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A Second Opinion

  1. #1

    A taxi draws to a halt on the drive near the door to the chapter house.Dr Drake gets out of the rear seat and goes to the rear of the taxi, hefting a heavy travelling trunk out the trunk. He goes around to the drivers side and pays the fare. As the taxi drives off he goes back to the trunk and, straining, carries it into the chapter house note to self, not setting foot in a gym for a decade or three has consequences.

    Having with some effort managed to get the trunk up the stairs and into the library, he eased the trunk onto the floor and began unpacking it. first out where the white coats he had managed to sneak out from the hospitals storage, pulling on one over his usual faded grey suit the other thrown over a chair. The thick rubber gloves were put to one side, as was the copy of Practical Haematology a med student had forgot about. Revealing the foam packed glassware, mercifully uncracked, which were carefully placed on the table. Leaving finally the small coolbox in the corner of the trunk, which contained 3 packs of O negative blood as well as blood samples of the various bloodbourne diseases he could get hold of in the hospital. He lifted that with a grunt and set it down under the table.

    He pushed the case to one side and started wandering up and down the shelves, mumbling under his breath as he tried to make sense of the contents of the shelves. He just had to hope someone turned up, otherwise this was going to take a long time...

  2. #2

    Teo hit the large punching bag rhythmically, land two punches, then two kicks and then over again. Jab, jab, low kick, low kick, upper cut left and right, thigh level kick right side twice. His lessons from Callum were paying off. While he never saw himself becoming a master of combat, he was confident he was on the way of making himself perhaps not worth the effort. The sound of thumping and something heavy being moved finally drew his attention away from his practice and he walked quietly down the second story hall. The meditation room door was open, no occupants there. Then he reached the private library and found Supplicant Drake with an assortment of medical paraphernalia. Compared to the man's suit, his own black shirt, sweats and slip-ons seemed rather shabby. "Ah, Good evening Supplicant." he greeted the Haunt warmly, trying to ignore the feeling the man had eyes in the back of his head.

  3. #3

    Dr Drake turned at the sound of Brother Teodors voice, cradling a book in the crook of his arm he turned around "Evening. he gestured to the table laden with glassware I've decided to get a head start with my little suprise for who or whatever is behind our errant kogaion's vanishing act. Sadly my education stopped prior to the point where I could understand this, honestly, it looks like the lovechild of king lear and the voynich manuscript " he snapped the book shut, and came back to the table, laid it on a portion of the table not cluttered already. "I don't suppose you have any skill with alchemy,do you? I mean, I can get hold of things that make a stake look pleasant, but its no use if they just spit it out and vanish again is it ?" He stopped pacing back and forth and sighed I'd apreciate it if you could help me, otherwise I'm going to be here for months."

  4. #4

    "I do have experience yes. Both in classical and in blood alchemy." Teo said as he walked around. It then accord to the monk that if he had greater access to disciplines he could perhaps score quite the coup in what Drake was planning. "Now that you have me thinking Doctor, blood solutions could prove most helpful. Combination of the two could prove quite effective, assuming the right oppurtunities present themselves." he explained as he walked over to the table and flipped up the book Drake had just put down.

  5. #5

    "That seems to work, yes, but as far as I am aware, don't blood solutions require the vitae of the alchemist"
    he slid the coolbox out from under the table, flipping open the lid and and extracting a sample, condensation dripping of the glass and revealing the tainted blood inside"I can tell you that this is something that you do not want inside you, under any circumstances." He looked at the black markings he'd put on the side and winced. putting it down very carefully back in the cool box he said "even for me that one is a last resort, as bad as a midday stroll and it'll mean bodies in the street if it gets out of hand. I doubt you've heard of sin nombre, and I won't bore you with medical jargon but it's on the seriousness level of ebola, only got hold of it because some idiot took a blood transfusion from a carrier a while back and forgot to check for contamination, lucky I check blood before I drink it. Lets leave these as the nuclear option and see if there is some handly little poison tucked away somewhere around here" He gestures widly to the library"Better than causing an epidemic and far less cleaning up to do."

  6. #6

    Teo frowns as Drake pulls out diseased blood. "I see." He had not heard of it but he had heard of the Ebola virus. At least there were no herd or ghouls presently in the Chapterhouse. Had there been he would have felt compelled to chastice the man, but then again perhaps he brought it because of their absence. "Well.." Teo considered how to proceed and he was not all that sure frankly. Something of this complexity was not something he had tried before. "perhaps let us sit down and go over specifically what we know and wish to achieve." Teo sits down in a chair at the table. "Step by step. "

  7. #7

    Dr Drake pulls out a chair and sits, his fingers drumming on the table as he thinks. "Well, firstly we know muir was abducted by someone capable of faking his Final Death,yes. There is no way this cult could did this by themselves, if they were unassisted but knew of us why would they stop at one of us, then vanish again?" He paused, and wondered if the next part really needed explaining, then shrugged internally, not everyone had the fine detail of kindred pychology beaten into them by their sire, after all. "And it is a truth universally aknowledged that any dealing with kindred, leads sooner or later back to blood. I mean count the number of kindred who would refuse the oppertunity turn this cult into a herd, bet you don't make it past five. This leaves us with a handy way to neuter the cults lord and master, and cults generally fall apart when their god goes off sick, so at worst we certainly make Muirs rescue a lot easier, and at best we demolish the cults leadership and we can come and sweep up the peices " Now to what they need to achive was more difficult, certainly the library seemed obtuse about it, given he hadn't found anything, even in the more obscure texts. "What we appear to need is something to incapacitate the kindred who orcestrated this, but can avoid detection from them. It also has to be something which won't spread, which unless some thoughtful madman tries another anthrax attack, rules most of my little collections out.So overall we are looking at something either nightmarishly deadly or something supernatural, I prefer the latter funnily enough, which explains why I brought these..." he nods to the assorted glassware scattered across the table"We can hardly afford letting any of the library leaving the chapter house and getting found, can we?"

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