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(Tur) Planning check

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  1. #1
    DrDog's Avatar

    Werewolf Lawyer


    The group reconvenes after their various missions. It is time to discuss the way forward, and figure out what happened. And there are new wolves as well, who all look in varying degrees of shell-shocked.

    This is not a direct continuation thread.
    The Dog Draped in Resplendent Finery of Shrieking Spirits.

  2. #2
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate


    A few days of patrolling and settling down later, Daniel finds himself at the Locus again. There was a major need for strategizing: their encounters both with the Pure and the Spirits have shown just how unprepared they were, and if the Forsaken wanted to stay alive, that had to change.

  3. #3
    Xander's Avatar


    Tony made his way into the Tur from the same direction Red Wolf did. If it was really him. The whole situation was slowly lost in a red haze of adrenaline and blood. So then why did the message of the spirit echo so clearly in his head? Surely it would have faded with the rest of an illusion caused from blood loss. So the question is what is the bigger curiosity? A "clear" illusion from blood loss, or one of the Firstborn stopping by for a chat?

    'I need guidance.' Tony thought to himself as he nodded to Daniel, only coming out of his head long enough to acknowledge the other Wolf's presence. He looked for a comfortable tree to sit against and sunk into his spot, once again lost in his head.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  4. #4
    Firebringer's Avatar



    Firebringer soon strides into Tur, a bit troubled by some of what he'd picked up from the scouting run. Still, not only had they come back from enemy territory in one piece, they'd managed to extract newcomers who'd stumbled into trouble in the process. Not a bad outcome overall, but he had no ilusions; this was only the beginning.

    He itched, wanting so desperately to shed his human skin that was so blind to scents and sounds. But after everything they'd already done, attracting more attention just now would only compound their problems. Still, the wicked little blade now at his side is a small comfort.

    The meninna nods at those already present, and waits for others to gather.

  5. #5

    Jessie hadn't left the Tur the moment that he arrived. He hadn't done much in fact, mostly spending his time sitting against a tree either looking up at the sky or curled up in a ball. Once he had taken enough essence to heal himself he didn't do much else.

  6. #6
    Aeneas's Avatar



    A shadow slinks forward, resolving itself into the rangy form of Irraka. Aeneas hovers at the fringes of the group but positions himself strategically close to Firebringer, while ensuring the Elder has space. After a long pause, he digs into a pocket for a tooth pick and begins mooching around in his upper gums. It is very undignified, rendered almost comical by the look on his face - one eye squints while the other ranges back and forth across the Tur, watching for trouble.

  7. #7

    Jamie slipped in next, cigarette in hand as she propped herself against a park bench, gaze wandering among those present - a brief nod of appreciation was given to Firebringer. If he and his crew hadn't showed up, she'd probably be featured in the ass end of some newspapers obituaries by now.

  8. #8

    Peter moves into the Tur behind the other Wolves, a somewhat late arrival. His distress at what just happened is a bit obvious, though he does try to collect himself. He looks around a bit and his look of worry deepens, though he focuses his attention on the assembled Wolves.

    Tracey is probably just lagging behind... I hope she's alright. Better focus though.

    His eyes drift towards the one the Pure had called 'Godslayer' and he feels a certain sense of awe. He got the distinctive feeling that this wasn't his first rodeo.

    Glad he's on our side. At least, I hope he's on our side.

  9. #9
    Jeremiah Daniels's Avatar

    Jeremiah Daniels
    Jeremiah Daniels


    Head scanning back and forth as he walked, Jeremiah steps back onto Tur and takes a moment to enjoy the feeling. Fucking Anshega and their cowardice. A last pat on his new knife and Jeremiah makes his way to the other wolves. Taking in those gathered he nods to Firebringer and looks at Jessie. Shock? Fear? Regardless, whatever is wrong hasn't worn off. A small shake of his head gives away Jeremiah's feelings there, though which specific one isn't clear. He takes off the new packback he was wearing and places it at his feet. After a moment the Crescent lapses into unfocused stillness as his mind turns inward.

  10. #10
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow

    Eyes flick around those gathered. Subdued, in some cases shell-shocked. Hardly what he'd consider an army, especially given what they were up against. Still, it was what he had to work with.

    "We need to know where we stand. The city proper is positively crawling with Anshega. Frankly, I'm worried about others of our own kind seeking this city without realizing how far their territory has expanded." A brief nod toward Peter and Jamie.

    "We managed to gather some information, but at the moment I think the state of our own backyard may be more pressing, so I'd like to hear that first."

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