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Midsummer's Yield

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  1. #11

    "Oh. Yeah, go ahead, sit down. Go ahead and rest your feet." The ferret blushed as she let go of Malcolm. This was a little embarrassing. It wasn't like she actually knew Malcolm that well. He may have led her here but that only lasted for a couple hours. Hugging him probably HAD been a bit much. She quickly released him and tried to duck her head to cover her growing blush, which was unfortunately even more with her bandit-like mask branded on her face.

  2. #12
    Tally Benoit's Avatar

    Tally Benoit


    Court Goodwill(Summer) •
    Eidetic Memory
    Fleet of Foot •••
    Hedgespun Wolf Whistle ••
    Fast Reflexes •

    Health: [][][][][][][][]
    Clarity: •••••••
    Willpower: ••••••
    Glamour: 9/10

    Beast Blessing:

    8a when Animal Ken skill and spend Glamour to a die to dice pools involving Pre and Com.


    Suffer -4 to untrained Mental skills. No 10-again with Intelligence pools

    Kith Blessing:

    Tooth and Claw: Causes Lethal Damage instead of Bashing when fighting unarmed.

    Freehold Commendation Benefits:

    + 1 to Clarity degeneration roll and + 1 to Brawl


    Tally spends a minute looking up at the sign outside of the Forge. As she finishes her mental wanders of previous times at the Forge, she moves to head into the club. She's wearing a red long sleeve shirt and black jeans with black runners. Around her neck is her Hedgespun necklace, the Wolf Whistle, displayed for all to see and a black ball cap with the University of Sacramento on it.

    Once she's within, she nods greetings to those who nod at her first. Within a minute, she finds a seat and sits down, her gaze focus on the decorations within the room, for now at least.

  3. #13
    Daniel Leto's Avatar
    Daniel Leto

    Mask: He looks to be late teens or early twenties with blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a kind face and an understanding look. When talking with him he is always engaged, nodding and giving indications he’s listening to you. His smiles have a melancholy to them, though.
    Mein: His eyes and hair turn black beneath the mask. His skin becomes paler as if drained of color, giving him the slight appearance of a marble grave statue. Two stumps with tattered black feathers grow from his shoulder blades. They can be seen pressing at the back of his shirt. The odd feather pokes through holes. Most striking though, is that he is slightly transparent in an otherworldly way. His mantle manifests as wisps of fog and mist.

    Presence: 2
    Freehold Status: 3
    Winter Mantle: 3
    Wyrd: 4
    Hidden Life: 1
    Rigid Mask
    Contacts (Digital Networks)

    Willpower Max: 5

    Health Max: 7

    Glamour Max: 9/13
    Promises and Vows

    Vow (Winter Freehold Commendation):
    Task: Fealty, Medial Alliance (Freeholders)
    Boon: Vassalage (+1 Clarity deg), Adroitness (+1 Empathy)
    Sanction: Medial Curse
    Duration: Year and a Day

    Horn and Bone

    Vow (Sharpened Horn and Bone):
    Task: Dreaming, Endeavor (stop nightmares)
    Boon: Adroitness (Empathy, Occult)
    Sanctions: Poisoning of Boon (Adroitness)
    Duration: Year and a Day


    Daniel approached the scene with a little uncertainty. From the rumors he had heard the Forge was not a place he would normally go. Too "lively". However, his Spring-time pledge was about to fade and the fey invitation had peaked his interest. Though he had to admit, it felt a little like Summer was encroaching on Winter's territory by throwing a mourning party.

    Daniel didn't have much so he had dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans (the jeans were torn).

    Feeling a little self conscious, Daniel singled out the preacher that seemed to be the greeter for the event. "Hello, Daniel Leto. Good to meet you."
    Darkling Gravewight | Winter Mantle ••• (Mist and Fog) | Glamour 9 / Willpower 4/5 (4 HotD) / Wyrd 4
    Rigid Mask / Hidden Life 1 / Winter Freehold Vow / Horn and Bone

  4. #14

    Alex Rivers

    As he enters the hall, Rostam is still unclear how exactly "Midsummer's Yield" worked. A memorial service of some sort? After Redding, he's uncertain about Summers in general. He's used to being hassled by jocks and hardcases who wanted to shame him into joining the winning team... or quitting the game entirely. They all wanted to know why somebody like him was hiding with the Winters. Like a big pussy. Big Pussy was one of his least unpleasant nicknames there...

