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Water under the bridge, and in my glass please.

51 - 58
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  1. #51

    "I don't really mind, the more the merrier as they say." the old man said with a shrug. "At least leon's distracted enough by the other people to try anything with my drink."

  2. #52
    Perry diCarto's Avatar

    Perry diCarto

    Ah ha! So it was a challenge! And it had been accepted.

    This was going to be hilarious - Rook would likely be stoically dropping shots like nothing, and Perry would be unconscious in drunken bliss. Good times. "All right, nice! This Saturday, perhaps?" A grin.

    The Shadowsoul was starting to get the distinct feeling that this Astra Kris gal was a bit of a strange cat.

    "It's just outstanding food at an award-winning restaurant, mate, that's all - if that's to your liking," he chuckled, sipping at his drink. He'd never met a Spring before who he felt anywhere close to awkward around - yet here they sat, and there he was. Still - if she didn't want to go to the restaurant, far be it for him to force her. Wouldn't be much of a Spring thing to do.

  3. #53

    "It sells out fast," Rook added simply. "Sometimes by the time I get off shift at the piano, there's none left." He liked eating at Fresh Tastes, of course, but his schedule sometimes meant it was difficult to get a table, or to make the covers. Mrs. Rosemary's cooking was very popular. Her talent for it was really quite amazing.

    Very appropriate for a Spring Queen. It fuelled a base desire that even the most strangely changed of them experienced. Eating was natural, and even for him, with his super-heated insides, pleasant.

    "I'll check with Anya, but yes, Saturday sounds fine,"
    the Red Victor said amiably to Perry. "If we need to change anything, I'll let you know."

  4. #54

    Restaurant = Food
    Award-winning = Very good
    Music to Leon's ears

    "Award-winning? Really, can I grab a table? Foods a strange one with me, I have odd tastes, it'd be nice to try some." Living off blood for years can do some strange things to your taste buds, that could even be the cause of his alcohol love.

  5. #55

    Rook turned his head slightly, giving a small nod to the others. The day drew on, and he had more patrols to perform. The boundaries would not stay safe without maintenance and strength. He would always be there for that, until the day that he was slain in his duty. That would be the only way that he would ever stop.

    "Well, have a good evening, all. I'm afraid I have work to do."

    He stood, and with a perfectly tranquil air, he walked away.

    Rook exits the thread

  6. #56
    Perry diCarto's Avatar

    Perry diCarto

    Shortly after Rook left, Perry rose as well, finishing up his drink as the time passed as it was wont to do. "Leon, you can always get a table at Mrs. R's restaurant. Just head on up and let them know when you'd like to eat! It's wonderful like that."

    Waving to the others and placing a ten on the table for his bill, he said, "Well, that's about it for me too. Got a trial to prepare and never enough time. See you all later!" He smiled pleasantly to the group. "Nice to meet you," he said to Astra before heading out himself.

    Perry leaves the thread.

  7. #57

    Leon looked to the two as they left, responsible as they were and smiled. "Barkeep another drink for me, i got no place to be and nothing to do tomorrow so im making a night of it, whos with me." He raised his empty glass as if to attract some attention in the hopes he wouldnt be left to drink alone again.

  8. #58
    Key's Avatar

    “[color=#8d6fd2]I’ll drink with you,[color]” the manikin said to the Oni. “If you want, I have nothing else to do right now.

    As long as the walls didn’t start talking to her, she should be fine.

    I'm going to suggest a scene end Cherry if you want we could continue in a second scene.
    "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
    Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.
    He says that only a few people are awake,
    and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

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