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Giant in the comicshop.

21 - 27
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  1. #21

    "It makes sense," Mace said, eyeing the card her sister handed Brick sidelong. Was she trying to recruit him? "I coud be talked into a philosophy club," she said carefully. "Do you know others who might be interested?" She might be a bit more hesitant than her sister on this point. After all, she'd already screwed them up once.

  2. #22

    "Thanks a lot. Always good to meet like minded people." The giant said with a large smile on his face. Pleased with himself that he didn't botch the conversation and created a misunderstanding. The mention of that site and the existence of digital comics was nice. It didn't really come to a surprise to the giant that comics were going digital. Everything was going digital these days.

    "You mind if I borrow your pen and another of those business cards? Then I'll give my number as well." If pepper or mace gave him something to write on and write with he thanked them, wrote down the number and handed to the duo.

    When mace asked if he knew any others that would be interested he knew what she meant. Did he know any other mages. "Nope, haven't seen any other interested people other then you two. But I just moved into town a while ago. So no doubt that there are more philosophers lurking around the corners." He said as he put the bussinescard into his wallet. "How about you two? see anybody who might be interested?"
    WP 5/5
    Health: [][][][][][][][][][]
    mana: 5/5

  3. #23
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    Pepper fished out a second card as requested and handed it over. "Ever been part of a philosophy group before you came here?" She glanced at her watch though, and held up a finger.

    Quickly, she headed over to the counter and talked to the sales person - giving him a list of comics and buying the one she had picked up. There, that business settled, she quickly stepped back to Brick. "Err, sorry, just, we might need to leave soon... Want to set up a time to continue this? Different place maybe?"

  4. #24

    Mace considered for a moment, and shook her head. "No, we just got into town ourselves," she said. "Haven't really met anyone yet." She handed Brick a pen as Pepper went to check with the cashier. "Don't mind her," she said. "It's better to get things squared away and paid for just in case."

    And then Pepper came back, appearing to be in a hurry. Oops. Maybe she should have checked with her Twin if they were going somewhere after this. Now she just felt embarrassed, and the beginnings of a blush warmed her cheeks.

  5. #25

    "nope. I've never been part of one. Weren't any real structured ones around where I used to live. I heard of them in other cities though." He said. then pepper suddenly looked at her watch, gathered up a few comics and then move towards the cashier. Mace told him not to mind her before answering his other question. That no that they hadn't been in town for a long time.

    "So fellow newcomers. I'll let you guy's know if I find somebody then." He hoped they would do likewise.

    "Sure, I'd love to talk a bit more later. Just let me know whenever you guy's are free. I'm still setting up in my home. So I don't really have a lot of other things to do at the moments."
    WP 5/5
    Health: [][][][][][][][][][]
    mana: 5/5

  6. #26
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    Pepper beamed and accepted his info back. "We'll definitely be in touch then. Soon too." Definitely and apostate. Her mind churned with ideas as she glanced to Mace - leaving, yeah? - and walked backwards to the door.

    End Scene?

  7. #27

    "Nice to meet you," Mace said to Brick, extending her hand. "We'll chat again soon." She shook her head as her sister showed off, walking backwards again in those heels. Still, at Pepper's look she followed her out of the shop, forward though, and struck up the conversation again. "You didn't pull any surprises, did you?"

    Thanks for the scene!

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