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Afternoon at the park

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  1. #51
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    Aurum nodded to Jack with a smile as he talked about the rave and while Striker was on the phone. From the sounds of the conversation he was calling someone in over this possibly superior of some sort, a friend, a crew? Regardless it sounded like a bunch of hassle that would take forever and besides they still couldn't open up completely in the park anyway in case someone was listening so nothing would get accomplished and she wasn't sure who this leo guy or gal was.

    "Look I'm sure I don't have to explain the basics because judging by things you have to have your training wheels off. But all I came over to say was," Aurum looked around them to ensure no one was close by and could overhear. Despite this the goth leaned in again close again whispered softly into his ear, her warm breath tickling his ear. "there are laws for our society and I'm sure you know about the Precept of Secrecy it is the single most important thing about us. Madison may not have been asleep but I couldn't verify it without research so nothing should have been done in front of her and especially not in the park in the open. I to have obligations and have to report stuff like this."

    This time before leaning away she blew directly into his ear not in a flirtatious way, but more like a kid playing a prank on a younger classmate. She patted his shoulder in farewell as she turned to walk away.

    "I don't know who a leo is, but you've got my number and I frequently hang around the museum as an intern so I can usually be found there too. I've got some pressing business so he can get in touch with me or something if it and he are important. We can't really talk openly here anyway."

    Aurum will turn and exit the scene unless stopped.
    Fisher: Shaman of The Adamatine Arrow,
    5'8", tan, lean with long black hair and brown eyes. ||Presence: 2
    Supernal Vision / Organic Resilience, and Mana 5/11, WP 5/5.

  2. #52

    Striker looked around and noticed that Cut had left. Oh well. Leo will have to catch up with him later if he wants to pursue this.

    As Aurum's breath tickled his ear the concerned look he had on the phone didn't go away. Laws. I should probably find out exactly what they are, cause I probably just broke one dammit. Secrecy. Yeah I know.

    He reflected calmly for the first on what he'd done. Would I have done somethin' like that in Rocky? Well maybe. Possibly. It woulda depended on who was around. Or would it? Maybe I was pushing the boundries too far here. Bugger. I guess I was.

    Despite the training wheels comment Striker felt like he was being treated like a child, possibly because of the blow in the ear, which he took as intended. She's treating me like a child. Maybe I should be right now.

    He replied to Aurum before she left, quietly so that Madison couldn't hear,
    "Report. Yeah righto. Well Leo's my Order head and a councillor so I guess I've self reported anyways. Hell. I wished he'd a' told me exactly what these laws were though... Hey thanks for actually talkin' to me about this. I asked Cu... that other guy what the problem was and he just.... Whatever. Have a good one ay."

    He squatted down and picked up the squashed barely burnt cigarette and stuck it in his pocket before looking towards Crowley and Madison.

    "Hey. Sorry that your arvo got ruined ay." He said apologetically, "I'm gonna hang around here for a while 'cause a mate wants to see me. Good to met you though Madison, I'd love to see you work sometime." Striker finished, the passion he had when he entered the conversation gone.

  3. #53
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    A wide smile appeared, “Sounds like a fun place!” she said as she started going over what clothes she had that would be appropriate.

    As he said his email address, she picked her phone back up and with quick fingers, tapped on the screen. She missed her old phone, the one with the keyboard, but fire and phones didn’t mix. But this was newer and had the snazzy 4G coverage, just no keyboard. “Thanks. Was cool meeting you as well! See you in a bit!” she said with a wave as he left.

    She looked back to Crowley just as he made the face, and she laughed. “I believe every type of music has some type of soul to it.” She replied with a smile. “But I also know rave music isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.” When he offered the coffee, and with the hope in his voice, she felt pulled. The thought of coffee seemed to speak to her very soul, she was powered by caffeine after all. But she really wanted to check out this Rage place and see how the whole mess between Jack and Striker played out.

    Smiling to Crowley, who seemed really interesting and she wanted to get to know more about, “How about we grab some coffee later this evening? I really want to hear more about your band, and we can even discuss how music can be too bouncy.” She said with a grin and a slight wink. “Here is my number,” she says, giving him her phone number, “Text or call me with the location, and I will be there with bells on.” From her tone it sounded like she might actually wear bells.

    When Striker rejoined them, she was in the process of getting up and gathering her iPod, cell and what was left of her ice coffee. She smiles to him, “Hey, no worries. I was just glad to find some friendly faces to talk with.” She replied to him. “And I’d like for you to attend a show, I’ll let you know when I put one on.” With that she raised a hand, “Great to meet you guys!” she said as she started walking away, looking back to Crowley she held up her hand to her head in a ‘Call Me’ motion.

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