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(Marina) Moonlight on the Water

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  1. #41
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    Catherine poses and she preens. For a moment, she thinks it has worked. The man, Pedro, has a gleam in his eye and is leaning toward her with a favouring look.

    Then the guy standing dully behind Pedro makes a confused noise. Pedro pulls himself together, takes a look about him and laughs. Its sounds genuine.

    "Look. I is sorry... please go, eh? We're on duty here." He straightens and shoots a glare squarely at Juan Carlos, the kind of look that declares we will have words later. He moves forward in an attempt to usher the two interlopers from the vessel; his gestures curiously gentle toward Catherine. More quietly, he adds: "Look. I'll be at the Avalon tomorrow. Party time. Look me up."

  2. #42
    Catherine Keyes's Avatar

    Catherine Keyes


    For a moment she lets her perceptions sharpen, she hadn’t felt beasts so she was guessing Ghouls if not simply mortal, but she needed to be more sure.
    Activating Heightened Senses*

    Catherine pouts for a moment, as her plan seemed to fall to ribbons, but for it’s own sake it’s all show. “Fine.” she lets out a disappointed sigh and decides to drag Erich the rest of the way.

    For now their task was done, whatever happened to the Nosferatu and the Ventrue so be it. She had just made a date with...something.


  3. #43
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    Catherine brings her highly developed senses to bear; the world shifts into an ultra high-definition crispness that goes beyond just mere sight.

    She feels the pitch and yaw of the vessel (much stronger than her dulled senses had immediately suggested). She smells the scents of ship and its crew: the faint, lingering, odour of hash; the scent of blood, hidden beneath a layer of cologne, wafts from Juan Carlos and Pedro; and the heady scent of hot chilli and spice bubbling lightly from the cabin. It is her razor sharp vision, however, that can tell her the most as she drags Erich away: behind the strangely genuine look on Pedro's face there is a tension that is oh-so-slowly relaxing and its not just his face - its in his posture and his impressive musculature as well; a predatory guard-dog kind of tension.

    The third man - the one malingering behind Pedro - tells her the most. He is coiled like a wound spring. He can't hide from her acuity: she scents his sweat, pumping gently in anticipation; a blood vessel on his neck, framed by his long hair, is quickening; his eyes flicker and shift too quickly; his hand rests casually - too casually - on his hip, close to where there is a tell-tale lump under his shirt.

    Now that she see's it - Pedro and Juan Carlos have similar lumps too...

  4. #44
    Catherine Keyes's Avatar

    Catherine Keyes


    Catherine’s eyes narrowed as she got off the boat and further away. The odd things that she only could notice when she was picking off even the faintest light and unlight from the men. That had been a close call, even for the Daeva and his sparkliness.

    Weapons and the obvious guard-dog stance didn’t bode well for whatever she and the others had been sent to find out, and especially not for the disappearing Nosferatu and Ventrue... even Erich seemed to be gone. And he was supposed to be the one to explain what all this was about in the first place.

    She pushed the Daeva back into his limo and told the driver to drive on around the city for a while.

    There was the too obvious chance for a tail, besides apparently she had a date with a ghoul...

    YYC, do you mind if we cut this?

  5. #45
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    Not at all. The scene looks like it has been taken as far as it can go, given the circumstances. Thank you for sticking with it

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