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(Dark Deeds) To the Heart of the Matter

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  1. #141
    Chrisie's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Many, many apologies for the delay in returning to posting to this thread...and, yes, I'll include the teamwork bonus!

    Maxwell listened and nodded and watched his foes with narrowed eyes.

    There was a lot he had to think about.

    The talk of evidence and veiled threats made to him were not far from his mind. The threats, it seemed, also carried some power behind them. A power he would be foolish to ignore, and he didn't get where he was today by being a fool. Maxwell toyed with hinting that he had his own powerful protectors too. But his allies were far away. Too far away to make a difference in this sudden negotiation. Such boasts would be empty. At least for now.

    "Hmm...okay. I understand. I agree. But we...we were trying to avoid getting into dealing with the Anatomical Gift Act..." he sighs, as if wearied and made impatient by the thought of dealing with all the red-tape of doing his sinister work the legal way.

    "...still, you both make a pretty persuasive case. I'll do it your way. A change in direction for our work." he tries a faint chuckle in a hope to lighten the tense mood and nods carefully again to Tracy and Chase. Offering his hand to Chase to seal the deal.

    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  2. #142
    Chase Ankers's Avatar

    Chase Ankers
    Chase Ankers

    Presence ••• (charming)
    Striking Looks •• (handsome)
    Blood Potency •
    Status: Ventrue • Ordo Dracul • Academia ••
    -Blush Active in Social Scenes-


    Chase extends his hand to Maxwell and clasps it confidently. He was glad for Tracy's support in this matter or he wouldn't feel comfortable moving ahead with this deal. That they could find a compromise without violence was a fortunate outcome. There was only so much they could do, the two of them. "Naturally we'll be checking in on you from time to time," he warned with a smirk before releasing the doctor's hand. "To be quite honest I don't wish to see your work jeopardized. I doubt Joel would have wished his passing, or rather, his transformation to have not been in vain. If it's not too much trouble I would like to be informed of any patients you do plan on repeating the procedure on. Just their names will be sufficient. You can send them to this email address."

    He borrows a pen from Maxwell's desk to use and scribbles down one of his untraceable email addresses. "I'll verify their legitimacy. This includes any patients among your investors. I'd like to receive this information before the procedure, mind you. If we find you've been reticent then that will be considered a violation of our agreement."

    Chase wondered offhand how the doctor might react, knowing that the key to immortality sat cooperatively across from him. No doubt he's wish to study them like lab rats.

  3. #143
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    Tracy was glad that they had been able to talk some sense into the doctor, yet part of her was slightly disappointed that she wouldn't get to rough him up a bit. After all they had been through due to his little experiments, the Gangrel really had the urge to at least backhand the fucker. Yet, she restrained said urges and just stood there while Maxwell spoke, looking deceivingly harmless.

    When the doctor mentioned some governmental act, a smirk touched the Deputy's lips. "Dealing with bureaucracy is a bitch, isn't it?" she said, her smirk growing in a devious manner. "But not as much of a bitch as I am, doctor." Tracy gave him a little wink after those words, which were a not-so-subtle reminder of the fact that he had gotten his ass handed to him by a five foot tall girl, barely an hour ago.

    With that, the redheaded Gangrel fell back to silence, letting Chase do most of the talking. After all, the young Ventrue seemed to have this whole negotiating thing down, and his expertise with technology would aid him in dealing with any jargon she may have missed.

  4. #144
    Chrisie's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Maxwell could hardly believe his ears. Though not immune to Tracy's threats he was struck by the sudden apparent approval of his project.

    Names? Addresses? He nodded as he imagined his work continuing. Unburdened by too cumbersome legislation or official oversight...now he had this new team of people to oversee his work...almost as if they were approving and sanctioning in their own way.

    Perhaps the *are* from the Palms...anyway...Joel can continue his operations and activity, so...

    All in all, Maxwell looked as pleased as he felt. Another brisk nod to Tracy to show he agreed. The terms weer sound.

    "No worries...I won't cause you any trouble at all." he reassured them, looking first to Tracy then Chase.

    He paused for a moment wondering if he should somehow try to apologize for Joel and the mess they had somehow stumbled into. Maxwell also gave some thought to what had given his scheme away.

    Hadn't their forensic decoys and spoiling activity being enough?

    With another nod he sat quietly. Carefully watching Chase and Tracy. The presence of the predators was beginning to eat at his primal mind. Worrying him. As if, like in some Tarrantino movie, they'd now pull out silenced handguns and shoot him from some perverse spite.

    "Come back any time you want...you know...to er...visit." and, more for his own reassurance, he tried a smile.

    I sense a closure in the plot and scene. Shall we give it one last post each and then roll credits?
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  5. #145
    Chase Ankers's Avatar

    Chase Ankers
    Chase Ankers

    Presence ••• (charming)
    Striking Looks •• (handsome)
    Blood Potency •
    Status: Ventrue • Ordo Dracul • Academia ••
    -Blush Active in Social Scenes-



    "Glad to hear it, Doctor," responded Chase in the same understanding smile, though it veiled his apprehensions to the arrangement. It may have seemed that they had tied up loose ends but this was not a finale he envisioned. There were liabilities involved now. If they wished to pursue either Chase or Tracy, to investigate them then it could potentially lead to a Masquerade Breach in its own fashion. But for now they were in agreement. He could always discuss the outcome in safety with Tracy afterwards, and she would likely wish to report the activities to their superiors. If the elite Kindred found Maxwell to be a threat then there would be little the doctor could do against their combined resources. At least he presumed as much.

    No, this would be fine. They did their duty and discovered the cause and arranged for an end to the murders. Any further trouble could be and would be dealt with when it came to pass. Chased turned to Tracy with a smile and a knowing nod and then stood from his chair with cane in hand. "Then our business is at an end for tonight. I look forward to seeing you next time, Doctor Maxwell."

    He would wait for Tracy to stand before exiting out with her to the car where their good friend Richard waited. They would have to drop him off back at his vehicle before retiring for the evening. Richard's involvement was no more precarious than that of Maxwell's, but he would wonder if his decisions in this case had been the correct ones to make.

  6. #146
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    Tracy wasn't particularly convinced that this would be the end of it all, but as far as she could tell, the doctor was willing to cooperate with them at that moment. Thus, she figured it was best to leave things as they were, and report back to Dillon with their findings. With her Priscus now being the new Reeve, she felt a lot more comfortable speaking to him directly about this whole incident. In the end, it would be his call on whether they needed to shut down Maxwell's operation or not.

    "Good. Trouble is something we all want to avoid," she said to the doctor, offering him a little smile. "Since we have come to a suitable agreement, I believe our business here is in fact finished." With those words, the Gangrel Deputy retreated towards the door, holding it open for Chase so they could make their way out of the office.

    All good by me

  7. #147
    Chrisie's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    The door closes behind them as they make their way back to the car park and Richard. Richard is furtively waiting for them to return. Fearful of his own fate and keen to offer them a smile as he sees them approach.

    Meanwhile Maxwell operates his keyboard. Entering a code and prompting Joel's CGI interface back into action. There was work to do...

    Roll credits! Ah, time to offer a big thank you to all those who joined in with Dark Deeds! Thank you!
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

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