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  1. #31
    Cayce's Avatar


  2. #32

    Roderick was surprised at the speed of the sirens. Perhaps they were called in earlier before he and Julian stopped off at the offramp. Either way, the evidence was disposed of as best as they could at the time. The rest will, with any luck, be passed over or dismissed. People died in traffic accidents all the time, Roderick reasoned, no need to look into another one too deeply.

    As he stepped out of the woods, he saw Julian at the hastily arranged meeting spot. Gas stations always found their home near offramps and this was no exception. He pulled at his pants and pushed his undershirt down under the waistband to give the impression that he went into the woods to relieve himself just as a precaution to prevent suspicion. As he approached the car he spoke up, "Wonder what the sirens are for?"

  3. #33

    Julian picked up on the soldiers intent pretty quickly. Just act like a normal pair of people on the road and nobody will look twice. Jullian shrugged. "No clue. maybe some drunk guy drove into a tree. Lets just go, our friends are already wondering why we are late." The nosferatu said as he got back in the passengers side of the car.
    BP:1 vitae: 3/10
    Presence:2 (stern)
    disfigurement flaw: a disgusting scar stretching from his chin all the way past is mouth and to his eyebrows. It has healed quite badly, as if somebody just stitched it close and hoped for the best.


  4. #34

    "That's rather macabre." Roderick chuckled and shook his head as he climbed into the driver's seat. He pulled the car around and started it down the road towards the onramp. As they rolled to a stop just before the turn onto the interstate, Roderick couldn't help but look towards the faint glow of fire deep in the woods. "I hope we did the right thing. I can't help but think we could have used the police to search for more info about the event."

    He looked to Julian as he added, "Or am I overestimating the reach of the Kindred in Sacramento?" He caught the light change and rolled the car onto the interstate, restarting their trip to Hangtown and whatever awaited them.

  5. #35

    "You are, no kindred in sacramento has influence with the cops. It's forbidden by the prince's decree." Julian said with a shrug. The reason why was rather obvious to him. To much fingers pulling at the same strings made the entire police department fall apart.

    "So I doubt we could have pumped the police for info. We would just have pulled attention to ourselves. Better to have incomplete data then to have our faces know to the cops and risking a masque breach you know. Still, lets keep our eyes on the newspapers and the internet for the next few nights. Who knows what we can read in between the lines there." Probably not much, but better then absolutely nothing.
    BP:1 vitae: 3/10
    Presence:2 (stern)
    disfigurement flaw: a disgusting scar stretching from his chin all the way past is mouth and to his eyebrows. It has healed quite badly, as if somebody just stitched it close and hoped for the best.


  6. #36

    Roderick nodded as he was reminded of the rule set by the Prince. He takes a hand off the wheel to stroke his hand as Julian explains how things would work, trying his best not to look at the fire and the flashing lights as the pass the roadside event. He was more focused on avoiding the cars that slowed down to gawk at the flashy event.

    Once it was a dot in their rearview mirror, Roderick spoke up, "I'm not too good at navigating the internet. I learned how to use computers just fine back in the Army, but beyond that training, there isn't much beyond that. I suppose there are those in the community we can count on for that?" He chuckles and shakes his head at the notion. "Listen to me, going on about Kindred Intelligence Networks. Vampire CIA! HAH! There's a movie idea."

  7. #37

    Jullian followed rodericks lead and kept his attention away from the burning wreck and the sirens as they passed the results of rodericks work. He didn't want to fly into a frenzy here.

    "Pretty sure that there are at least a few people that know how to work with a computer. I know a thing or two, but not to much. I can still try though if nobody else wants to help us out." when he mentioned the movie idea jullian had to laugh a bit. "Sounds like either a cheap B-movie or something a whacked out conspiracy theorist would think up."
    BP:1 vitae: 3/10
    Presence:2 (stern)
    disfigurement flaw: a disgusting scar stretching from his chin all the way past is mouth and to his eyebrows. It has healed quite badly, as if somebody just stitched it close and hoped for the best.


  8. #38

    ((Ready to make it to Hangtown. Fool ))

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