    The somber nature of this event was something of an encouraging sign. The Redding Summers' idea of a memorial service involved bonfires, booze, bawdy tales and drunken brawling, like a mead hall scene out of Beowulf... Maybe these guys will be a bit easier to deal with. And stories of past heroes and sacrifices might tell him more about all of the confusing history he'd heard about at the the Sage Symposium. But most importantly he's here because the Summer King will be present in his season. Hopefully that means the Freehold Pledge will be available. That's something he really needs to get done. Maybe then this standoffish group will begin to open up to him just a little bit...

  5. #15
    Coco's Avatar

    Mask: A slim, young woman with dyed hair, a mischievous smile, and laughing brown eyes.

    Mien: Coco's eyes are split into four facets that give a kaleidoscope appearance to her irises and two delicate antenna are perched on her forehead. Her nails are also like pieces of black carapace.

    Additional Identifying Features:
    A tattoo of a jeweled wasp sits perched atop a thick and gnarled white "branch" that stretches several inches upwards from her left wrist, though the branch is clearly a scar.

    A tattoo of a frayed, torn, and dirty golden banner trails around her right wrist, with another long scar forming the "mounting" for the banner.
    Coco's Mien

    Coco's eyes are split into four facets that give a kaleidoscope appearance to her irises and two delicate antenna are perched on her forehead. Her nails are also like pieces of black carapace, and her waist is tapered much like a wasps.

    Surrounding Coco is the subtle sensation of warm sun and the smell of fresh, floral growth.


    Dancer Skitterskulk

    "Green! Coco! And yes, sit or stand as you will," she said again, smiling up at the giant. Yes, she was repeating her name a lot. Maybe she just liked saying it?

    She watched the ferret and the mountains awkward exchange and her smile quirked briefly in amusement. "Tessa, it's wonderful that you've found a good friend already. There's no reason to feel shy! Some would be jealous, you know."

    But, before she could continue more people entered, a bestial woman who moved directly into a pew, and then the shy man from the Blue Note and another Giant!

    "Ah, welcome! Daniel, I remember you from the Blue Note! I liked your song! Bit dour, perhaps, but fitting for a blues club, no?" Coco nodded to the man, uncaring that she'd interrupted his greeting to the King, and turned to the large, dark haired man. "Hello friend! Welcome! I'm Coco, and this is Rick Pereg, Tessa, Green, I believe you heard Daniel's introduction, and this is Brother Lucas, our host!" A fluid gesture with her cane accompanied each introduction.
    Pres 3 (Fierce), Dex 4 (Agile), Fairest Dancer/Skitterskulk. Mantle 1: Scent of Pollen

  6. #16
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    Lucas Gregory

    Lucas glanced down to Coco's cane and simply shook his head, a small smile on his face. "I shouldn't think so, no. I'm pretty confident that it won't be needed today but it is nice to see that you are ensuring the safety of those present."

    "Yes, hello there Green. Of course, I've heard your name before. Its good to finally meet you." A Winter courtier, one of the Lonely March if Lucas recalled. That may come in useful.

    "Likewise, Daniel," Lucas replied to the Gravewight. "How are you finding the Freehold?"

    For a moment, it felt as if a cloud had passed over the sun and Lucas cocked his head from those gathering around him. His pinpricks of eyes narrow in on the Ogre but he says nothing, instead waiting to see if the man replies to the enthusiastic Coco first.

  7. #17
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    She wasn't usually one for nerves having come to an deep and personal understanding of the notion of fear many years ago but today, there were butterflies fluttering around in her gut. It was both unnerving and exciting, and the sole reason why the Leaden Mirror kicked ass.

    It was all about the understanding of one's fears. Today was the fear of death.

    Wearing a little black dress that was a mark of respect, Terri had a small purse over her shoulder to match her outfit. Inside was her aspersorium along with some other small knickknacks. A golden band she had recovered from her hollow was in there also but she wasn't ready to put it back on quite yet.

    With a polite smile, and a deep breath, the Beast joined those gathering around Brother Lucas, whom Terri knew very little about. In fact, a majority of those present she didn't know. Now that was scary.

