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  1. #1

    Spartan stood on the Mezzanine looking over the crowd as Sevendust began there set. In This Moment had opened and played a very good set, getting the crowd raised into a near frenzy for the headliner to take the stage.

    The band took the stage and immediately roared into a Black. Spartan smiled, seeing that the reviews of Lajon's singing ability were accurate. The singer ripped into the vocals with a remarkable fervor.

    Spartan took hold a drink from the private bar and leaned against the rail, watching and enjoying the show.

  2. #2

    While Anya worked in the office, the clock ticking closer to the time that she had designated "leaving time", she picked up the tumbler next to her elbow and took a small sip. It warmed her parched throat, the alcohol tricking down toward her too empty stomach. She had missed lunch, marching straight through with the intention of finishing paperwork. It had been a distraction, a good distraction. But too many facts and figures during the last few days had ultimately resulted in the information swimming before her eyes and eliciting a mild headache.

    Relaxation was required. It came in the form of a busy night on the other side of her door, and a towering Metalflesh waiting by the filing cabinet.

    She signed off on the last couple of forms, slipped them inside the folder, snapped it shut and held it out to Rook . "Top draw, file under 'R'," the Fairest instructed as she reached up with her free hand to pull her hair free from the bun.

  3. #3

    Rook's shuttered irises whirred as they took in Anya, tossing her wild mane of hair back with such wildness that he felt the blazing heart inside his steel chest pulse faster. He took the folder that she held out, and glanced at the steel cabinet next to him. A sudden amusing impulse flashed through his mind, and he reached out and flexed steel muscles that he hadn't had a moment before. The filing cabinet's lock spiralled and opened of its own accord, and then slid out. The metal dividers splayed, opening at R.

    He dropped the file in, and gestured the drawer closed. It snapped shut, and locked itself.

    The effort didn't even require him to expend magic. The sheet metal walls and cast steel of the Forge fit its atmosphere, and called to the nature of metal. He could feel it throbbing in his veins. Steel called to steel.

    "Should I be flattered that you trust me with your paperwork?"
    the Red Victor said in a low voice, leaning against the wall. His mouth curved in a half-smile.

    It was just possible that he was flirting.

      3 successes to command Elements, Catch Met (It's a Metal Club... and also a big metal warehouse ;))
    Date Action Roll Result
    2013-04-28 13:26:03 Rook rolls 7 to Manipulation 2 + Wyrd 4 + 1 Dominated by Metal (10 Again) 6, 10, 1, 7, 4, 5, 10, 8, 7 3 successes

  4. #4

    Anya watched in amusement as Rook used his rather handy ability to carry out the small task set to him, and a quick laugh soon followed. "Feeling lazy today, are we?" the Fairest teased as she crossed the office to stand beside him. She resisted the urge to check the file had indeed found its way to the correct place - Rook would have been quite used to paperwork in his old job, she didn't need to second guess his filing capabilities.

    "You should feel flattered though," Anya continued, more than capable of playing the game. "I don't trust just anyone with such an important treasure like that." She stepped away, winking playfully before opening the door.

  5. #5

    "That takes effort for me," Rook replied, looking faintly amused. His smile curved the left corner of his mouth, his hidden eyes bright behind his mirrored sunglasses. He held out his arm. Magic was coming easier these days, and part of him felt the pull of wanting to learn more - to tap the essence of what he was. In a way, it made him more effective, and if it meant that he would never again fail in protecting someone, then he would mark it as well used.

    Until then, why not practice? As long as he was away from prying eyes.

    "I'm flattered that you're the one giving me that look, sweetheart. Now... we should go and join Spartan outside, before we miss the band."

    He held out one powerful arm to her.

  6. #6

    "Ah! Then you were showing off," Anya merely remarked teasingly, quite unwilling to be a potential loser in a verbal spar - even if it was one in jest. She had actually liked his brief little show, even if the Fairest was not quite willing to admit it yet. It was such a useful ability to have - and it made the tiresome need to stretch so simple!

    She opened the door to step outside, in a non-verbal agreement with Rook's suggestion. Anya took his arm and led him through the crowd of revellers, weaving with ease through the dancing, pulsating mob. The Draconic enjoyed seeing The Forge so busy - it meant more money for the books. What wasn't wonderful about that?

    Anya ascended the staircase, waving a taloned hand at Spartan .

  7. #7

    Spartan nodded, "Good evening you two, how are the books?" Spartan asked over the music. He poured his Motley-mates there drinks of choice.

    With the drinks made the Hoplite carries the glasses over to them and holds them out.

  8. #8
    Mykel's Avatar

    Ciara Maskelyne

    Following a tip she heard through the grapevine, Anya made her way down to the Forge to take in tonight's show. She had already been to a few other music venues in Sacramento, but she was still looking for one that really seemed to fit her personality. She dresses in her usual evening wear; which meant a pair of knee-high jack boots, her best pair of jeans, and an old camo tank top.

    After paying for her ticket and fighting her way inside, the Ogress was pretty pleased by what she saw. It was bare-bones; the sort of place you came to party and let loose. She didn't have to worry about shouting over anyone's conversations here...

    She muscles her way to the bar; no small feat even for her given how crowded the place was for tonight's show. She decides to take a look at the drink menu; the Ukrainian in her had never developed a taste for American beers. She doesn't see anything on the list of brews that struck her fancy, instead ordering up a double shot of the Snegurochka. She wasn't expecting the hints of lemon; but you usually con't go wrong with a good vodka.

    Except chocolate flavored vodka. Whoever came up with that govno should be dragged out into the street in shot. Or forced to actually drink it; Anya wasn't sure which would be more cruel...

    As the opening act takes the stage, she downs the rest of the drink and wanders away from the bar. She wanted to be able to remember the show; and spending all evening downing shots would lead to her not remembering anything tomorrow morning. In This Moment was about what she expected in an opening act; full of piss and vinegar; thumbing bass and screamed lyrics that you could only understand when you bought the CD after the show and listened to it at home the next day. It wasn't that they were bad, it was just a matter of a bit too much intensity and not enough substance.

    When Sevendust takes the stage; it's a totally different energy. They were loud, as any metal band worth their amps should be, but it wasn't just for the sake of being loud. The Summer Ogress fought to get a better view of the stage; she had no doubt a proper mosh pit would break out soon, but she wanted to hear at least one song...

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