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(Travelling Wizards) Crooks and booze

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  1. #41

    No threats at the moment. Roderick just wanted to get to the point.

  2. #42
    Crafty Cultist

    Luke sighed as he entered the bar. It was bad enough having someone reveal you to a potential enemy without being smug about it. And with the thug's comments, he realized he had forgotten to look alive for this little meeting. Though they seemed to think we was a junkie. Might as well make the most of it. Squinting at the light in the bar, Luke pulled out a pair of sunglasses and clutched his head slightly. "Let's just get this over with."

  3. #43
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate

    Daggers looks at Roderick nonchalantly as the man makes all the 'undead military' poising. The undead part isn't known to him, of course, but the fence has enough experience to recognize someone who used to be in law enforcement or army of some sort and now speaking normally was forever lost to them. Luke's paleness is pretty much overlooked as mostof the attention is focused on Ana and Roderick. After everyone seats down, Daggers leans forward and growls through his teeth:

    "Okay, old timer. You seem re-e-eally dense so let me be crystal clear. This is my territory, my world and my people around you. Except for good-ol'e Johny behiind the counter, but you try anything in his bar and see how friendly he can be. Unless you're fucking Neo and Bruce Lee rolled into one, you'll show some respect. Or unless you like the taste of your own cohones in your mouth, comprende?" - he leans back and the thugs around him burst out with laughter. Even John the bartender snorts - apparently his distaste for sexual violence doesn't extend to feeding men their important parts.

    "Let's get down to it, then. You want something from the guy in the picture. You have nothing to pay me for the info, so here's a better idea: I need something from him and the crew he's in too. And I know where he'll be in two days at midnight. So how about you join my crew for some additional 'persuasion power'? You'll help my guys get what I want and they'll help you get what you want?"

  4. #44
    Princess's Avatar

    Roderick just had to transmute her joke about his lack of smarts into a blatant demonstration, and, well, little Anabella felt that it was past time to just go ahead and step up her charm. It would have been awfully nice if things had gone smooth on their own, but it was time to step things up a notch to make sure things stayed on course.

      Awe, 2S
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-05-23 10:49:21 Anabella Prieto rolls 7 to Awe (10 Again) 6, 7, 7, 9, 6, 10, 6, 7 2 successes

    Positively glowing, she adjusts the bargain in as agreeable manner as she might. "I believe this plan can work, but my employer will most certainly insist that none of your 'crew' looks through our information. Which means I get to look over any papers or pictures before your boys do, and we will be as cooperative as possible with one another with everything else. Sound fair?"

    Having let Roderick wait long enough to remind him of his lack of importance, she finally gets around to informing him, "I was having trouble with my vocabulary. Mr. Daggers was just helping to clarify something. And as you should have just surmised just now, he already told me who they are and where we can find them. It's time for you to help now."

    Her glance lingers on Roderick a moment to convey that everything is, indeed, fine in her view, before looking back at Daggers. "So how soon are we doing this?"


  5. #45

    This was very familiar.

    The Daggers' smugness, sitting in enemy territory, showing pictures to someone who thought so highly of himself. Yes, Roderick could almost feel the sting of the sun again as the hot air blew sand all around them. Not even the cloth around his neck could keep the heat off of him. The last time he had done this, it wasn't two pictures that he had, but fifty two set as a deck of cards. It wasn't a bar but instead a tent in the middle of Afghanistan's Northern Desert. And the hyenas around them were carrying AK-47s.

    And he was with men he could put a lot more trust in.

    Not even a suitcase full of money was enough to sway the warlord. He wanted something from the Americans, something more than what money could give. Roderick could see it in his eyes back then, and he could see it in Daggers' eyes now. He wanted something that he could only get with his plan. Slowly, he came out of his trip back, catching the tailend of the conversation. He hadn't heard nor cared for what they were discussing, he was already formulating something of his own. For now, he would sit back and wait for things to wrap up.

  6. #46
    Crafty Cultist

    Luke massaged his temples and sighed. Now the other two seemed to be vying for authority.

    From behind his glasses, He scanned the room, leaving the negotiating to the other two. It seemed Ms Prieto was calling the shots, for their group. Nothing she said was objectionable, so Luke simply listened, rubbing his temples slightly.

  7. #47
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate

    There are 7 people in the room, so Awe gets a -3 modifier and Anabella gets 1 success. A Persuasion roll isn't necessary.

    One of the thugs and the middle table suddenly speaks up:

    "Come on, Daggers, throw the beauty a bone here!" - he winks at Anabella, apparently trying to score points with her.

    "Shut up", - Daggers turns back to the Kindred and the chewing movements are there again as he thinks about something, - "Ok, maybe sending you there completely blind isn't what I want. The crew that took your stuff is nick-named Nomad Wizards - some cocky reporter with an oveblown imagination came up with it, not me. Google them or something. Or not, just be at the corner of Lancing Way and Bell Street at 11 PM the day after tomorrow. With a car - you'll follow my boys. And yeah, you don't poke your noses into my business and I won't poke into yours."

    John has been shooting Daggers annoyed glances for a while, so he sighs:

    "The bar needs re-opening. Now, scoot. And remember, you screw me, I'll find you, Anabella, and then your friends", - he gestures them to the door.

    Time to wrap this up, great job, everyone. You have a free night to prepare, find out about the thief crew (Wits + Streetwise (on foot) and Int + Investigation (using the computer) are your friends) or do whatever you like. Please post your intentions in the OOC thread or PM them to me so that I can set up the next scene. If your toons won't do anything major, then we'll jump straight to the night after tomorrow. Vitae will be back to your average (you can hunt) and everyone recovers 1 WP (which no one used)

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