    "Hi everyone," she said sweetly glancing around the group, before announcing, "I'm Terri." Taking in everyone, her eyes settled on Rick briefly and she gave him a nod. There was no hate or pain in her eyes for her ex-husband, rather the fact that they had gone through so much, and lost so many friends in that time. Today was about respecting that.
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  8. #18

    "Oh no, I wouldn't necessarily call us good friends, he just-," she paused as a the lights seemed to dim almost like a cloud had passed over them. She stopped altogether, however, when she saw Rostam, the cause of it even if she didn't know it. Those sharp teeth. The slight hint of a predatory cat to him. The horns, the tail, his bespeckled skin. It wasn't an exact match to her previous foe, but it was just enough to remind her too much of her Durance. Tally had made her skin prickle because her animal side could sense the predator of her. But Ibrahimi's entire Fae Mien made her animal side scream to run.

    Suddenly, she was back in that forest. The one of dancing light and deadly shadows. Her eyes were no longer focused on anyone but the Ogre in front of her, only she saw a much more shadowy and malevolent being more reminiscent of those she had ran from in Arcadia. She backed away, trying to blindly find somewhere to escape. And when her back met a wall, well, that was good enough for her. Just like in Arcadia, her only escape was up.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-07-09 16:07:35 Tessa rolls 3 to Strength+Athletics (climb) (10 Again) 9, 1, 8 2 successes

    Her claws dug into the masonry like it was tree bark and she began ascending the wall like it was nothing. In her frightened mind, she remembered that those creatures that had chased her in Arcadia, the ones she was currently reminded of by Rostam, couldn't climb for what ever reason. Nevermind that he wasn't one of them or that The Forge was far and away from where she spent time under her Fae master, she wasn't about to let herself be captured. It didn't matter whether he wanted to eat here or take her back to The Watcher From The Sky, she wouldn't let the man near her.

  9. #19

    Alex Rivers

    "Hello. I'm Rostam Ibrahimi, and I'm new in--" His greeting is interrupted when one of the group literally recoils from him in horror. He watches wide-eyed as the small woman scrambles up the wall like a squirrel. He knows that his size and appearance can be intimidating, but this is a bit much, unless... Oh God. Does she know? Have some of these people already encountered Auntie and her Boys? He searches his jumbled memories of Back Then for a girl who looked like her. But there were so many... Auntie wasn't into cute woodland animals, not unless they had extra limbs or multiple sets of jaws, but she had made a tidy profit selling her excess stock to other Keepers...

    He shakes the dark thoughts off with a shudder and takes a step back. He keeps his hands open and away from his body. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make trouble. I just came here to meet some people from the Freehold and learn more about its history. And hopefully get sworn in..." So shit like this stops happening. Rostam looks over at the guy he assumes to be the King, judging by the 10,000 watt Mantle. Maybe he can take my Pledge right here, and everybody can stop freaking out. That, or the beast woman now clinging to the ceiling will speak up about how I ate her boyfriend and sold her down the river to Dr. Moreau or the Umbrella Corp or whoever. Then all these Summer jocks will be holding a memorial service for me in the alley out back...

    As Rostam mentally maps out the distances to the exit and the street behind him and wonders just how far he'll make it if this goes to hell, he thinks... not for the first time... that Sacramento may not have been the best idea he's ever had.

  10. #20
    Marcus Evan's Avatar

    Marcus Evan


    Marcus nods respectfully to his king as he enters The Forge and shakes his hand. Seeing Terri, he smiles encouragingly and gives her elbow a friendly squeeze before giving a welcoming nod to Rick, Tally, and Green. To those present whom he has not yet officially met, he offers a firm handshake as he introduces himself.

    "Alright? I'm Marcus Evan."

    After introducing himself to the unfamiliar ogre with just the faintest hint of Winter about him, the elemental looks up at the beast cowering halfway up the wall and raises an eyebrow.

    "Does she owe you money, or something?"

    Marcus doesn't feel any connection to either changeling through the shared freehold pledge. However, even though he would ordinarily not involve himself in such matters when they do not directly concern him, the metalflesh dislikes the fact that something appears to be disrupting his court's gathering and decides to resolve the problem before Lucas is bothered with any need to attend to it.

    "Alright? Please come down from there. There is no need for you to be afraid. I am Marcus Evan of the Summer Court. I assure you that anyone who starts trouble within these walls, on today of all days, will answer to me... personally."

    After addressing the frightened courtless beast making a spectacle of herself on the wall, the elemental walks back over to his king and stands at his side as he surveys the crowd for any other signs of trouble.

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