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What's up doc?

31 - 39
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  1. #31
    TheMalkCat's Avatar

    The Sewnskin Doctor

    A smile played over Thao's lips as the little raccoon girl's tears eventually slowed to a tentative stop. Thao nodded as Morgan explained her upset stomach. "'S alright. Just make sure t' get somethin' in yer stomach tomorrow mornin'. He laid the opened bar on the desk and turned to Mary. "Sure you can have some. These things c-c-come in b-bulk where Ah shop. Ch-cheap as hell. Hold on, lemme grab one from th' kitchen."

    Thao stepped out of the bedroom and finally took off his white doctor's coat, folding it neatly before laying it in a little laundry basket. The redundancy of folding dirty laundry was not lost on him; he just couldn't shake the habit. He made his way to the kitchenette and wrenched two granola bars from a box before nabbing a post it note and scrawling his work contact number and hours. With granola and post-it note in in hand, he returns.

    The Chirurgeon handed Mary the two bars, mumbling as he did so. "'S the least Ah could do."

    Then he addressed Morgan. "Well, now that yer conscious, Ah'd like t' g-go over a few things so you can heal p-prop-perly." Thao raised a bony finger. "One. No heavy liftin' or strainin' yerself fer at least a week. That stitchwork's stronger than most, but Ah ain't a miracle-worker an they can tear. Try not t' scratch'em neither; they'll dissolve on their own an' by then yer back'll be good as new." He raised another bony finger. "Two. Tomorrow, c-cut away th' bandages and take a shower. We do not want t' get those wounds infected." He handed her a half-empty bottle of antibacterial wash. "That'll work well enough fer yer b-back. Y'can find that brand at any pharmacy in Sacramento." A third finger. "Three. You lost a lot o' blood back there. Yer body needs a b-bunch o' vitamins an' minerals. Take c-care t' eat fruits an' veggies like oranges, avocado, asparagus, an' p-p-p-...ah-peas. Also get some iron: chick-ahpeas, poultry, an' fish are th' best sources, though animal p-protein is b-better. P-plenty o' fluids 're important."

    Thao took a breath. "An' lastly, with yer p-permission, Ah'd like to d-drop by yer place twice over th' next t-two days t' check on yer wounds. Make sure th' stitches are holdin' an' infection ain't settin' in. It's entirely your choice 'course. B-but Ah'm not gonna just turn you lose after...that." His brow creased, his countenance darkening. "Be a goddamn breach o' ethics." He scratched his chin. Anythin' else t' add?. The matter of the monster came to mind and he aimed the question at both the Fairest and the Beast. "Post-op aside, either of you have any idea who in th' Freehold t' ask 'bout the g-goat...gorilla...monster-fucker-thing that d-did this?"

  2. #32
    Mary Lee's Avatar

    Mary Lee
    Mary Lee


    Mary accepts the food and contact information graciously, offering an eloquent, "Thank you very much, Thao."

    "I'll inform the Summer King without delay. Would you like me to make mention of your names and actions, or would you prefer to represent yourselves? And is there anything else we've yet to accomplish here?"
    Somehow or other, she says all of that with a warm smile.

  3. #33
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan nods her head, following along as Thao gave her instructions and doing her best to memorize them. The Beast might not be too smart but her memory was pretty good. She figured that she'd need to take a break from parkour stunts for a bit longer then for the heavy lifting. Two weeks instead, likely good. Three weeks maybe better? Too much move need to avoid until all better so at LEAST three weeks. The lack of showering tonight was both a relief and annoyance. She really didn't feel like trying to shower but she also felt like she really needed a shower (which she probably did). But doctor knows lots better then silly raccoon. She accepts the bottle with another nod of her head and mumbles out: "Th-thank you a-again Th-Thao."

    She is thinking a little more when he lists foods she should eat. Most of the stuff at her apartment might not count, even if she had dried fruit fresher was probably better. A tiny voice in her brain pointed out she'd seen several of the things listed on pizza menus. But she'd need to go to a grocery store to get all of it, or perhaps ask the old lady at her apartment building about the place that delivers groceries? That would help her avoid carrying stuff. Drinking was easier to handle, she had a faucet and plenty of sports drinks. "G-got it Thao. Eat the healthy-betterness foods, drink lots to high-der-o-rate, and take things easy. Sure, s-so nooo roof hop for much-time at all, no."

    Thao's visitation request made sense. And if she'd trusted him enough to drug her and poke her with sharp things she could trust him with that much. But Morgan was pretty certain that meant she'd have to clean up a little. Like shoving her "floor nest" out of sight, not that she'd be sleeping on/in it for the next few weeks. There was also all the papers from her...attempts at "research" that needed to be put away. Most of those belonged in the trash, she'd just not gotten around to taking that step. "O-okay. I can give you the a-address. Buzzer buzz at front to get in, it does work the buzzer does. Can write it down too if need to." She gave her address and apartment number, on the second floor of the address. "Just warn about neighbors. The ones next door sometimes have big parties at nights. Good but t-they're rude too." And a good source of glamour.

    At Mary's mention of the new King of Summer, Morgan is slower in nodding her head. The crazyiness of the coronation was a point of worry. She might like a few of the Summer members personally but not they in-your-face violence. She was clearly not good at that stuff. "Th-thank you Mary, yes. B-best rulin' sovereign knows soon as best. Not-know if knows what goatrilla was but warn-better-then not." She did ponder the withholding of her name. On the one hand, ommission would keep her weakness hidden, kept people from asking her about the goatrilla, and less attention. On the other, any friends that looked for her could get worried about her lack of presence and any details about the goatrilla she could give might help save others. And really, with the shit she's done before it was unlikely anyone would think her stupider for what happened. "You can t-tell him my name. B-better just-in-case folks need to know stuff. Heh, r-right?"

