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(AFD Tactics) Geist vs Idun

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  1. #11
    Idun's Avatar



    "Well, it's something to look into when I'm wanting to get a gift for myself." Idun tells Geist, looking at him before looking down at the board. She sees her next move and moves the piece needed.

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-06-30 23:03:30 Idun rolls 6 to Int + Res (10 Again) 8, 10, 6, 4, 3, 1, 6 2 successes

    Geist 7 | Idun 8

  2. #12
    TheMalkCat's Avatar

    The Sewnskin Doctor

    Any residual cheer from helping a fellow Mage find herself a birthday present fades when he sees how close he is to being out-chessed! He focuses his will to a point and racks his brain for something to get him out of this mess.

      1 measly sux
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-07-01 00:16:17 Geist rolls 10 to SUPERCHESSING! (Int+Res+ED+1 WP) (10 Again, WillPower) 5, 4, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4, 6, 5, 10, 1 1 success

    "Bwuh..." Nope, nothing.

  3. #13
    Idun's Avatar



    Idun raises an eye at the sound coming from her opponent, with a shrug, she sees her next move. "Hmmm..." She muses for a few seconds before she moves the piece.

      1 success to match yours
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-07-01 00:21:14 Idun rolls 6 to do something insignificant (10 Again) 7, 1, 9, 2, 1, 7 1 success

    Geist 8 | Idun 9

  4. #14
    TheMalkCat's Avatar

    The Sewnskin Doctor

    Geist concentrates on the match drawing to a close. If he can just get one piece right where he wants it...

      1 Success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-07-01 00:30:46 Geist rolls 7 to Chessing (Int+Res+EM) (10 Again) 1, 4, 7, 9, 2, 4, 3 1 success

  5. #15
    Idun's Avatar



    Idun studies the board and makes a move she's not a hundred percent clear is the right one, but she makes it anyway.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-07-01 00:33:32 Idun rolls 6 to Int + Res (10 Again) 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 7 failure

    Geist 9 | Idun 9

  6. #16
    TheMalkCat's Avatar

    The Sewnskin Doctor

    "And you-" Geist triumphantly plays his totally mismanaged and intensely inferior board hopping superior tactical gambit with an exaggerated sweep of his hand "-have fallen into my trap (card)! Checkmate!"

      1 Sux, Victory!
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-07-01 00:36:06 Geist rolls 7 to Chessing (Int+Res+EM) (10 Again) 7, 6, 7, 9, 3, 5, 6 1 success

    Awwww yissssss! Not even close! The Moros crosses his arms and grins with unabashed smugness mixed with genuine surprise leaking off his mug. "GG, Idun!"

  7. #17
    Idun's Avatar



    "Good game, Geist." Idun says to the Moros. She offers him to shake his hand once she has stood up.

  8. #18
    TheMalkCat's Avatar

    The Sewnskin Doctor

    Geist rises as well and his smug snake smirk eases into a genial grin. "Heh heh. Thanks for the match, Idun. If you ever got car trouble, you know who to call. I do ghosts too, but that's mostly a hobby." He reaches out to shake her hand limply and unless stopped, will return to receive another opponent.

    Geist returns to [AFD] Tactics Match

  9. #19
    Idun's Avatar



    "I will and good luck on your next match." Idun says, watching him move away, she takes the time to set up the board for another match. With that done, she returns to the group hanging around, watching the matches.

    Idun returns to [AFD] Tactics Match

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