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A Scream After Dark

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  1. #121
    linkrulesx10's Avatar

    "Bloody nosey mystagogues" Noctina mumbled to herself as she noticed Nantele was overhearing the conversation.

    But once someone asked did she hear anything she opened up her little visual map again and gave a brief scan for objects or people in space she didn't know about.

      3 suxx spatial map
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-12-13 08:38:04 Noctina rolls 6 to Casts Spatial Map (Space + gno) (10 Again) 10, 1, 8, 6, 7, 9, 5 3 successes
    Thyrsus Mystagogue
    Presence: 3 (Animalistic)

  2. #122
    Ariadne's Avatar

    Mastigos Guardian

    SL 2 (Red Hair, Blue eyes)
    Pres 3 (Diplomatic)
    Consilium: **
    Path: **
    Guardians of the Veil: ***

    Under Control: McEl Mis/MS(5 armor, 4 suxx), SuperVis(1 suxx), CreativeThaum@Leo, SpatAwar(Ari,Maich-3suxx) -H: rB,/6, W: 2/6, M: 1/13:4, TPC 1/4 remaining Pledge+2subt
    Consilium: Mis/HS(3 suxx)
    Down by the riber: H: /8, W: 6/6, M: 13/13:4 Misc/MS(Cloaked-3 suxx), Third Eye (cloaked-3 suxx)


    "No no that's what my people do." Ariadne replies quietly with a smile.

    She turns to address Nantale and the other mages.

    "I'd like to ask her what she thinks happened to her. I haven't seen anything like that before and she didn't become like us."

    "I have no intention of hurting her. I am not sure that our sanctums are necessary... honestly I don't think Wards would keep out those....Angel...things."

  3. #123

    Nantale raised an eyebrow at Noctina.

    What did you expect, really?

    "I'd like to help you with that, " she said to Ariadne. "I don't think bringing her to a Sanctum is the best idea either, but taking her to somewhere quiet, secluded, and indoors should help. Wherever we take her, we should put up all possible defenses. Even if those 'Angels' can get through wards, you won't want anyone else peeping in on us. Also, keep in mind that she was hostile to us. She may still be once she comes to."

    Despite everything that's happened tonight, Nantale wanted to make sure the girl was safe and in a healthy state of mind.

  4. #124
    linkrulesx10's Avatar

    Noctina gives a cheeky grin back to Nantale to show there is no hard hard feelings.

    "So we looking at two parties here, the kidnappers and angels, possible third party? Are these kidnappers same people responsible for the animals gone missing or a different bunch. A few questions to consider as we move, I dunno but staying here doesn't seem like a great idea."
    Thyrsus Mystagogue
    Presence: 3 (Animalistic)

  5. #125
    Ariadne's Avatar

    Mastigos Guardian

    SL 2 (Red Hair, Blue eyes)
    Pres 3 (Diplomatic)
    Consilium: **
    Path: **
    Guardians of the Veil: ***

    Under Control: McEl Mis/MS(5 armor, 4 suxx), SuperVis(1 suxx), CreativeThaum@Leo, SpatAwar(Ari,Maich-3suxx) -H: rB,/6, W: 2/6, M: 1/13:4, TPC 1/4 remaining Pledge+2subt
    Consilium: Mis/HS(3 suxx)
    Down by the riber: H: /8, W: 6/6, M: 13/13:4 Misc/MS(Cloaked-3 suxx), Third Eye (cloaked-3 suxx)


    Ariadne nods in agreement with Noctina.

    "I agree. And we can handle her if she is not happy with us." As she says it Ariadne realizes what that may imply... I need to pay more attention to my fellow mages

    "She won't be harmed."

  6. #126
    Princess's Avatar

    "Let's move, then. Who's riding with whom?"

  7. #127
    Key's Avatar

    Dark Eyes, Nantale and Impulse

    The stabbed girl seems to be trying to get up, even in the dark you can see that she has collapsed again, softly letting the faint moan of someone who just experienced something so beyond their physical ability to comprehend.

    Noctina and Ariadne

    The girl looks fine, but are you honestly going to leave the Ganger’s body just lying there?

    This scene is generally over, anyone can start the next one.
    "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
    Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.
    He says that only a few people are awake,
    and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

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