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Lost in Translation

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  1. #21

    Nudge! Bigpaw

  2. #22
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    Shaking her head to dismiss the dizzy spell, Aïleen turned toward David, facing him straight when he spoke of <<Sbk>>, and his various incarnations. Access to the tongue would help her delve into it, perhaps gaining a greater understanding of that... god ?.

    "So the Nile was both male, and female ? Balance and consorts..." Were its urges to be counter-weighted by something she was to find ? It shed some light on her condition, at least, and brought hope. She just had to have Faith.

    "I... am fine, yes. Thank you David. I'm sorry, I didn't want to startle you." she said. "I didn't expect to... stumble upon something like that during my first lesson with you. It's all.

    Please, don't let me distress you. Let us resume, shall we ? You were talking about names. You know mine means 'Light' or 'Sun Ray' according to some, don't you ? So I'd be linked to Horus ?"
    she asked with the smile of the scholar testing the waters for an amusing theory.

  3. #23

    Care and concern was written on David's face when Aileen turned to look at him. He didn't move but he was poised to do something, anything and his dull-brown gaze took on an intense sheen speaking of his devotion.

    That's right,” David replies slowly, “even the gods of the Nile were held in balance. The concept of balance is an important one to remember. You and I are <<M'kh't>> after all, the very word means balance.” Truth, order, balance. They were canny concepts to try to attain and many never found them in life; but maybe in death.

    While Aileen apologizes for startling him, David reached for her hand and wrapped his fingers around hers. “It's okay,” the Mortician notes faintly, meekly adding, “always feel free to impose on me, Aileen. I'll be happy to share any burdens you have.” That small and important statement, that proved difficult to say, said, David takes in a breath and gives her hand a light squeeze.

    I didn't know your name means Light,” the Shadow admitted lightening a bit, “mine I think means... 'beloved.'

    David even allowed himself an unvoiced chuckle at that, but he continued, “You could be,” the Shadow says answering her question, “<<Hr.w>> was one of more than a few Solar Deities. He was light, the sky, and protection and it was said that the Sun – Ra – was his right eye. The Wedjat Eye, a symbol of protection is linked to both but originally, it comes from the sun goddess <<Wꜣḏyt>>, the Lady of Flame.

    A pause, always balance, “But, among others there was also Khepri, god of rebirth and sunrise; Khnum, the god of sunset; Aten a god of the Sun and the sun-disk; and of course Ra.

    After a moment's consideration David offered, “I think, the question is better answered by asking yourself who you would like to be associated with.

  4. #24
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    Once again, David's display of his vast knowledge reminded Aïleen of how much she still had to learn. Trying to hide her admiration, she quickly scribbled the sounds as the Mortician spoke them, referring to the dictionnary by her side when needed.

    "Beloved, does it ?" she said softly, toying with the sound of it in her voice.

    The moment passed, and David listed various other possibilities, of which she had never considered any. "I don't know." she admitted after a short pause to consider all this.

    "Khepri sounds interesting for Dragons, wouldn't you think ? Rebirth... isn't it what we're trying to achieve, after all ?"

  5. #25

    A shy smile lit David's features as he nodded thoughtfully to Aileen's comments. However, he took a moment to reassure her, “You don't need to decide right now.

    David falls silent for the span of a breath, though those silent cues and ways of keeping time were lost to them both. The Shadow Dragon knew that he was still unused to going without his biological clock, thirty-years on.

    Khepri is a favorite of mine,” he tells Aileen. “I feel... a bit of a kinship with the Scarab Beetle. What it does might not be glamorous work but...” David didn't finish the sentence, instead he looked at Aileen with a 'what can you do' expression on his face.

    Scarab beetles undertake their own drudgery just as David happily worked in what others might consider terrible, macabre, labor.

  6. #26
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    "... it silently supports the others, whether they even realize it or not." Aïleen finished for her Cousin in a low voice. Her eyes were downcast, but they were in David's direction.

    For a moment, Egyptian was far from her mind.

  7. #27

    Glad that Aileen understood him, David's shy smile turned into a tender one.

    What was it that Johan saw that caused him to send his childe away? Like so many things, it was a cryptic phrase. A 'there you will flourish' and 'you will come into your own.' David obeyed Johan and left the only home he knew all because of a cryptic phrase.

    David didn't realize just how right his sire would be.

    Without realizing it, David lifted a free hand and reached forward; tips of his fingers touching the bottom of Aileen's chin and when he touched her skin, his fingers ran with blood. The Shadow Mortician swallowed but he wasn't thinking, instead he was following the wisdom from a laundromat. Before he knew it, David's nose grazed past hers and kissed her with a startling incandescence.

    Moments stretched and David's mind finally catches up with his actions, breaking the kiss but hovering so-near Aileen. David wanted to say something – apologize, maybe – but he simply couldn't form the words.

    -1V, Blush

  8. #28
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    Sobek's first reaction at the intrusion of someone else in Aïleen's mind was one of outrage, and the Beast nearly burst through Aïleen's iron sheath, such was its fury. But to the Shadow, it was like a Big Bang of sorts, and Sobek's reaction a mere breeze in a tempest.

    David's skin on her chin was as soft as she remembered it. And this time, she could smell him, too. As expected, his odor was one of cleanliness. Aïleen couldn't say why, but it was important to her. His kiss was... a Reveal. She had forbidden herself so much in her youth, always with a good excuse. And she had been continuing too. But someone had stepped in, and broken her pattern. And she hadn't Dreamed of it.

    It was momentous.

    Closing her eyes lest she would wake up, Aïleen leaned forward an inch. No more fleeing, this time.

    -1V, Blush as well

  9. Likes Wolven Pryde, West liked this post
  10. #29

    Fingers slide around from chin to ear, cradling Aileen's head while David's lips met hers. He breathed and smelled water on her skin. He touched and she filled his senses. David's companion wanted none of it. It had tried diligently – for months – to attempt to keep the Man as he was, alone and repressed, and it failed. The Man, instead, soared while the Companion remained in its cage.

    At least for a moment, David is granted a reprieve from an intense loneliness that has followed the Mortician like a specter since he was young.

    David was in awe.

    Emboldened David's kiss retained its fervor; the kiss of a man who was head over heels. The hand around her hand squeezed and he shifted on the seat just enough that some of the papers fell unceremoniously to the floor.

    David had found his home.

    I think we can close it up after your next post. Wonderful scene!

  11. #30
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    Aïleen had always been one to go with the flow of events. But if tonight she went with the flow, it wasn't because it was easier, or because of laziness. It was because the flow filled her with contentment the like of which she had never experienced. It was The Flow of the purest water filling in a crystal glass, upon which the moon's light reflected while a cool breeze blowed.

    She felt a sense of elation like she had never experienced, except perhaps during her Chrysalis. It was something akin to that. Feeling more oneself than ever before.

    Feeling reborn anew.

    End Scene

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