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Hungry like the Wolf

  1. #1
    Mateo Benavides's Avatar

    Mateo Benavides
    Mateo Benavides


    This thread takes place shortly after Mateo and Sofia's phone call, before the Glissade tournament, there will be more added as it is finished being written with DD though PM volley

    Sofia arrives at Mateo's place within a half-hour of her hanging up the phone. He can hear the distinctive sound of her classic motorcycle long before she's there.

    She walks to the door, swinging her hips. She's dressed in motorcycle boots, black leather jacket and gloves, faded black jeans and a blood-red tank top.

    Mateo's ears perk up as he hears the bike, not wasting any time is she? He thinks with a smile. Just before she enters the door the throws off his shirt, so his muscles are bare for her when she enters.

    He takes one last drag off his cigarette as he sees her when she enters, and the smoke drifts languidly around his head for a moment before catching a draft from the apartment's AC.

    "Good ride?" He says, with a big smile, knowing it was nowhere close to the ride that she was wanting.

    Mateo certainly has her pegged. "It was okay," she says, "But not as good as the ride I'm hoping to get."

    She tosses off her jacket and gloves on the way to him, and when she gets there, she puts her hands on his shoulders, takes a minute to rub them, then lifts herself up, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, kissing him deeply. She has the Blush of Life active, and she feels almost feverish to the touch.

    After a long, hungry kiss, Sofia whispers into Mateo's ear. "I've missed you, baby... so, so much. I did all the introduction thing, so I can finally feed around here, but nobody tastes as good as you do, and nobody else can fill me up like you do."

    Mateo relishes the kiss, and also the feel of her hot skin against him. "I've missed you too baby" He says, his voice heavy with physical want.

    He seems to flinch slightly at the mention of her feeding from others, the natural uratha territorialness coming to the fore for a moment. He gently pulls her tighter, hoping she wont notice it. "Thats good you've got that stuff out of the way, I wouldn't want you starving if you couldn't get ahold of me for some reason." He lies, hoping she believes him.

    "Yeah, I tried to hold off long as I could, 'cause I want to keep any kind of close contact just between us, but it's been way too long.... if I didn't eat in the meantime, I'd fall into a sleep so deep even your kisses wouldn't wake me. All anyone else got was a bite on the neck, though.... even a kiss. I keep that for you and me." She kisses him again, simulating breathing, her breath hot, one hand in his hair, the other behind him, stroking his back.

    Mateo visibly is relieved when she tells him this, not wanting her to go away because of starvation. He returns her kiss deeply, then moves to kiss her ear and neck. Biting softly, he runs his tongue lightly up the side of her neck and along the brim of her ear, before whispering, his voice coming out as a barely restrained sexual growl.

    "You still have your clothes on..."

    "Not for long, I hope," she moans. She nuzzles his neck, and extending her fangs, she lightly nips him... not enough to penetrate the skin, just teasing right now.

    "I want you to tear them off me," Sofia growls into Mateo's ear. "I brought more, in my bags, out on the bike. I want you to rip what I'm wearing off my body, tear the clothes to shreds and take me hard." Biting his earlobe, she adds "You can use the pieces of torn clothes to tie me up if you want."

    Mateo growls as she nibbles on his ear. As she says the last bit, she would feel Mateo's sideburns grow longer, she would feel him grow taller, atleast by six inches, and gaining around fifty pounds of muscle beneath her touch. Still wrapped around him, she feels his muscles tense.

    He takes his now clawed hands, pulling Sofia from around him. He doesn't quite set her down, so much as carries her, bracing her against the couch. One hand grabs tightly the back of her neck, pulling her hair and arching her back. His other claw, starting at the base of her neck, tears downwards, shredding the front of her shirt.

    He lays her on the couch, his hand sliding into her pants, clawed fingers touching her. He smiles as she twists under his touch, before pulling out his hand a clawing open the front of her pants, ripping the jeans damn near to shreds.

