Twist watched the finale of the debate, not terribly surprised at the decision that Asa made. The part of her that put the Daeva first made a pout of dissapointment but it wasn't strong enough to make it to her face and thus would go unnoticed by those around them. "He will soon learn, if he does not already."
As though pulled in by Ciara Maskelyne 's tone, Twist leaned in closer to listen to her words. Hearing them she nodded, "Yes, things most certainly will be. Power shifts in the city inherently draw such attention, but when they occur with such..." Twist's eyebrows drew together as she sought the right word to describe the blood bath that had occured without actually shedding any blood, "apparant displays of the Beast, it only heightens the effects." It was clear she still wasn't satisfied with the words she had found, but they would have to do.
Seeing Asa rise, Twist stood herself, and gave a deep nod in his direction. Smiling she turned back to Ciara, "Did you have any plans for the remainder of the evening?"