Sebastian pulled into the parking lot of the Avalon. He cuts off the engine of his Camaro and gets out of the car, making sure to look once in the back seat to make sure his two swords were appropriately hidden from sight. He waits outside the entrance area, waiting for that chilly feeling of another Beast, ready to meet her, and hoping to not put forth a bad impression.

Mariel parked her BMW Z and wrapped her reliquary around her neck several times. It passed for a trendy beaded necklace, but would be a good "tell" of who she was. Assuming that her beast didn't scream loud enough, of course. She was wearing a simple black suit with a black lace camisole under the silky jacket, and her red hair was pinned up.

Sebastian spots a gorgeous young woman, obviously not too young by the strength of her blood. Her beast made him want to run and hide like a child in a thunderstorm, fearing what he couldn't see, but rather felt. Sebastian muttered a prayer under his breath, and calmed his Beast. He moved forward to extend his hand to her. "Sister Mariel," he said quietly. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Mariel's beast wanted to slap the one who approached her. Hurt him, show him who was the stronger, wipe that look off his face. But she'd had many years of practice, and shushed the beast. She looked up at the tall man with serenity. Sebastian, a pleasure to meet you. Shall we go in?

"After you." Sebastian says, allowing Mariel to enter, but before she has a chance to pay cover charge, he pays for the both of them. Despite his weak blood, he carries an air of superiority, not cockyness, just natural presence. When they make their way inside, he pulls a seat out for her and pushes it in as she takes a seat. "So, Miss Fitzgerald, could you give me a basic synopses of the status of the Lord's servants in this domain?"

Mariel is quite content to have someone else pay, especially someone who is polite. And good-looking. Quite a change from the first time I met Father Cordwood.

Well, it's interesting that you should ask that, actually, she said, wondering how on earth she was going to explain everything that had happened since her arrival in the city. We're in between churches at the moment, because the last one exploded and burned to the ground. Quite possibly VII or someone posing as VII was behind the destruction of our sanctuary. We lost two members that night, she continued grimly.

There is definate demon presence in the city; Do NOT go to Club Inferno until firm plans are in place for its cleansing. Many kin have vanished, some in a mysterious plague referred to as "The Lost Nights" and others later. The first priest I met when I came to the city mysteriously disappeared, and there are two priests here currently who are vying for the vacant Bishop's position.

Other than myself, we have Mother Superior Donna Maria of San Francisco visiting, and the two priests are Father Cordwood of San Francisco and Father Nathaniel of London. We have a Paladin, her name is Madison Wells. I've been informed that another brother has entered the city, but I haven't yet met him. The Seneschal of the city has expressed interest in joining us, but isn't currently a member. His name is Heathcliff Staley.

So. What do you bring to the table, Mr. Mcleary?

Damn this city is in shambles, it is a good thing I have come when I did, he thinks, his expression thoughtful for a moment. After a moment Sebastian smiles a set of pearly whites, fangs ever so slightly extended at the mention of demonic activity. "I myself follow the Exorcist creed, hunting abominations that are not within the plans set forth by Our Lord God. My specialty... is demons, and the elimination of demonic activity. I would very much like to speak with the rest of our covenant to discuss the best course of action, I have fought them before. I would first like to get acknowledged, and set up a base of operations for further planning." He says.

Excellent, said Mariel. Your presence here is an answer to prayer. She smiled with a dazzling gleam. I wish I could play with this one. Damn over-the-top, frustrated-Nun's punishment, she thought, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. There was so much to do, and Adolph was counting on her making an appointment for his recognition. She gave Sebastian contact information for Madison, Mother Superior, and the two priests. If I can catch the Seneschal in a good mood, I'll call you in to get your acknowledgement taken care of. Until then, no hunting. Recognitions can be done at the next Elysium if all else fails, but I'm going to work my hardest to make sure you're ready to roll before then.

She thought for a moment. Since the two priests seem to have a contentious relationship, I would advise you to make all requests through Mother Superior for the time being. Do you have any other questions for me?

Sebastian gets a glint in his eye, standing and holding a hand out to Mariel. "Only one question. Would you care to dance?" He asks, his smile only growing larger and his eyes are very inviting. Should she choose to take his hand, he leads her to the floor, and like a perfect gentleman, dances with her, hands never straying where polite society would look unfavorably.

Mariel wais on her guard against temptation, but she had been through a lot in the past several days, and welcomed some innocent diversion. As long as it stayed absolutely gentleman-like, she was fine with accepting Sebastian's invitation. It felt good, but her hypervigilance for lustful behavior on either her own part or the young man's didn't allow her to relax as she might have just a week ago, to really enjoy the movement. Her face was smiling, but her eyes had lost their usual joyful glitter, and she felt as if the heart had been torn out of her. But there were still duties to perform, and social niceties to maintain. I miss Michael. And Alastair. And Fenix.

Probably no one who didn't know her previously would notice anything different about her at all, unless they were actually reading her emotional coloration.

"Thank you for the dance, it has been a pleasure Sister Mariel, I understand you must be a very busy woman, so I will not waste any more of your time." Sebastian says, smiling, as he leads her back to the table.

"Till next we meet, Sister. I look forward to getting to meet the others of our Covenant."

End Scene