    He bites into her neck, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to really get her going. He begins biting her, sofly, going lower with each subsequent bite.

    "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh yesssssssss," Sofia hisses. "I've missed this... missed all this... missed you." She grips Mateo's shoulders and hair as he continues down her body, her nails digging into his skin. She wears the same heady perfume she wore when they met, and Mateo smells that scent, mixed with her own.

    Mateo makes sure that she is ready. He lifts her up rolling her, bending her over the couch, tying her hands tightly behind her back. With another piece of cloth, he blindfolds her.

    Gripping her tightly, he flips her back over, entering her. Gripping her hips, he begins with a hard rhythm, pulling her hair slightly, and kissing her fiercely.

    Sofia responds with as much ferocity as she can muster while bound and held in Mateo's grasp, wrapping her legs around him, biting his lips and tongue as they kiss. Though she doesn't use many words, her response leaves no doubt as to her enjoyment.

    Beneath him, she murmurs, "I'm hungry. What are you going to feed me, lover?"

    Mateo pulls her closer, his rhythm increasing, and pulls her head towards his neck. He waits for the pressure and pinprick pain of her fangs, knowing what comes after and being ready to savor it.

    Sofia teases him, licking his neck, then nibbling without breaking the skin. She times things, waiting until he is close.... then biting at just the right time, putting him over the edge, and her as well as she drinks, her cries muffled against her neck as she reacts to his pulsing, vibrant blood.

    She takes as much as she can (ooc - 5 lethal), but doesn't break the kiss until she's extended his pleasure as long as she can. Only then does she lick the wound clean, producing yet more spasms of pleasure in Mateo.

    "Baby..." she murmurs, satisfied for the moment.

    "Yeeeaaaahhhh" Mateo exclaims as the moment of release hits him. He rolls off of her, pulling her still bound form close. He kisses her fiercely, pulling off the blindfold as he does so and looks into he deep knowing eyes.

    "I missed you." He says, beginning to work the tattered cloth to untie her hands. Once finished, he pulls her even closer, weak from the blood loss, but feeling that already begining to pass as his natural healing properties went to work.

    "So, you mentioned your friends having issues with me?" He asks quietly, pondering whether this would be something that came to blows.

  2. #2
    Mateo Benavides's Avatar

    Mateo Benavides
    Mateo Benavides


    "So, you mentioned your friends having issues with me?" He asks quietly, pondering whether this would be something that came to blows.

    "Not with you, I guess. With me, for seeing you. Secrecy, it's big with vampires. They don't understand your people, and ... well, my people, a lot of them like to try to be in control of everything, thinking that will make them safe, and things they can't control and don't understand make them nervous. They're worried you'll sniff out some way to kill my kind, and tell your pack, and then if things go bad, they could be in danger."

    Pressing herself fully against Mateo. "That's the way a lot of my kind think. A lot of them would act that way - if I knew special ways of hurting your kind, they'd want to know that - so they figure everyone else would be the same way. Kind of like how liars assume everyone else is a liar, and crooks always expect others to rip them off."

    She rubs her hands up and down Mateo's back and shoulders and biceps. "Jessi says most vampires are even more fucked up than most living people. I don't know about that, but they sure aren't any less fucked up."

    Mateo listens intently, he could understand where she was coming from about ways to kill their respective peoples. Problem was, only thing people knew about werewolves from the movies was silver, and thats the main fucking thing to ice a wolf. He smiles a little, planning to learn more about her weaknesses, but he would work on it, it would take Cunning to work it out of her. He laughs a little when she says that vampires were fucked up.

    "Baby, think of it this way, atleast you dont have a raging wolf that can be let out from the littlest slight, if you dont keep in under control. Put it this way, if I didn't have a good internal harmony between the man-soul, and the wolf-soul, I could have went into rage, just from you telling me you have fed on other men. Your people have problems like that kinda shit?" He asks, honestly intrigued and wondering about it.

    "We have something similar," Sofia says. "We get pissed off enough, or hungry enough, we can lose it, too. We don't get all furry when we do it, least most of us don't, but it sounds a lot the same."

