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(1211) Eternal Court XXIII

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  1. #51

    Stepping out of the acknowledgement room, Alec can't help but feel a bit relieved. The biggest piece of business had been taken care of for the night. Almost as importantly he had escaped the clutches of the most enthusiastic Kindred of his requiem thus far.

    With the intent of meeting with his clanmate, Alec moves back into the main area of the Avalon. Then a flash of fear. A greater beast enters the room, then just as that urge is repressed, Alec's eyes take in the woman that inspired it. That sort of grandiose entrance certainly wasn't something he approved of but the shear magnetic beauty of the woman kept his attention far longer than anything else. Had the Herald been with him, she would have been amazed to see a look of surprise plastered onto the Haunt's face.

    Rather than continue forward though, Alec instead stops several feet away and wait to see what would happen with this stunning woman. Only a Daeva is beautiful enough to pull such a stunt in court. I'll be damned if she doesn't get away with it too.

    Composure returns to his face and Alec finds a comfortable place from which to watch the rest of the entrance unfold.

  2. #52
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma watched as people mingled around court. She was always interested to watch other and there social interactions. She watched Martha go to a room with someone she didn't recognize. A flash of concern crossed Emma's min a Martha's limp was more noticeable. Was she in pain? The next time Emma spoke with her she would enquire as to her health, now was not the time to interrupt, with so many new faces she would be busy tonight. As Emma thought this she witnessed another new comer enter the building. This one looked vaguely familiar, like from TV or newspapers or something. Emma continues to study the intergroup interactions, it was interesting to witness the theories first hand of social psychology- persuasion, social identity, group theories, cognitive dissonance. It was all here in this room. Emma smiled to herself, then frowned. If she was watching and learning, who else might be?

  3. #53
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court



    Having watched the new arrival converse with Martha in silence, and then move away to one of the Conference Rooms, Dillon is on high alert. When the man returns to Court proper with no Martha in sight, that alert turns to alarm. Dillon cannot afford to be lax, even though it is probably nothing.

    It had better be nothing.

    Hackles raise, and sensing the excitement emanating from its Master, the Beast surges in anger. Snarling with three monstrous canine maws for the stranger's thin blood.

    No polite, friendly smile on Dillon's face this moment. It's all business. Very, very dangerous business. Catching the fellow before he moves much further, the Gangrel deputy points to the spot he is standing on.

    "Sir. Do not move."

    His deep, husky voice conveys many things. Chief among them: This is not a suggestion, nor is it a prank. And that the Herald had better be the very image of a healthy Requiem when Dillon finds her, or his will be cut short.

    Slipping off toward the Conference Room without another word, he gives Tracy Burns a silent signal and glance toward the man in question; for her to watch, and make sure he doesn't attempt anything foolish. Like leaving. He certainly didn't miss the other stunning new arrival, but can't spare her any attention just yet.
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  4. #54

    With Dillon Connery barking his orders Alec is initially confused. He had done nothing wrong, unless there was some strange Invictus custom he was unaware of. Still, he had the good sense to know better than to disobey a greater Beast when in unfamiliar territory. "Yes, of course." Alec rasps the mangled words together.

    As Dillon makes his way toward the conference room the problem becomes a little clearer. Watching the man enter Alec muses to himself. "He's worried about the Herald." It is a simple statement of fact, as flat in tone as his original acknowledgement of the command.

    Even without an overt curse like his some were still put on edge by the Haunt.

    Alec waits obediently for the stranger to return, hopefully in a better mood than when they first engaged. They certainly had room to improve their interactions.

  5. #55
    Angel of Darkness

    Erich had watched carefully as the Haunt entered and move to talk to Martha. And was amused by as he saw Dillon's response as the man re-entered the court. Perhaps, I judged Mr. Connery too rashly..

    Erich's eyes fell upon the punk rocker from the moment she entered the room.

      7 Sux
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-12-09 15:21:05 Erich Passions rolls 9 to Recognize punk rocker (Int+Wits+3 targets fame) (10 Again) 9, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 2, 7, 10, 7, 6, 5, 1 7 successes

    He recognized her instantly, from every magazine cover she'd been on, every music video she'd ever done, and every song he'd heard from her on the radio. Hmmm... why am I not surprised to see her here? He takes a moment to steel himself from the onslaught of approaching her greater beast.

    "Hello Miss Loaded, I'm Erich Passions. What brings you to Sacramento?"

  6. #56

    Lockie didn't miss the eyes of the other man - and his weaker Beast - across the room, as they landed on her. She loved the fact he was admiring her - who doesn't? - but the sudden attention of his Beast was making her own rise. And controlling it was always such a problem for her - her Sire said it was a problem of her weak will, but she just figured hers was more potent than most.
    When she meets his gaze, her mouth happens to open for a snarl - before she manages to slip it into an almost flirty grin, her tongue flicking up and over her brilliant white teeth for a moment, before she gives him a flirtatious, brilliant grin, and a wink. Not a bad effort at hiding it, she decided. But probably best if she kept it in check a bit better in the future.

