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Tack It Up (Open)

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  1. #11
    Dominyk Prise's Avatar

    Dominyk Prise


    Dominyk watched the ravenhaired near statue winter start to have a conversation with the woman who’s scalp he was still currently massaging sightly. Of course he didn’t recognize the name but that wasn’t something that he would have expected. Especially with the sheer number of changelings he had met in the years past.

    So, I’m assuming you’re intending to speak to her then.” Dominyk’s tone giving more than enough weight to his words, in addition the emphasis only gave the clue that the person Dominyk spoke of, was a woman of some respect. “Specifically because of what you are, Lord Leto.

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  3. #12
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan had gotten lucky finding a lead on Mary Lee's location. And she knew where Nevada lived so hey, two jobs in one trip, right? She'd packed up the specific gift boxes in her new backpack along with several of the smaller gift boxes. You never knew, she might run into other 'lings on the way. As it was, she ended up being too late upon her arrival. But there is one thing about a Fairest, most mundanes pay attention when they walk by. And the description of her male companion from jealous women sounded a lot like Dominyk. Well, maybe there was a gathering?

    That'd be great, drop off a bunch and skit-daddle on to Nevada's place. Good plan. Turning a corner she almost easily recognized Mary though it took the Beast a moment to identify Dominyk. The other three though...she paused and stared, trying to place names. Nope, don't remember-know them. With a shrug she quickly took the Mary's gift and 3 others out of her pack.

    She slung her backpack back on before approaching the group with a wave of her free hand whilst the other held the 4 gift boxes. The lack of breath from running is the only thing keeping her chatter at a normal speed for once: "Hiya Mary, heh, was l-looking for you. A-and hi Dominyk a-and other folks I don't know. O-okay-oakies, uh--moment," she looks at the gifts in her arm. She identifies the right one quickly, "Heh-here you go Mary it is for you," handing over the package meant for the Fairest. She then turns to Victor, Bard, and Daniel in turn giving each one of the smaller boxes, "And here sorry-I-don't-know-your-name" was repeated each time. She finally turned to Dominyk, "A-and since were from yoz I don't give you one. Oh-oh, question please? Um, heh, am I supposed to give specific deliveries like Mary," she points to said person, "supposed to get the little boxes too or-or no?"

    It is around this time that Morgan stops to inhale and breath again.

    OOC: Sorry to burst in folks, but too good an opportunity. The crazy raccoon won't be sticking around long though.

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  5. #13
    Daniel Leto's Avatar
    Daniel Leto

    Mask: He looks to be late teens or early twenties with blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a kind face and an understanding look. When talking with him he is always engaged, nodding and giving indications he’s listening to you. His smiles have a melancholy to them, though.
    Mein: His eyes and hair turn black beneath the mask. His skin becomes paler as if drained of color, giving him the slight appearance of a marble grave statue. Two stumps with tattered black feathers grow from his shoulder blades. They can be seen pressing at the back of his shirt. The odd feather pokes through holes. Most striking though, is that he is slightly transparent in an otherworldly way. His mantle manifests as wisps of fog and mist.

    Presence: 2
    Freehold Status: 3
    Winter Mantle: 3
    Wyrd: 4
    Hidden Life: 1
    Rigid Mask
    Contacts (Digital Networks)

    Willpower Max: 5

    Health Max: 7

    Glamour Max: 9/13
    Promises and Vows

    Vow (Winter Freehold Commendation):
    Task: Fealty, Medial Alliance (Freeholders)
    Boon: Vassalage (+1 Clarity deg), Adroitness (+1 Empathy)
    Sanction: Medial Curse
    Duration: Year and a Day

    Horn and Bone

    Vow (Sharpened Horn and Bone):
    Task: Dreaming, Endeavor (stop nightmares)
    Boon: Adroitness (Empathy, Occult)
    Sanctions: Poisoning of Boon (Adroitness)
    Duration: Year and a Day


    Daniel shifted his gaze again as some new hints were dropped. The man could see through the mask or had been given an indication by one of his companions. That much seemed obvious. The emphasis was clear enough. It was an invitation; possibly to meet someone from the upper echelons of changeling society. A thin tendril of mist passed in front of the understanding look in Daniel’s black eyes. The implications he wasn’t sure of. Ensorcelled? Or am I looking at a hardened Mask?

