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(1408) Emma and Richard

11 - 18
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  1. #11
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma thought about the theaters she had gone to, "There is the Sacramento Theater Company which does everything from comedy play to Shakespeare. And the Music theater which does Broadway style shows. What kind of music do you like? We have several good clubs which specialize in music. Specifically there is the Blue Note which plays jazz. Or the Bizatine, I think the name is which is more R & B and Blues. Both are really nice. There are many clubs that belong to kindred if you like to go clubbing. Everything from a fetish club to goth to classy ad everything in between. I have checked out a few clubs at times but I'm not really familiar with them all." Am I babbling, I think I'm babbling, Emma thought. "I have an office at the Cedar Fields Funeral Home. And you are welcome to stop by anytime."

    Like a bolt of lightening a realization struck her. He had called her Emma. Lowering her voice to a soft whisper she said, "Just to give you a heads up, while in court you should call me Deputy French. At my office I would love you to call me Emma. But here you need to be careful to use proper titles. Real sticklers about it and I wouldn't want you to get in trouble. That is partially why I don't talk to a lot of people, I forget who has which titles and some people have several titles depending on positions they have in the domain and within their covenants." The whispering felt so intimate when they were standing so close. It made her wonder if he was a same side sitter or across sitter when out to dinner. Not that she actually went out to dinner any more. Wow, her mind was all over the place tonight.

  2. #12

    Richard made a mental check list of the types of shows and music that he had grown to like over the years. "I enjoy a lot of different types of music, mostly rhythm and blues from the eighties. Music was just so soul full back then. You don't really strike me as a club going type but I can definitely see us catching a late show sometime if your interested." Richard realized that he had already returned her invitation with one of his own. Was he jumping the gun with her? He felt like he was coming off as a typical Daeva who sees a pretty girl and immediately starts swooning. Though it was true that his clan was one of passion he couldn't help what he liked and right now he was certain that her presence was bringing him more delight than anything that he had experienced in recent years. "How about I pick you up from your office and take you to a show. We can spend the night getting to know each other better on less formal terms." Just then Richard noticed rigid look of concern that jolted across her face. It happened so suddenly that he originally thought that he had offended her by being so forward. "Oh..yes, You arn't the first to correct me on that I'm afraid. I don't think I really appreciated how serious that was until now. How strange for it to be wrong to simply call someone by there name. Either way my apologizes Deputy French, I look forward to speaking your name in private". This concerned him a bit. He had already learned from Martha that they resided in a domain that took such titles very seriously and his initial fear was that he would find it difficult to remember the intricate and sometimes long winded titles that kindred society liked to distribute. After hearing that Emma has gone as far as avoid social interaction for the sake of not making that very mistake made him wonder if he would need to carry around flash cards just to avoid pissing someone off.

  3. #13
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma felt herself smile like a teenager. "I would be delighted to get together with you." Emma really did want to get to know this man more. He was charming, but there was a depth to him that went beyond the normal Daeva attitude. Emma pulled a small card from somewhere in her costume. "This has my cell and work numbers on it." She said as she handed him the card. When their hands touched she felt a little chill of excitement tingle through her fingers. Now I am just being silly, she thought. Reminding herself that they were in court she asked, "Do you have any questions I might be able to answer?" Emma looked around and realized Velma and Martha were both busy. Velma was with the Prince. She could bring him over there but she felt like being selfish a few minutes more and decided to continue enjoying his company.

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  5. #14

    Richard returned her smile with a confident one of his own. "I'm sure it will be grand" he said while accepting her card and sliding into the pocket of the trench coat the he was wearing as was part of the Nick Fury costume. As their hands reached each other, Richard intentionally allowed her hand to be caressed by his which was just about big enough to completely encapsulate hers. He would be sure to add the number to his cell phone later. Wow, she gave up her work number and her personal number. Looks like I am gonna have some fun in this city after all. Richard considered rather or not he had any questions for her as the deputy of these parts. He felt like as a new resident he should have a long list of inquires to make but through the duration of their conversation he had more or less forgotten most of his concerns in favor of more pleasant things to ponder over such as how she would look in an old fashioned sundress, his thoughts also wandered to what she would look like without it. "You mentioned that you were the Deputy of this Domain, might I ask who the Sharif is?"

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  7. #15
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Reeve Dillon Connery, he is also Priscus of Clan Gangrelas well as the regent of Velencia. Oh and he is also the leader of the Lancea Sanctum. Personally I would classify him as an honorable and fair person, as well as dangerous as hell if you cross him or anyone he protects." Emma's voice was full of pride and respect for her Priscus. "Would you like me to introduce you?"

  8. #16

    Richard pondered over being introduced to Mr. Connery. The entire point of him showing up to this event was to make himself known to as many kindred of note as he could and so it stood to reason that he would be eager to be introduced to yet another though he was enjoying the one on one time he was sharing with Emma. Realizing such thoughts were counter intuitive to his native goal Richard conceded, "Please do, first impressions usually go much better when there is someone there to vouch for you. You could tell him what a nice guy I am and how little trouble I plan to be"

  9. #17

    Richard's pleasant demeanor shifted ominously as he heard the voice of the Price loudly over the crowd. He had no idea of what was to come next, but he was none the less attentive to what the man on top had to say when he decided to speak out so publicly. "Blood hunt!?" It appeared that Richard was already about to see the punishment for trespasses made against the laws that governed their kind. Though he didn't know the man, and even now felt little natural alliance to the city, he knew of the dangers that went hand in hand with a kindred whom has tasted of the forbidden fruit. Though he held no illusion that the practice was as rare as folks made it out to be). "I think your introduction is gonna have to wait Deputy French. For now it's best that we remain alert. Please, before you leave from the place see me again." Richard backed away from Emma very slowly, even now amiss the commotion he didn't truly want their encounter to end. But a bloodhunt had been called and even if Richard didn't lay his hands upon the offender himself, he felt it necessary to at least show his willingness to follow the demands of his Grace. Richard walks through the crowd slowly to give Emma ample time to approach with him.

    Returning to the main thread to roll initiative.

  10. #18
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma had started to glance around for Dillon when she heard the Prince make the announcement. Emma turned toward Richard. Her eyes showed a quick flash of regret that they would need to separate. Then her claws were at the ready beneath her robe. "Stay here," She wanted him safe. And she turned moving quickly towards the commotion.

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