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Meeting the mechanic

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  1. #31

    The Shadowsoul flicked his eyes to and fro from each of the two mechanical candidates, curious if there was anything more.


  2. #32

    At Heath's question, Lou gave a short nod. "Yeah, Rook and Violet played while Perry, Terri and I drank. They did a mighty fine job'a bringin' the house down." However, at the mention of 'Music Buddies' Llewelyn gave a soft sigh. He did miss his few friends back in Orleans... "Sorry Heath, anyone I knew is back in N'Orleans, and I doubt any of 'em would have the ability to come up for a set, even if they wanted ta."

    At the piano mic suggestion, Llewelyn gave a shrug. "It sounded fine when we heard it, but then again, there'll prolly be a lot more people, an' we can't risk losing the sound there. P'rhaps we should ask Mr. Bates about dates and such. If anyone else is interested in speaking to him, I already need ta see him 'bout the intergration of my mechanic's workshop into the local area. Somethin' I need to speak ta' you about too, when you've got the chance too actually, Perry."

  3. #33

    Stephen shook his head. "I don't know anybody who can play music heath, sorry bout that," stephen then continued. "We can always test it out with the mic and without the mic, see what sounds better. though I probably would set the thing up anyway if it is able within our budget. Better have something and not need it, then needing something and not having it. As for the rest of the equipment we need, aside from the stage and sound equipment we will probably find that out when we are setting everything up. We have enough time to procure more equipment during that time have we not?"

  4. #34
    Heath Moore's Avatar
    Heath Moore
    Heath Moore

    Presence •••• (Entertaining)
    Striking Looks •• (Contagious Smile)
    Fame ••
    Mantle ••• (distant laughter)

    Brown hair, kind brown eyes, good-looking and quick to smile.
    Heath Moore - Mein

    Tall lanky with alabaster skin save for a stiff brownish mask-like face glowing yellow eyes and mouth. Thick locks of brown hair imitate a jester's cap in shape.


    "Yeah, she sure can," agrees Heath with a wistful sigh and dreamy smile as he sets his chin to rest on an open palm. If anything, Heath had already been slain by the Nightsinger's charms.

    When Llewelyn answers his question Heath blinks and adjusts back into the conversation, "Ah, that's too bad. Guess we'll just have to ask around a little more or nix the band idea. Otherwise I think we've got a general plan for the evening." Heath looks to Perry, nodding and pursing his lips thoughtfully.

  5. #35
    Perry diCarto's Avatar

    Perry diCarto

    Perry gave Big Lou a thumbs up. "Yeah, we'll check on the dates. It'll be all right. The equipment shouldn't be too too bad to get and there's plenty of time." When the Summer mentioned he needed to see him, Perry said, "Sure, man. I can talk once we're done here if you want. Or is it business-related? I got appointment time this week."

    He sipped his drink and nodded to Heath. "Yeah, our plan's in good shape, I think. We should get a program out here shortly, eh?"

  6. #36

    "Its business related, among other things. I'll give ya a call about it this arvo." He replied. Llewelyn had a business to get started, and Perry had some hedge-spinnin' he wanted done - perhaps a deal could be struck.

  7. #37

    Llewelyn took a sip of his drink and leant back in his chair.


  8. #38
    Perry diCarto's Avatar

    Perry diCarto

    Perry nodded with a smile to Big Lou. "Great, man. Sounds good."

    With a look at his watch, the Shadowsoul said, "All right, folks. Time for me to get going - great to have you both on board! We'll get this all squared away and get rehearsal space in order!"

    To be clear, we don't really have time for a rehearsal thread, but rehearsals would occur, naturally. Good thread!

  9. #39
    Heath Moore's Avatar
    Heath Moore
    Heath Moore

    Presence •••• (Entertaining)
    Striking Looks •• (Contagious Smile)
    Fame ••
    Mantle ••• (distant laughter)

    Brown hair, kind brown eyes, good-looking and quick to smile.
    Heath Moore - Mein

    Tall lanky with alabaster skin save for a stiff brownish mask-like face glowing yellow eyes and mouth. Thick locks of brown hair imitate a jester's cap in shape.


    "You the man, Perry!" says Heath, lifting a hand up for a farewell high five before the Shadowsoul heads out for the evening.

    "Let's make this event one for the record books, fellas," he says cheerily to Steve and Llewelyn, offering them a high five as well.

    Wrap it up with a bow!

  10. #40

    Llewelyn goes in for the hi-five with a smile. Anyone else pulling off a hi-five would have looked like a bit of a loser, but Heath managed to do these dorky things in a way that was somewhat endearing. "I guess i'll be heading too, pleasure meeting you, Tock, I look forward to working with you." He replied, offering his hand to the gentleman once more. "Well, ah'l see ya'll later" He replied to the group, finishing his drink and standing up. The meeting had been a successful starting point, now all that remained was to do the hard yards.

    If noone minds, I might write up a glimpse or two of stage construction/instrument practicing... Perhaps even finding a band?

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