    Thinking for a few moments, she says "Y'know, there's a line of my people that are related to your people... something 'bout people who have wolf blood, but who get turned into a vampire instead. They're from Mexico, for the most part, but there are a few of them in the States, mostly with the drug cartels. You ever hear of them?"

    "El Lobos de Sangre, Wolves of the Blood, I know the line you speak of, actually, the night I met you I was meaning to talk to another vampire there about territorial conditions. He was a Sangre Lobo, went by the name Dog. I believe he may have died, or something might have befallen him, as I haven't seen him there since that night. Do you know of him?"

    "No, never heard of him," she says. "I'm guessing he died sometime before I got here, because he wasn't at the big vampire get-together." Her eyes open wider. "You probably wouldn't know about that. A few months back, something happened - nobody seems to know what - and killed off a whole bunch of the vampires that were here at the time. First rumors were it wiped them all out, but that turned out not to be true, but it got a lot of them. Nobody seems to know what it was."

    Sofia pushes against Mateo, to turn him over onto his back and get on top of him. "That's why I came here. I heard about that, figured if most of my people were dead, it would be a good place for a fresh start, settle down. Not too crowded. As it turns out, the word spread fast and far, and I think there's probably more here now than they before whatever it was happened."

    "So your not fitting in as well as you would have liked?" Mateo says, hands moving from breasts, to stomach, to thighs as his pulls her tight againt him.

    "You must be having a hard time dealing with the fact that you expected an open ground and turned out you found a shit-ton of your people. Thats gotta suck in a way, but I'm guessing your doin' just fine. Plus you got a fine, helping man like myself to help you if you ever need it." He says with a smile, pulling her a little tighter, gripping her thighs in his clawed hands.

    "No, I think I'm fitting in okay. There are more of us than I expected, but so far I haven't had any real problems with anyone. The powers that be for my kind seem okay, not too bossy or pushy, and most everyone else is still trying to get established, so they're too busy to mess with others. I've got my best friend, I've got other friends and am making more... and like you said, I've got you around."

    Sofia reaches down to get Mateo ready for another round. "That right there makes me happy I came here. That right there - and this right here" she says, grabbing him as she climbs up and moves down on him, "well, mmmmmmmmm, that would make me happy no matter what else I found when I got here." She starts to move, holding Mateo's shoulders as she starts shifting her hips.

    Mateo smiles as Sofia prepares him for another round, and goes with the motions of her straddling form. Once in position, he begins going faster, feeling her body tighten and loosen as they go through the motions.

    As the speed escallates, so does the intensity of how hard Mateo handles her. While not quite enough to hurt her, he is definately rough.

    As before, Mateo can tell that rough works fine for Sofia, and pain isn't a problem for her, either. In fact, she escalates things in that direction, not just scratching but literally digging her nails into Mateo's shoulders as she rides him. She bends forward to bite his ear and neck and lips - not feeding, just biting - before straightening again, and when she takes his hands and places them where she wants them, then squeezes his hands to get Mateo to squeeze her.

    Mateo grips her tightly, realising how much she relished it. He alternately squeezes and releases her breasts, his Dalu claws digging into her flesh, not deep, but enough to draw her dark, thick blood.

    Mateo becomes more excited upon seeing her blood, almost with an animalistic fury. Mateo has a soft rumbling growl deep in his throat, but it is one of passion, and not rage. It could easily be mistaken, from her past experience of seeing him rage, but if she looks in his eyes she can tell the difference. He growls louder as he approaches completion, claws tearing a little deeper as he grips her tightly.

    Sofia responds in kind, digging her nails into him and moaning as the passion builds for both of them.

    Mateo finishes, and feels(as well as hears) that she has as well. He lifts her from her mounted position and pulls her close. He savors the warmth of her skin, her dead heart beating fast, and he smiles.

    "That was good..." He whispers into the top of her head, and he holds her tight against him.


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