  4. #34
    TheMalkCat's Avatar

    The Sewnskin Doctor

    Thao puts the number to memory. He zips up his backpack and makes a mental note to scribble down the address on a post-it note. "Great. Iffen it's alright with you Ah'll drop b-b-by sometime in th' evenin'. Mah shift at Sutter's ends at six o' clock. Ah'll try t' get there 'round 7 or 8 iffen that's okay."

    When Mary asks Thao whether he would like to keep his anonymity regarding the goat-rilla, Thao takes a moment to think. Perhaps meeting with the Summer King would be beneficial for his reputation around the Freehold. On the other hand, making a bad impression on the Summer King would probably turn him into an unsightly red stain on the walls. He doesn't trust his finesse with words enough to put himself in that position. "Ah'm fine with you disclosin' mah identity t' th' Summer King. Once again, thank you fer all yer help, Mary."

    He rises, stretching his arms behind his back. "Welp. That should 'bout do it. Ah'll drive you b-back t' yer appartment, Morgan, an' iffen you need t' be d-d-dropped off somewhere Mary, Ah'd be more than willin' t' do so."

  5. #35
    Mary Lee's Avatar

    Mary Lee
    Mary Lee


    "Sure, I can use a ride if you have a car," Mary replies, peeling open a granola bar and making sure she has all of her things ready. All 2 of them.

  6. #36
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan gets up as well, getting off the bed. She then, slowly, bending at the knees, retrieves her jacket and manages to keep her back straight. "Okay, Thao, I'll, heh, I'll be in th-then for sure. T-thank you again very much. A-and thank you too Mary. I'll d-do best to return t-the kindy-kindness, thank you." Morgan wasn't turning down the ride. Hopefully Thao would let her lay in the back. Or borrow a pillow, she thought looking back at the bed. Too bad sheets gots ruined. Uh-oh, sheets ruined bad bad owe him. Can't repay help by causing problems, best fix-fix. Pay for cleaning? That be good start, yes. Though she felt she still owed them both a return kindness.

    She didn't try putting on the jacket, just draped it over her shoulders like a cloak, slooowly. "I-if you like Thao, I can give you some cash f-for the sheets, yeah, sheets. For new ones probably yes." She'd be ready and willing to leave when the other two were as well. Though she'd definetly be subscribing to the "slow and steady" philosophy for the night.

    OOC: looks like this is winding down. Should we close the scene after leaving the apratment?

  7. #37
    TheMalkCat's Avatar

    The Sewnskin Doctor

    Thao stretches his arms out behind his back, interlacing his spindly fingers. He lets his arms fall loosely to his sides. With his doctoral duties complete, he seems to shrink in presense, slightly shifting his weight and slumping his shoulders. At Morgan's offer to pay for his soiled bed sheets, Thao raises his hands in protest and shakes his head. "D-don't worry 'bout it! Iffen you wanna p-pay me b-back, j-j-just k-keep safe n' try not t' get cut up again, 'kay?" Despite his words, Thao decides that he'll collect on payment at the next Freehold coronation; she said she'd put in a good word for him and he would keep her to it. In addition, he quietly wondered if she would consent to a breif physical; ever since he had been turned by the Fair Folk, the oddities of Changeling anatomy had baffled him. Most of his patients back in Houston were reluctant to let the eerie Chirurgeon with the mismatched eyes poke and prod them. But maybe the Lost of Sacramento would be more amenable to study. He mumbles unconsciously under his breath. "With patient consent 'course. Consent comes first. Always."

    Thao pushes away the strange thoughts and he jerks his thumb to the doorway, adressing Mary and Morgan. "Okay then. Mah Ford's in th' lot we p-passed b-by on our way here." The Wizened begins to aimlessly ramble on as he stares at the soiled bed sheets. "It's th' b-beat-up b-b-blue Ranger. P-parkin's p-pretty t-tight 'round here an' mah truck's c-catchin' on in years. 'Bout five years an' every Ford b-breaks down. B-breaks are shit an' susp-pension system's damn near shot. Prolly, why Ah p-prefer walkin'." He collects two suitably large and fluffy pillows from his bed and tucks them under his arms. "There's room fer you in th' p-passenger seat, Mary an' Ah'll bring a p-pillow fer you, Morgan, so you can rest yer head an' neck while you lied d-down in th' back. You think you c-can handle th' stairs?

    OOC: Yep, I'm good with closing out the scene.

  8. #38
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan nodded her head yes. Going down the stairs would be easy. She'd just have to use the handle rails and go slow, no jumping or tumbling tonight, "Yes, stairs should not be bad problem nope. Just gonna go really slow. Oh, heh. Thank you for the ride." These two were definetely okay in her book. Whichever court they belonged to was lucky to have them. Or would be lucky when they joined, whichever.

    Morgan will follow the others out and down to Thao's truck, albeit slowly. She'll cooperate with getting loaded into the truck and try to help if they get lost on the way.

    OOC: Princess how you feel about ending this soon?

  9. #39
    Mary Lee's Avatar

    Mary Lee
    Mary Lee


    End scene.

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