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(WotS) Discovered and Procured

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  1. #11
    Samaritan's Avatar


    Presence: ●●● (Professional)

    Status (News Media): ●
    Status (Concealed Firearms License): ●●
    Status (P.I.): ●
    Status (Consilium): ●
    Status (Guardian of the Veil): ●

    Bishop was pleased with himself. The evening had progressed well and he seemed to be on the trail of something. Plus, he had found people with some talents that were useful, as it seemed.
    He nodded, his face showing a little of honest satisfaction.
    "Very well. You have my contact information and I have yours, so I'd say we call it an evening."
    He tucked his share of the pills into his coat and waved.
    "Lady, gentleman, I look forward to hear from you again. In the meantime, stay safe."
    With these words, Bishop took a look onto the street, pulled up his jacket and started walking down the street until he found a cab he could take home.

    Unless stopped, Bishop leaves the scene.
    Health: [][][][][][][] | Willpower: ●●●OO | Basic Mana: 6/11 |
    „Spoken.“ | Thought | Done
    War is worse than Hell - in Hell, there are no innocent bystanders...

  2. #12
    Miach's Avatar



    Miach restrained himself, and waited until Bishop had left to turn to Kiko. He eyed her warily, and whispered. "Well... want some to... experiment on your side ?" he asked reluctantly, hoping she would answer by the negative. "Or you trust me to handle that side of the investigation ?"

  3. #13

    She inclined her head as Bishop left not entirely sure how she could help but.. this was a new experience and as she'd heard time and again You never stop learning so she shrugged inwardly and would let Fate play her hand.

    "Honestly Maich-kun.. I am no scientist and the way I see things are so different than anyone else but.. no.. not here if it is alright with you. Fortune may Favor the Bold and we Angels go where others fear to tread.. but sometimes being cautious is the more prudent choice." she looked up at him with a look of worry.

    "Please for all that is Holy be careful.. I do not like seeing those I like troubled or in pain. Would you be a gentleman and walk me back to my car or.. at least the place we could part way and keep each other safe?"

    She looked at the Pills as if it was some alien 'thing' that she needed to dissect, and in a sense they were.

    Looking back to Maich for his answer she wondered what was so off about this whole meeting.

  4. #14
    Miach's Avatar



    Strangely, Miach relaxed as Kiko spoke. She wouldn't take a single pill. It was all for him. It was a truely great evening in the end.

    The least he could do now was to comply with that young woman who had risked life and limb to save him, and see her to her car. "Don't worry. I'll see you to your car, or even further, if it can make you feel better." It would be the quickest way to find himself alone again, too.

    "Please, if you need something of me, just say the word." he said as they walked in Sacramento's streets.

  5. #15

    On the way back Kiko was oddly quiet as the gears in her mind turned. Once they arrived she turned to look up at Maich with an odd expression "I was thinking maybe there is something I can do with a few of those M&M's" as she studied Maich a moment before looking off into the horizon.

    "So would you mind if I had a couple?"

  6. #16
    Miach's Avatar



    Getting shot another time in the vitals would have been less painful to Miach than Kiko's last sentence. He froze in place, and looked at her with an unbelieving look on his face. Had she really asked him to part with some of his Glo ? Was she nuts ? She wanted to be slapped in the face, or what ?!

    But no, it w as Kiko, dear Kiko, cute Kiko. Not some meanie trying to rob him of his mind's painkiller... no. No.

    "Yeah... well... If you're sure, I guess... yeah..." he said, reluctantly putting forth his part for her to plunder.

  7. #17

    She was a little confused at Miach's slower speech, well to her it seemed weird, but didn't put much thought into it after all he'd been having a hell of a past few months.

    Taking four pills she slipped them in her pocket and leaned up on her toes to kiss him gently on the cheek after all was said and done "Hey, I may not be the best person in the world or the smartest but I'm a cat" she grinned impishly patting his hand gently "So even given this" as she patted her pocket "I'm still here to talk about anything you wish to talk of Senpai.. just remember that. I'm just me and I honestly want to help. So until that time, or we meet again, Ja-ne."

    Afterwards she slipped into her car and after a moment smiled, started it up and headed home. While the words to a particularly enjoyable series she'd seen before came to the forefront of her mind.

    I walk in the dark places others fear to go.. I stand at the bridge and none shall pass.. I live for the One..

    "I die for the One"

    Kiko leaves the Scene, Also Thank You all for the Fun!

  8. #18

    Bigpaw we will start a new thread momentarily to weave in Sirith . It will occur directly after this one. Thank you three for the scene!

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