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Serving the Community: Japanese Garden

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  1. #11
    Vassagon's Avatar

    "Oh, well that's good," replies Toren to Kiko's first comment. "Actually that explains a lot for some of the architecture I've seen of the Asian world. Thanks for letting me know. I'm sure a shrine would be nice for those members of the community who still wish to practice Shinto."

    When she steps away, Toren does his best to listen to her questions, though rather sudden and unexpected. "Hmm, well, the why may not be so easy to answer. Many like you and I were called by something beyond our immediate understanding. There's something in each of our hearts that hears the call. Like an echo of past lives or visions of a far-off future. But I can't really answer for the heart of another, I would think that'd be up to the heart's owner to discover." Since the meanings of their conversation had to be kept vague, Toren hoped this would be a suitable answer for the girl. "Umm, does that help?"

  2. #12

    "Past Lives... That Toren-nii I entirely agree with you on. Though while I, like you, heard our respective Calls, I can't help but wonder why you know?" moving back over to him wrapping her small arms around his much larger right arm like one would expect to see a little sister doing sometimes to a older brother, before leaning her head against the arm with a sigh "I guess I just fear that I'm not good enough, that I'm going to fail and Heaven knows I don't want to hurt anyone in the process"

    Why was she opening up towards Toren now of all times was a mystery it seemed though it would look to Toren like she was confiding in him some of her inner most fears. Fears she was well with in her rights to be fearful of.

    After a few minutes soaking in Torens words of wisdom she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek with a soft smile "Your easy to talk to Toren-nii, and thanks for listening to my silly childlike questions" letting go of his arm and feeling infused with that legendary vigor of the Primal Wild, she stretched, rather feline like, before turning towards a few of the plants picking them up "I think these would look good at the entrance... yep... definitely at the entrance" turning to grin at him before heading off towards where he'd figured the best entrance to the garden would be humming a catchy tune she knew

  3. #13
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Toren wasn't alarmed by the gesture, when she took his arm in hers, but he was a bit surprised nonetheless. Since joining together in a Cabal she had opened up significantly with them, even referring to her Cabalmates as brothers. Perhaps he thought it a term of affection, though now perhaps he considered that Kiko might actually view them as family. He didn't pull away, though, and allowed the young Thrysus to lean against him.

    When she kissed his cheek he felt himself blush. "Ah, well I'm glad to help. I'm not entirely good at listening sometimes. But my grandfather once told me you're only as good as you believe yourself to be..."

    Once she had run off to start work on the garden Toren stood there a moment long, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. Finally he shook himself from his thoughts and refocused on the matter at hand. Approaching the workers he took up his own shovel and began moving earth as he had directed.

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