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(Private) Albert and Teodor at the Museum

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  1. #11

    Albert was busy inspecting the pottery from various angles, as Teo spoke. Suddenly his ears perked up about "great epoch." It would be something he would ask the Monk later, in private. Perhaps Raluca knew something about Kindred from that part of the world. If nothing else then, Sawyer knew he could discuss mythology with the wisened vampire.

    His eyes gravitated to what looked like a knife carved out of bone. The Ventrue pointed to the bone knife and asked, "Do you happen to know much about the Czech Republic, Brother Raluca?"

  2. #12

    "The Czech Republic is..." Teodor shrugs as he walks over to the display where Albert is standing. "Recently it has been shuffling of borders and titles." Looking at the knife the Ventrue pointed out, the monk nodded and moved onto a case of intact and mostly intact pottery. "One portion of it has great history. You have heard of Bohemia? Prague? It was great medieval duchy until the mongol invasion. After that, it filled the void left by the destroyed Hungarians and became great player in Holy Roman Empire and the Hapsburg dynasty. They are mixed Germanic and Slav. If I recall...Luxemburg is tied in with their royalty? Hard to remember, with so many royal families intermarrying across the continent." The display case he was in front of at the moment was Mesopotamian. One particularly well preserved piece was a vase with an azure winged bull. "If I remember correct the Babylonians..I believe...were the first commit to written trade and accounting records." he said gesturing toward the display case.

  3. #13

    "You know, that makes a hell of a lot more sense than what the adjunct taught us," Sawyer laughed at the memory of that class, and looked back to the knife momentarily, "For the life of me, I couldn't grasp what he was saying since he kept switching back and forth across time periods and used the names inter-changeably...never once did he mention the Hapsburg dynasty...the Holy Roman Empire's influence was a footnote at best," the young vampire rolled his eyes when speaking of the absurdity.

    He spoke to Teo directly, "I've learned more from you in thirty-seconds than I did in a semester." Like a student trailing his professor, Sawyer followed Raluca to the pottery as the Kindred spoke of the Babylonians. "Ironically enough, my accounting professor, a CPA, told us that same thing." The neonate continued on as he examined the relic, "He said if they messed up the record-keeping they'd be killed," Albert looked back up to the Monk, "Any truth behind that?" he seemed genuinely curious about the morbid topic.

  4. #14

    Paging Beej

  5. #15

    Albert merely assumed the Monk was more interested in the pottery than answering the his question. He brushed it off and continued looking through the exhibit. The Ventrue went on to examine weaponry and learn about the ancient battles.

  6. #16

    Lost in his examination of the pottery and his own thoughts that strayed back to his earlier ruminations on the early kindred, the Shadow quickly lost account of his surrounding. Coming back to himself he looked around and realized the ventrue was gone. Oh dear. Hopefully this will not have earned me some recrimination. Scanning, he spotted his quarry and made his way over to him. Nothing to rushed of course, causal and dignified like one would expect from a little old monk. Appearances were the rule of the evening, kine and kindred. "Ah, there you are. My apologizes, my mind seemed to run off, habit I struggle with sometimes."

  7. #17

    Albert was situated in front of a replica of Stele of the Vultures when Raluca reappeared. The Ventrue turned around, "Oh it's alright, it happens to the best of us, my friend." Ordinarily he'd give a simple pat on the back, however, given his lack of knowledge on the Monk's feelings of personal space, he withheld from doing so. "Such a unique piece. The world's oldest monument dedicated to remembering conquest. It says here the original fragments are in France."

  8. #18

    With nothing to indicate that his slip would come back to haunt him, Teodore turned his attention to the replica slate. Reading the translation of the piece, the monk smirked. "..will not transgress into the territory of Lagash again upon penalty of divine punishment." the shadow chuckled a little. "Contritions and public record were so much colorful in past. Oaths before Almight so-and-so and pledges of loyalty and friendship..until you though you had a big enough army then one was off conquering in the name of the Almighty you just swore in peace."

  9. #19

    "Oh indeed, might made right back then. Especially with an army to enforce one's definition of "right," Sawyer sounded interested by the conversation, "It is a work that appears to be lost in our time. Simple and direct communication."

    Overhead the speakers came to life, "Attention all guests. The museum will be closing shortly."

    "Aw damn it." He gave a shrug and smile, "Never enough time to enjoy things."

  10. #20

    "Attention all guests. The Fillard Goldman Museum is now closed. Please make your way to the exits. Thank you for your patronage."

    Albert looked up as the final reminder signalled the end of their night. His gaze shifted back to the elder Kindred, "Well Brother Raluca, I will see you next time, my good friend."

    End of Scene

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