but Aaren was not as intimate with her as the guys. Still, what she said had been true; a friend of Marcus was a friend of hers.
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  4. #14

    Rick's mind started spinning along the paths he knew through the Hedge, the various regions in the area he'd explored as he thought about which ones could be good fits for what Aaren was looking for.

    Terri's sudden exclamation put a stop to those thoughts, drew his gaze. Something was obviously on her mind, something important. So he waited patiently as she pondered what words to use, and listened carefully as she spoke. The proposal...wasn't quite expected, but wasn't quite surprising either. Terri, Marcus, him...as much as they'd done and been through together he couldn't help but wonder how there'd never been any talk of a motley before. And he could hardly even consider excluding Aaren from one given what she obviously meant to Marcus, and how highly he thought of her.

    It was her talk of their season's emotion, though, that causes him to drape a comforting arm around her shoulders. "Hey now, there's nothing wrong with feeling fear. After all fear drives us, challenges us to new heights." Words that were an echo of the past, even as the path to the future began to be forged. "And of course I'd be willing to form a motley with you, with all of you."

  5. #15
    Marcus Evan's Avatar

    Marcus Evan


    Marcus smiles at the fairest's chuckle and moves just a bit closer to Aaren after she sips her wine.

    "Sounds nice. I'm sure we could find you something suitable."

    The elemental is caught a bit off guard by Terri's rather abrupt change of subject, yet there is no doubt that it warms his heart to hear her open acceptance of Aaren. However, the mention of Fairweather causes a tiny cold spike of worry to lodge itself at the base of the metalflesh's skull. Marcus' hand slides down to grasp Aaren's and the elemental holds it his warm embrace as he voices his concern.

    "Terri, you know that you have my full support, no matter what. You don't even need to ask. But, I think you need to make sure that Aaren understands exactly what she would be getting herself into by joining our motley. You would be asking her to risk her life, so I think you owe her a full explanation of... your circumstances."

    Marcus gives Aaren a look that he hopes expresses the fact that he doesn't expect her to blindly follow him, but rather listen to the facts for herself and come to her own decision.

  6. Likes Lesingnon, Forn Clakes liked this post
  7. #16

    Aaren's toying of thoughts of a potential hollow, a place made of water-color and vibrant oil paint, is put to an abrupt end when Terri shifts the conversation towards a Motley. Not a lot can make Aaren simply stop, but the rapid conversation change – and the gravity of that change – does. Finally, the Gandharva takes a sip of her bourbon.

    Even before that,” Aaren says finally as her thoughts start to bloom once more, catching up to the conversation at hand. Her burbon is set aside and that newly free hand travels and settles comfortably on her and Marcus' joined hands. “I know Marcus has things he needs to do, with the Freehold and everything else, as I do.” A wry smile forms before she half-jokes, “He might find out there is such a thing as too much of me. But more seriously, we haven't talked about taking the plunge and joining a motley together. Or, if that's the right thing for us at this time.

    It might not be and that is fine for Aaren. Both of them are rather independent and their paths take them different places but that is also why she and Marcus work. Aaren is not the Damsel and would not want to be.

    The Fairest smiles, “I'm honestly pleased we've become friends – even after such a short time. I'll hear you out,” a look to Marcus off of his statement of Terri's circumstances, “but, I'll probably won't be able to give you an answer immediately. From his tone, and yours, it's a big ask and I don't want Marcus off his game because he thinks he has to also protect me.

  8. #17
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    When Rick said something that she had told him five years ago, Terri couldn't help but grin. The memory of that morning was one of the strongest she had since her return home after being taken, and a lot had happened in the meanwhile. Still, that was the day when their relationship had very quickly blossomed into the next step. Sex in a tree would do that.

    "Thank you," she said towards Rick and then Marcus. Once Aaren had made her feelings known, something that Terri cold appreciate. She had never formed a motley before but honesty among members would be a good start.

    "I truly appreciate that, thanks Aaren," Terri smiled warmly. She glanced towards Rick and Marcus, an apologetic look for making them hear her story once more. Still, it was needed. No secrets here.

    "When the Four Seasons was attacked by Fairweather, I was inside with Spartan and Mr. Bates, the Keeper of the Hollow Commons in our Freehold. We were attempting to gain some insight from the Dragon's dreams. To say we were unprepared would be an understatement. Spartan rushed to face him one-on-one whereas myself and Mr. Bates tried to evacuate the hotel. When it started to collapse around us, Mr. Bates opened a Hedge Door and pushed me through, sacrificing himself for me."

    Terri paused. No matter how many times she recounted this, the pain never lessened. She sipped at her drink. Another memory that would never fade.

    "I was truly lost. Stumbling through the Hedge, I collapsed only to find myself captured by a group of privateers. They took me to the Fleshmarket, which had also been affected by Fairweather's assault, destroying a fair bit of the place. Salome, the lady who owns it, brought me from the privateers. She forged a pledge with me to bring her the tongue of Fairweather. Only then will I be free from her employment." Once she was finished, Terri went to have another sip of her drink but the glass was dry. Standing, she poured herself some more before turning back to the trio, trying to put on a happy expression. "So, yeah, that's it in a nutshell," the Beast chuckled, holding back the tears.
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  9. #18
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    The night continued, the talk of motleys and dragons gently laid aside to enjoy a good drink among friends and 'friends'.

    This scene has gone over the one month mark, thanks for taking part peeps

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