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Summer night by the river

61 - 70
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  1. #61
    Velma's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    Presence: Bewitching ●●●●●
    Striking Looks: Tempting ●●●●
    Distinct Voice: Honeyed ●●●●
    Velma Star


    “Both very interesting choices, Miss Donovan and Mr. Heinz.” Velma offers politely to both.

    “I must agree with you Mr. Heinz, I’m also not too fond of being shot at… She pauses for a while, her eyes widening a bit as she looks to Maximilian.

    I’m more of a shooting first type! If you shoot fast enough you will never be shot at!” The Daeva smiles back to the friendly shadow, her words alluding back o the previous pantomime.

    “Now all this talk about costumes got me really anxious in anticipation for Halloween! Does any of you have any ideas yet?” the meek Daeva queries casually to the assembled trio in front of her.
    Velma Star*

  2. #62
    Ariana Donovan

    Ariana knew that Chase was speaking from experience. After all, she heard his proposal previously for his business. With a knowing smile she tipped her champagne glass to the Lordly Dragon. “Quite right, Mr. Ankers. Such a transition of hard labor for a solid piece of metal to something that is more time consuming and fast paced. A remarkable change.” Grinning to her cousin.

    Ariana shook her hand with a slight grin to Velma. “Mr. Heinz and myself only watched the contest within the club. It was quite enjoyable to be an onlooker that evening. Ms. Brown was also a participant in the contest.” The Lordess grinned as she remembered the now Harpy’s enthusiasm that evening.

    “It would seem that costumes generally are a reflection of the current pop culture. Last year I wore a 50s style Harley Quinn dress, accompanied by many other character in the realm of Batman.” The Lordess glanced to Max, she was unsure of what he wore that evening as they did not happen upon each other.

    “As far as a costume for this year, I am still pondering that myself.” Ariana chuckled softly. “I do wonder if we will see costumes from the Avengers, Game of Thrones or even Magic Mike.” The Lordess easily recalled Max on another of the Asylum’s Vanilla Nights.

  3. #63
    Chase Ankers's Avatar

    Chase Ankers
    Chase Ankers

    Presence ••• (charming)
    Striking Looks •• (handsome)
    Blood Potency •
    Status: Ventrue • Ordo Dracul • Academia ••
    -Blush Active in Social Scenes-


    The Seneschal's attention was an unexpected praise and Chase smiled, almost embarrassed. Having no glass to give a suitable reply he bowed his head respectfully to her. "Ah yes. Well California seems to continue to be a dream for many pursuing their fortunes," was his reply.

    As far as costumes went Chase had this to say, "Popular films do draw a good source of inspiration in costume selection, often because they have characters that are fresh and new, or the theme has regained popularity. Comic book culture is one, with the retelling of the Spiderman. Fantasy and supernatural themes another, what with the coming release of The Hobbit or Wrath of the Titans. And of course Historical figures in period pieces."

  4. #64
    Max Heinz's Avatar

    Maximilion "Max" Heinz

    Maximilian "Max" Heinz
    Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation 2
    Auspex 1 (Unflinching Eye)
    Presence 3 (Nonchalant)

    City : 2
    Ordo: 3
    Mekhet: 1


    *Max's smile changes for just a moment, forming a playful smirk as he address Velma.* Oh, I don't know, Ms Star. I wouldn't mind taking a shot or two at you... *A quick wink, letting the beautiful Daeva know his words were just in jest; then Max grows silent for a moment as he considers her question.

    As he does, he turns to listen to Ariana. As she describes her costume from last year, he doesn't try to hide his amused surprise.* Did you, Ms Donovan? I'm sorry I missed seeing it. As a matter of fact, I went as the Riddler last year. I've been thinking of an Avenger's themed costume myself. Perhaps Loki...

    *He then looks to Chase, nodding his head in agreement to his assessment of popular costumes.* I think that's half the fun of most costumes, the ability to be recognized. Everyone knows Superman or Batman, and many of the subcultures are becoming more recognized and mainstream. Even if someone doesn't know your name, they know who you're supposed to be; it provides a convenient place to start a conversation.

  5. #65
    Velma's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    Presence: Bewitching ●●●●●
    Striking Looks: Tempting ●●●●
    Distinct Voice: Honeyed ●●●●
    Velma Star


    Velma smiled silently at Max’s retort.

    She opened her empty palms in surrender to the Mekhet.

    “I yield!” the Daeva offered after Max triggered his quick wink.

    After that she peeled her ears to listen attentively to the conversation. As the Mekhet concludes his thoughts Velma adds.

    “So, Mr. Heinz, you are talking about helping establishing common ground?” the tone suggested it was only rhetoric.

    “In my opinion it is more than that.” The songstress paused for a moment allowing the other kindred time to better listen to what she was about to say. “It is mainly about the freedom to be who you want to be and escaping society’s censure intact and unscathed.”

