Opened in case anyone wanted to pop in to the Elysian Field for a chat.

One of the more useful Elysian staff helps out new arrivals by discreetly directly Kindred towards The Stairs.

The Stairs lead away from the mortal nightclub to a subterranean area set aside for Kindred use...

Anyone descending The Stairs will detect the tangy aroma of freshly squeezed lemons wafts up from the sub-space.

Once at the foot of The Stairs a new arrival can see the layout more properly.

In the cellar vault beneath the nightclub the lights are low. The silence is almost tangible.

A calm atmosphere prevails.

Recessed lamps cast a soft glow and the bright and rich scent of freshly made lemonade and squeezed lemons fills the air.

A Latin motto is inscribed over the doorway as one descends The Stairs. It reads in delicate silver lettering: "Per Ardua Ad Astra" ~ through struggle, to the Stars.

The Court area is decorated with long black and purple silken drapes cascading from floor to ceiling. Draped in elegant bunches and gathered into valances across door frames and between supporting pillars.

There's a rich and lingering scent of exotic rose incense; the lighting is intentionally low.

A delicately painted pattern and illustrations of ancient and strange Zodiacs adorn the ceiling.

Adorning the walls and carefully lit are truly large digital prints of NASA's renderings of the largest galactic entities and the very farthest reaches of Deep Space.

Martha's costume and attire for the evening seems almost fully black. A long velvet hooded cloak. Her cane is resting across her lap. She's shunned her Blush of Life.

As she sits, it's obvious that she's probably wearing a pair of thigh high boots. Her sturdy leather gloves are, however, more obvious.

To those initiated into the mysteries of the Marvel Universe Martha's dressed as Selene, the psychic vampire Black Queen of the Hellfire Club.

There's a simple coffee table in front of her along with notes, printed out copies of maps of Sacramento and copies of many US newspapers and various academic periodicals.

Somewhere close by the butler, Dal, may be lurking to attend and the Reeve cannot be far behind too.

Martha is currently engrossed in reading a copy of 'Population and Food: global trends and future prospects' by Prof Tim Dyson.