    “I wouldn’t go so far as Lord,” he said jokingly back “Just a peasant in search of a hold to serve. I was, however, looking for a more formal introduction to local… “ Is that a raccoon girl running this way, waving? ”...society?”

    Somehow the statement had turned into a question by a present carrying, gifting giving steepscrambler, who seemed able to both gasp for air and speak normally at the same time. He barely had time to make note of the two names she mentioned before he was having a box put in his hands.

    "And here sorry-I-don't-know-your-name"
    “Daniel Leto,” he manages a little dumbly.

    Daniel’s normal calm and understanding demeanor had been replaced with mild confusion. The vapors of his mantle still spiraled in circles around dead leaves where the Beast had dashed through them.

    Was this a test? A trick of some kind? Was this normal?

    Daniel smiled a little smile at that, looking down at the little gift box. Since when were most things the Lost did normal? He resisted the particular urge to shake any wrapped boxes you have in hand and instead Daniel regained his calm to listen.
    Darkling Gravewight | Winter Mantle ••• (Mist and Fog) | Glamour 9 / Willpower 4/5 (4 HotD) / Wyrd 4
    Rigid Mask / Hidden Life 1 / Winter Freehold Vow / Horn and Bone

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  7. #14
    Dominyk Prise's Avatar

    Dominyk Prise


    Dominyk’s lip curled again and he raised an eyebrow. He leaned towards the darkling his expression turning to one of a controlled smile, one that had something more behind it. Of course, Morgan managed to bound in to interrupt the exact thing he was intending to say to the apparent worm before him.

    Instead his hand removed itself from Mary’s scalp and he absently patted the raccoon, if she stood still long enough for him to do so. “You’re doing well.” It was praise for her work, as well as the appearance in such an opportune time. He watched the darkling stare at the small gift box before even subtle urges were starting to tell him what to do.

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  9. #15
    Mary Lee's Avatar

    Mary Lee
    Mary Lee


    "Thank you," Mary graciously replies, distracted from the other conversation by the sudden entrance. "Should I open this now, or?" Apparently the last word in the sentence was a raised eyebrow.

  10. #16

    It took a moment for Victor to pull his eyes away from the vibrant color of Bard's, but when he did he glanced down at the little box he was handed and then up to the racoon who had given it to him. "Oh, thank you," his voice sounding a bit surprised, "My name is Victor, miss. . ?"

  11. #17
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    For some reason, Dominyk's pat on the hat brought a smile to Morgan's lips. Like how a dog liked approval maybe? The Beast wasn't going to keep on with that analogy. Or it could be that he managed it well despite the raccoon kind of bouncing in place thanks to the adrenaline high she was still on. The Beast just gives a nod of her head, "Thanks, ha-happy to be helping, but still plenty to be finding-giving gifts to. Oh, the club sov-officers were cool with the gifts, heh."

    The raccoon responded to Mary's raised eyebrow with an audio and a phsyical response. In this case, spreading arms and shrugging accompanied by the universal hum-grunt of "I don't know."

    Some of the newbies had introducted themselves. The confused one was named Daniel Leto, the surprised one was Victor, and the colorful one hadn't talked yet. Oh well, Morgan could get that one's name when she wasn't in a rush. For now, she smiled and waved hello, "Hi-hello Daniel and Victor. I'm Morgan Bellanar, good-nice to meet you and your f-friend. W-welcome to town h-hope you stay and join the club, proper-public-term-that. S-sorry all, but gotta go-go. Many-more folks needing presents, heh. Bye-bye welcome-to-town!"

    The last sentence is shouted over her should as she waves goodbye and takes off towards her original destination. Hopefully Nevada would actually be at her home when Morgan got there.

    The crazy raccoon makes an exuberant exit from the scene. Have fun folks.

  12. Likes Princess liked this post
  13. #18
    Mary Lee's Avatar

    Mary Lee
    Mary Lee


    Mary smiles at Morgan's obvious enthusiasm, but seems rather eager to find out what gift Dominyk had delivered by circuitous means. Peeling it open with the slow care of a compulsive wrapping-saver, she peers in and her smile, and eyes widen. She exclaims, "It's beautiful. Thank you so much!"

    Following after his motion as she realizes he stepped away, she gives him a peck on the cheek and gestures towards the necklace and her bare neck, asking with clear enough implicit meaning, "Would you?"

  14. #19
    Key's Avatar

    This thread has been open for more than 1 month,

    Thread closed
    "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
    Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.
    He says that only a few people are awake,
    and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

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