    “An escape if you will!” she finally concluded without adding arguments about her comment, instead allowing the others a chance to agree or disagree.
    Velma Star*

  6. #66
    Ariana Donovan

    Ariana gently nodded her head to Chase acknowledging his bow. “Yes, it seems the ideas of the Gold Rush still carry on to this day Mr. Ankers.”

    Laughing softly she grinned to Max. “Great minds must think alike. There were many Batman villains in my presence that evening, you would have fit perfectly.” Recalling how others were dressed as Poison Ivy, Bane and the Joker. That evening, some even got into the part. “Loki?” Ariana mused aloud. “Is he not the one of mischief?”

    She nodded to the notable comment of knowing the parts. “That is a very valid point Mr. Heinz and Mr. Ankers. After all, what fun is it going to parties if you cannot have a conversation especially around the subject of the them at hand.”

    Growing more fond of Velma’s zest for the conversation and hand, and previous encounters, Ariana listened while the Daeva explained. “An escape from reality.” Agreeing with the Songstress. “Perhaps it is very similar to going to the theatre, only during Halloween there is a brief moment where you can appear as those in the movies.” The Lordess also realized it was a little like partaking in a subculture briefly for one evening. Which too, was exciting.

  7. #67
    Chase Ankers's Avatar

    Chase Ankers
    Chase Ankers

    Presence ••• (charming)
    Striking Looks •• (handsome)
    Blood Potency •
    Status: Ventrue • Ordo Dracul • Academia ••
    -Blush Active in Social Scenes-


    Chase coughed uncomfortably, clearing his throat in response to Max's considerations for a costume. "Oh, Loki, yes that is an excellent choice. If you're interested, I think I know where you can get a costume. I know an excellent tailor and, well, he threw something together at my behest." No reason to be embarrassed. Doesn't have to be Halloween to dress up like a character you're fond of, he tells himself.

    When considering Ariana's statement about theater Chase adds, "Unless you plan on taking on stage rolls yourself. Perhaps that is the allure of stage performance, every role a new disguise."

  8. #68
    Velma's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    Presence: Bewitching ●●●●●
    Striking Looks: Tempting ●●●●
    Distinct Voice: Honeyed ●●●●
    Velma Star



    Velma had only seen glimpses of that Avengers movie… being too busy feeding, but she remembered the big green HULK violently smashing the so called god of trickery and mischief. She also remembered the casual remark by the end. “Punny God!” spoken with the disregard of someone used to deliver severe beatings to those who fancied themselves as gods.

    ”Well, I will create my own costume that’s for sure!” she smiled positively.

    ”The creative process behind it is half the fun for me!” Velma's smile widened. Making extensive use of make up always reminded her of her breathing days of fame and glamour.

    ”And of course the end result reflects your ideas about the costume more closely.

    Has any of you ever tried making your own costume? It’s an interesting exercise!”
    the Daeva adds almost as if throwing a challenge. She also knew that there was much to be said about the way others dressed up for Halloween, everyone tended to project a facet of their personality while so disguised and it usually was one they kept hidden during the other days.
    Velma Star*

  9. #69
    Max Heinz's Avatar

    Maximilion "Max" Heinz

    Maximilian "Max" Heinz
    Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation 2
    Auspex 1 (Unflinching Eye)
    Presence 3 (Nonchalant)

    City : 2
    Ordo: 3
    Mekhet: 1


    *Max takes a moment to think over Velma's response, nodding his head softly in agreement.* I suppose that is one way to look at it. I guess I'm so used to not being noticed, the idea that being someone else could be liberating didn't occur to me.

    *He then turns to Ariana, laughing a little at her question.* Indeed, his is Ms Donovan. Loki has always been a personal favorite of mine. More the literary figure than the comic book character, but I doubt many people would recognize a real Norse god for anything more than another viking...

    *He then looks to Chase as he talks about the costume, wondering why the man seemed to be embarrassed at the idea.* A custom costume? I don't think I'll ever go that far; but I do have to admire the dedication Mr Ankers. I guess great minds think alike... *He was amused at the idea two Dragons came up with the same idea for an outfit.

    His attention then returns to Velma, Max listening intently as she talks about making her own outfit.* Well, I must say I feel out-classed! *Max answers with a friendly chuckle.* I'm afraid I lack the skill necessary for any sort of customization. The best I can do is put together preexisting pieces into a costume; sort of a patch work appearance.

    Tell me, do you have much experience as a seamstress, Ms Star?

  10. #70
    Neil Kingsley

    Neil nodded, a smile on his face. The Heirophant was a bit of all right. "Well, here's hoping it'll be as cool as it sounds!" he said with a little chuckle. "We'll see, if I decide to commit to making it happen. If it does get up and running though, I'll let you know. You might enjoy it." He meets the Circle leaders last remark with, "Well, you know where to find me!"

    Turning his attention to the others, Neil said, "Well, Mr. Wooding, it's about time we go say hello to the others, wouldn't you say?" There was the grander Danse to be done, and he did want to give his regards to the Seneschal before the night was through.

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