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(1211) Tracy & Teodor

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  1. #21
    Tracy Burns's Avatar



    Tracy smiled at Drake and responded to his words with a little curtsy. "It is good to see you back amongst us Mr. Drummond," she said to the youthful Daeva in a pleasant tone. The Gangrel Deputy then turned her attention back to the Nosferatu, nodding as the neonate spoke. "Perhaps at a later point then," she said to Abby, taking her contact info and placing it away in a safe place.

    As she was about to turn her attention back to the congregation of Dragon's around her, Tracy caught the look given to her by Dillon Connery , which she returned with a simple, yet firm nod. Thus, while her Covenant mates spoke amongst each other, the Gangrel's green eyes were fixated on the newcomer her Priscus and fellow Deputy had indicated. Once Dillon had returned to attend to the man, she turned her attention back to her fellow Dragons.

    "My apologies," she said to them, offering a sincere smile. As Max spoke to her, the petite Deputy's smile widened just a bit as she gave him a nod. "I'll make sure to fetch you before the night is over," she said to the Mekhet, giving him a quick wink before he departed from their presence.

    "So Mr. Drummond, were you away on a sabbatical of sorts?" she asked of the Daeva, curious as to why she hadn't seen much of him since her own introduction to the Ordo Dracul.

    OOC: for Abby

  2. #22

    For whatever reason, Drake's mood was not to be dragged down, and he responded to the Deputy's questions with a hearty laugh. "I do suppose you could call it that," followed the chortle, and he decided to elaborate...somewhat. "I was doing some experimenting....and did not follow all the safeguards I should have. I can now say that I have experienced torpor, and will definitely be avoiding it in the future."

    He wondered idly if, as a Gangrel, the Deputy would be more, or less interested in the Impaled experience. Drake himself was looking forward to his next attempt, and it caused a subtle smile to spread across his face. "I do regret my absence, and not being able to keep up with the Order. I was curious about you, and our colleagues as well. Is there any exciting news or discussions? Anyone progressing through the Coils?"

  3. #23

    Glancing at his watch, Teodor realized the hour was later than he had though and tonight's experiment still awaited. His interest was definitively peaked about what could possibly put Mr. Drummond, although he had a notion or two. One of which he had through distaste for having witnessed several times. "Please forgive me. I have research still ahead of me tonight. I would very much wish to speak with both of you in greater detail in more private setting about our Work. Deputy Burns, Mr. Drummond." he excused himself with a nod of his head to each of them and an apologetic smile. Slipping away from the group he head for the stairs.

  4. #24
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    Tracy nodded at the Mekhet's words, offering him a pleasant smile. "Of course Brother Raluca, I would hate to keep you from such things," she said to her fellow Dragon in a polite tone. "It was a pleasure meeting you." With those words the Gangrel gave Teodor a little curtsy as he departed their presence.

    The Deputy then turned her full attention to Drake, listening closely to his words. "Well, I am glad that you made it back safe and sound," she said to him with some encouragement. "Torpor isn't a very pleasant experience, especially if unexpected. But I am sure you have learned something from the experience." As she said those words, Tracy recalled her conversation with the former Seneschal, and how she had told the Ventrue about learning from her own failures in the past. It was a pity that she had departed the Domain, like many other Kindred she had come to respect in Sacramento.

    Her emerald green eyes lit up for a moment at the Daeva's next question. "Oh, I'm certain that there has been some progress," she said, a smirk touching the corner of her lips. However, she did not share her own news with him just yet, since the Gangrel wanted the Grand Wyrm to be the first to know about the recent progress she had made. "Perhaps you could ask Grand Wyrm Heinz about it? I'm sure he's aware of any recent accomplishments." Her little smirk turned into a full blown smile as she said those last words.

    And he'll find out soon enough about those he is not currently aware of.

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