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Daymian meeting with his boss

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  1. #11

    Daymian hangs his head a little. " No, I didn't know I would need to be acknowledged again..." His voice sounds with just the smallest hint of saddness. "I will of course apologize to the Herald for my indiscretion. Happily I was able to keep myself from feeding until I was in the commons and not in any other particular Reagents territories. I did not wish to cause any more trouble than I absolutely had too on my return." He looks up at the Whip, a finger glides along the fabric of the chair. "I was hoping family would help set me at ease tonight." He smiles and then chuckles, "but it seems I have more business and you are working." He removes both a pen and blank business card out of his pocket and scratches a number on it. Then lays the card on the desk while pocketing the pen. "That's the number to my temporary cell phone. When I get an actual plan and number I will of course give it to you. Is there anyone I should see about nights and hours for stage time? Also, is there anyone else you would recommend I go see Whip?" He knows she's busy with many important things and so is ready to be shuffled off. It seems he wasn't going to be able to get that recoup time he had hoped for. Maybe later, Alice was right, he needed to head to court.

  2. #12
    Alice Brown's Avatar

    Presence ••• (Gracious)
    SL •• (Angelic Face)
    Invictus ••
    Alice Brown

    Daeva Invictus


    'Indeed, indeed.' Alice winks, a bit playful, but just teasing. She's not sure what Daymian expects...

    God, even my sluttyness has it's limits.

    She smiles when accepting the card. 'You can take care of Ember business with Herald Villiers and me. As for someone to recommend... just the Herald, maybe your Clan and Covenant leaders? I guess you have to start over again.'
    "If you're not having fun, what's the point of living forever?''

    Alice Brown, Blood Potency ••••, Presence ••• (Charming Elegance), SL 2: Angelic Face, Slight French Accent

    Played by Dark Passenger

  3. #13

    Daymian stands up from the chair, straightens his clothes. "Then unless there is anything else you need from me Mistress Whip, it seems I need to go to court. I believe the Herald will be there and if I am allowed to stay in the city I'll leave a message for you. If not, well I'll leave a message for you then as well." He smiles and waits to be excused, the cracks she noticed before had been smoothed away like his fingers had smoothed out his clothing. His hazel eyes helped his resolute image, though his smile softened it a little.

  4. #14
    Alice Brown's Avatar

    Presence ••• (Gracious)
    SL •• (Angelic Face)
    Invictus ••
    Alice Brown

    Daeva Invictus


    'Yes, that is a good idea. And, Harpy or Whip Brown would be better.' Alice nods first but says the second part with a chuckle.

    Mistress... gives her different thoughts.

    'It was nice to see you again, and I look forward to the message that you will be staying in Sacramento.' Of course he is. 'Have a good evening.'
    "If you're not having fun, what's the point of living forever?''

    Alice Brown, Blood Potency ••••, Presence ••• (Charming Elegance), SL 2: Angelic Face, Slight French Accent

    Played by Dark Passenger

  5. #15

    Daymian laughs playfully as he heads to the door. "Of course Whip Brown. Then gives her a bow before opening the door. It was nice to see you again as well." He then turns and opens the door passing through quickly and closing it softly so she may get back to her business. After the door is closed he takes a deep breath and sighs then heads into the music and crowd on his way to court. But first he stops at his locker and retrieves a book he has been keeping. Then tucking the book under his suit vest he walks out into the cool evening of his re-rebirth watching everyone and every shadow.

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