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Caduceus - Medstars's Academy 2

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  1. #21
    Miach's Avatar



    Thread opened on the 11th. I'll close it on the 11th too, if you're still interested in sneaking in a post before that.

    "You also have the option of a tourniquet, but beware, it's trickier than it looks. Never apply one over a joint, like an elbow or knee. It should be placed approximately two inches above the bleeding, but remember, once you have placed one, do not remove it or loosen it unless a medical professional orders it." Miach completed Idun's explanation in turn.

    He couldn't help grinning, and said. "Repeat after me: Safety. Situation. Help." Then he nodded, and went on quickly.

    "Next is CPR... You know Stayin Alive, right ?"

    The Medstar went on with explaining CPR to Ermon and Sylvan, and how the rythm applied so very well to CPR...

  2. #22

    "Safety. Situation. Help."

    Sylvan was very attentive during the lecture, and even stopped to take notes every now and then. He hadn't had many opportunities to put the limited medical training he had to work, but he was glad to have this first aid refresher. He did tend to handle his own injuries via the Life Arcanum days, but as the boy scout motto reminded him, it was always a good idea to be prepared. If he were out of Mana, or in a place filled with sleepers, the knowledge would definitely come in handy. Not wanting to actually step on Miach's shoes, he chose to not give any input despite what he know, though he didn't mind nudging the conversation with questions.

    "What do you do when there are multiple people who need first aid? How do you prioritize?"

  3. #23
    Miach's Avatar



    "Ah... triage..." Miach said with a nod to Sylvan. "That's tricky as hell, because it depends on many, many factors... not least of which; you. Basically, it amounts to recognize what would make a difference. If some people are beyond help, don't waste time on them when you could actually save someone beside. It's a harsh lesson, and not something I wish you to live through." Not as I had to, the ER doctor thought grimly.

    Miach handed general guidelines, as a more detailed training would require a whole session on its own, and then went on with the course until both Sylvan and Ermon had no more questions for the evening.

    "There'll be more sessions." he finished with, as he thanked them for coming, and Idun ( RockBane ) for hosting the session.

    "Please take care."

    End Scene. Thank you folks

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