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A Choir Assembles

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  1. #11
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    "I am sorry." Weavebreaker said to Striker for misinterpreting.

    When Jonokuchi spoke, Weavebreaker couldn't help but laugh as she shook head softly. "Well...you did call shotgun...Can't argue with that."

    Weavebreaker had been living in a small dorm since she had gotten here. After moving off campus, the Circle of Creation wasn't much better and she figured any room would work. She picked up her little brown box and headed inside.

    "If we have any hopes of keeping the resonance pure within this place..." Weavebreaker tone took a more serious note as her smile faded. "Then you must remember one thing..."

    "Put the toilet seat down after you are done using it..." Weavebreaker couldn't hold back the smile anymore, though there was a part of her that was serious; a part that dreaded falling in the toilet when she got up at night to go use it...
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  2. #12

    A smile grew on Striker's face as the sumo used the western phrase to claim a room.

    "No worries Weave." the shaman replied to her apology.

    Reaching the door he pulled out his key and unlocked the door for the first time. The key moved smoothly in the lock and the door opened gently. He stepped inside and looked around at the spacious living area.

    "This is bloody lovely." He commented to the others, though he had a serious look on his face, when they joined him. He realised he'd have to change his habits. Living on the street no one cared if he left a mess and he didn't expect the luxury of a toilet seat all the time either. Now though, living in this beautiful place with other people. Things would have to change. He would have to change.

  3. #13
    Jonokuchi's Avatar



    Jonokuchi smirked at Weave's joke, understanding her concern. Fortunately, the sumo had been house broken a long time ago and was no pig.

    "It surely is," he said, gazing around at the amount of space they had acquired, still in awe at their luck.

  4. #14

    Striker looked around at the gardens woven through the rooms and livings spaces. He spotted a room off to the right and wandered over the grass to it.

    "This'll do me just fine." he called out to the other two, dumping his knapsack just inside the door before heading back to the communal area and looking around. A normal person may think there was nowhere to sit in the unfurnished premises, but Striker simply sat down on the grass with his back to a tree and started to unwind. He was feeling the calm of the area, the gentle tinkle of the various pools around the gardens, the occasional bird call from an avian taking solace in the trees.

    He closed his eyes and let his mind drift. Unless disturbed he would soon be asleep, dreaming of duelling against dragons, taming them and then riding them into battle.


  5. #15
    Jonokuchi's Avatar



    Jonokuchi slipped off his shoes at the front door, showing respect to their sanctum and moving through barefoot, feeling the sensation of each cold flagstone or wooden floorboard as he investigated. Finding the master suite, Jonokuchi silently declined, instead dropping his cases into the smallest room he could find. It would give him focus, allow him to work on his own understanding of Space. One day, the distance between walls would not matter.

    As Striker took up a seat outside, the Mastigos gave the Shaman a small smirk before going in the other direction and finding the deck and the pool. Sitting on the edge, he let his large feet dangle into the cool water and grinned. Matter may be his Path's Inferior Arcana but the sumo could still enjoy its simplicities.


  6. #16
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    Still have a couple days of travel left.
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  7. #17
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    End Scene

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