    And when that hunk of muscle departed shortly after, she felt the last trace of fear slip away from her for the moment, which was a slight improvement - save for the fact that her Beast was a fucking idiot, because any of these people could easily trounce her without much effort. The more she bitched at it, the more it began to shut up. In fact, she was in the middle of a really good mental tirade at it when some guy in a suit happened to come up to her.
    Now there was something far more enticing than the slightly creepy fellow at the other end of the room. Nice and cut. Slightly grey, but in that attractive, George Clooney kind of way. Oh, yes - though he did look a bit old for her.
    Then again, most of the people in this room were, technically.

    "He-ey," she replied with a wide grin, managing to drag out the single word for a split-second longer than it should take. As she did so, she shifted her position slightly, trying to resist the urge to tear apart such a stunning hunk of meat, and planted a hand on his wrist - a concession to her Beast's fury. "Sex, drugs. Rock and roll, possibly, depending on how things go. Apparently, I make a living off it, these days." She grinned slightly, rolling her hair back over her shoulder, and knowingly giving Erich a view of that smooth, supple skin.

    "By the way, it's Lockie. Miss Loaded would probably be my non-existent bitch of a mother." Again, she smiled, nibbling on her lip in the most endearing way. She was definitely coming on to her clanmate, and definitely wasn't being subtle. "Are you a fan, Erich?"


    @Erich Passions contests with Wits + Composure + Whatever (Status, SL, Equipment, etc.)

  7. #57
    Angel of Darkness

    Erich smiles as the young one tries to ply her wiles upon the Shark. It was a cute effort, but entirely inappropriate behavior here in court. A Kindred of the First Estate is always wary of behavior that could be seen as improper.

      4 sux
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-12-10 17:14:44 Erich Passions rolls 7 to Resist Seduction (Wits + Composure + Status +SL) (10 Again) 7, 10, 7, 6, 8, 1, 9, 9 4 successes

    He does his best not to grimace from her touch, the more powerful beast making physical contact with his flesh, the Shark was not happy about that at all. Then there was her speech, obviously she had not been reared in the Invictus to be speaking in such a vulgar manner here in court. "I'm afraid your music isn't quite my taste, but I never forget a pretty face. Perhaps wish should take this conversation to the side?"

  8. #58
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    As Dillon returns from the Conference Room with Martha, using his arm for support if she decides she needs it and allows it, his demeanor is almost a complete turnaround. His usual polite and friendly smirk is back in full swing, even as hazel eyes casually sweep the room - overlaying it with his last, most recent observation before. Making sure nothing is amiss by examining what has changed.

    "Mister Terrones,"
    he begins, heading straight for the Haunt he left standing. "I beg you pardon. I just can't be too careful."

    Dillon's free hand comes up before him, in an offer for a shake to let bygones be bygones. While the Gangrel feels no real need to apologize for doing his job, he does feel the need to be polite. Because he is a gentleman. And more recently, because he is an Officer of Court.

    "Dillon Connery. Deputy Reeve, Gangrel Priscus, and Deacon of the Lancea Sanctum. Hope I didn't startle you."

    With a glance, he takes in Erich Passions immediately latching on to the newest pretty face in the room, and his smile becomes a little more genuine. At least the little creeper's not trying to slobber in her ear in the middle of Elysium.

    Maybe Dillon giving the new kids a good show of authority upon their arrival isn't such a bad thing...
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  9. #59
    Alec Terrones

    The return of the Herald with a far more friendly Deputy relaxes Alec.

    "A little fear is nothing to apologize for. Can't hold a grudge for a professional doing his job." His speech is the slurred raspy mess that it always was. The tone is serious and respectful though by no means warm. Alec takes Dillon's hand in his own and offers a firm shake. The Savage reminds Alec of his own superiors in Philadelphia. Men who were perfectly friendly until they went to work. Killers and bogeymen all. "Pleased to meet you Deputy Connery."

    He nods in acknowledgement to Martha. "Herald Villiers."

    Given that Abby was now busy, Alec was left without much direction. Dillon being a Deacon, however was interesting enough. "If you don't mind my asking, what is the state of Lancea Sanctum in Sacramento? I've no formal ties to it, but my sire," The tiniest hint of a frown can be noticed at the mention, "was a devout follower of Longinus."

  10. #60
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Martha is indeed making use of Dillon's offered help to reinforce the use of her cane. She smiles happily to see the gentlemen getting along well and smiles and nods a sincere and happy greeting to acknowledge Alec.

    She stays silent to let the gentlemen speak and takes the chance to look around to make certain other Kindred are all behaving properly and safely.
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

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