Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestinian Disputed Territories
January 2006

Dearest Liam,
Its been 8 months since I saw you last. 8 long months since you held me in your arms. I miss you so much. I am sorry my letters have been so infrequent but It has been rather chaotic here to say the least. We have moved offices twice. I keep getting moved from station to station. Rumor has it I may be sent to a field command station in the West Bank. I am trying to get transferred to the embassy in Jordan to run there servers. It will be a lot safer.

Not a day goes by that I do not think about our days at the Cafe and our nights at the park. I miss the park, I miss your smile, but most of all I miss the way you hold me. I love you Liam. Know that I will be home soon. My Commanding officer said that I will have leave in a few months. I have not put in my paper work yet but I will. I promise. I am technicially on detached duty and, do to my position, I cannot turn in my paperwork until I return to Tel Aviv.

My love, I still wear your ring. I cherish it and I cherish you. Please wait for me.
With Love,