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Chase Ankers Glimpses

  1. #1
    Chase Ankers's Avatar

    Chase Ankers
    Chase Ankers

    Presence ••• (charming)
    Striking Looks •• (handsome)
    Blood Potency •
    Status: Ventrue • Ordo Dracul • Academia ••
    -Blush Active in Social Scenes-


    The office was still bustling by the time Chase walked through the front doors, walking stick in hand, his face full of the illusion of life. It was 9pm. Most employees would be at home filled with the dinners their significant others had prepared them. But Chase had different expectations of his staff made known to them upon employment. Some of them stayed over from the previous company to occupy the space, crucial staff who knew the facilities better than Chase could hope to unravel himself. But many had left because of the later hours alone.

    His administration staff greeted him at the door, all smiles and nods, a perk of being the owner. They were professionals in their own right but they were also green. Chase's budget allowed him maybe a handful specialists, the rest were level-entry, still needing to be told what to do. They would learn. When they did they'd probably ask for salary hikes or leave for better opportunities. It was a precarious balance that ultimately depended on the company's success.

    Chase walked to the conference room with them and took a seat at the head. There were five of them in all, two on either side of the table. The floor manager submitted his report on the daily events, complaints about equipment, any number of bugs that emerged and which were fixed. Some forms that needed signatures. The marketing director slid a graph of new customer sales and prospects that were on the fence. Chase nodded at these, though they were still meager for what he needed for growth and expansion. The IT Department Lead described some of his ideas for greater efficiency in the company, which coincided with what the floor manager had shared. The Customer Relationship manager stayed silent, usually waiting until the others had left to share his feedback.

    When the others had what they needed, they departed the room. In an hour many of them would clock out and head home to their families who were likely getting ready for bed. Chase sighed internally. He couldn't expect them to keep up like this. He needed someone to manage things during the day so they didn't have to keep up these late hours. There was always the option of taking on a Ghoul, someone experienced who he could trust to fulfill his will. But he didn't have anyone like that. He didn't know much about the process either. His sire had a ghoul, David or Donald or something. Chase never saw much of him from his time in Boston. Maybe he aught to phone her about it.

    "Sir?" said the patient Customer Relations Manager finally.

    "Ah yes, Renolds, please, what do you have for the day?"

    "Oh, well we've been getting a lot of negative feedback lately. It's about the internet speeds we've promised our customers."

    "Nothing's ever fast enough for the masses," replied Chase smoothly, "They probably don't even notice the improvements."

    "Yes, I know, as you've said before, but I think we really aren't reaching the limits of the bandwidth–distance product. I'm not sure if it's how we're using the wavelength channels or if the problem is coming from the backbone source. It'll probably take time to go through tests just to figure that much out."

    "If we don't reach the speeds we're supposed to have promised then we'll lose customers, right? What do you need to speed up the process?"

    "Well, more manpower helps, people who know the technology better, maybe an intensive development scientist, just as a consultant. And whatever equipment they might need."

    Chase sighed, "Alright, do whatever's necessary, but speak with Adam in IT first and see what he thinks, have him send me his thoughts before he leaves for the day."

    Renolds nods before leaving to do just that. It was still a young technology so there would likely be hiccups along the way, but he needed to satisfy the customer base more than anything. A small staff stayed on overnight, mostly techies who had no families to go home to and were genuinely interested in the company, and those who loved the salary bonus. They were pleasant fellows, despite their poor hygiene, aside from Katie anyways. She was an anomaly, the ultra geek with a double-x chromosome. He'd probably speak with them on the subject of fiber-optics and then look over the network code, staying most of the night unless he was called away from any reason. What would they think if they knew he still lived in a single bedroom apartment and that most of his assets were tied up in this business? They'd probably waive the stock options.

    It was only the first month in business. There was time to get the ball rolling and shake out the bugs.

  2. #2
    Chase Ankers's Avatar

    Chase Ankers
    Chase Ankers

    Presence ••• (charming)
    Striking Looks •• (handsome)
    Blood Potency •
    Status: Ventrue • Ordo Dracul • Academia ••
    -Blush Active in Social Scenes-


    Blush is Active -1 Vitae

    The Ankers estate is on the west side of Sacramento along the edge of the more narrow portions of the Sacramento River. Some could consider it a mansion in size. The driveway served as a bridge from the main road supported by stone pillars that stood over the center of the lawn. As he grew closer the ground sloped up level with the driveway and continued through a mess of hedges and gardens all to impress the guests that the house had entertained in the past. The riverside had its own dock, complete with a yacht and boathouse. The house itself was dark treated wood over a stucco stone foundation in modern design.

    The purpose of this visit was unclear to Chase other than his mother insisting that it would be nice if the family could get together for dinner. How very...ordinary. The thought had curdled in his mind, growing more unpleasant the more time passed as he drove to the front gates. Since he was expected this time the doors opened automatically and he rolled up to the circle drive before the view of the front doors. A butler Chase hadn't seen before opened the door from Chase and offered to take his cane and coat.

    Ethelyn was the first to greet him from the stairway, only just descending, wearing a simple green dress with a fine jeweled necklace lain between her breasts. "Brother dearest, how generous you are to allow us lowly peasants to bask in your presence," goaded Ethelyn in sardonic sarcasm, her lips shaped into a sneering smile.

    "My poor poor sister, still angry that I haven't visited? Let's not be petty. You know that father would disapprove." Chase had already learned of Evelyn's bitterness his first visit months ago, though she was left with dim memories of the events. Her mouth twisted now into a naked scowl and she flew past him, her heels clapping on the hard wood floor. Apparently she didn't have more fight in her at the moment or else she would have continued belittling him.

    Chase followed through the house, adjusting his tie as he entered the dining room. It was set with immaculate silver, lit with candles and centerpieces. Several servants stood in attendance including the young lady who Chase had caught galivanting with his sister. Despite that fact she smiled sweetly at him. Chase looked away abruptly. His father was not yet at the head of the table but his mother leapt up from her seat and walked in long strides over to him. "Ah, Chase, my son," she said with maternal relief, clasping the sides of his head in her hands which were cold to the touch compared to his flushed skin. She touched her collagen lips against his cheek and released him. "You had me and your father worried so much when you disappeared. It was agony, really it was," she dramatized though unconvincingly since she retained little of that concern now that Chase was safe. "But he told me all about the business you started and how that had kept you away. Really though, how could you expect to go without writing or calling for a whole year, it's silly really."

    "Now now, Marge," came the slick oily voice that was his father's. "Don't badger the boy." He looked vaguely like Chase though decades older and his hairline receeding into a white blonde tuft cut short. He smiled, that knowing smirk of his as he came around the table at an easy pace, patting Chase on the shoulder. "I expect great things from him, so there's no need to worry anymore." Another pat and he put himself at the head of the table.

    Ethelyn scooted up to him and gave him a loving hug, "Welcome home, father," a practiced ritual that she'd repeated consistently before sitting down at his right. Chase was seated next to his mother who sat at his left. They all sat and allowed the attendants to serve their food and pour their drinks.

    At first they ate in silence, the atmosphere different for all of them, especially Chase. Chase hesitated over his food. His mother, of course, was the first to notice, "Go on, Chase, it's broiled lamb," she said reassuringly as if that made any difference.

    Chase hid is disgust behind a warm smile and sliced the meat with his silverware before placing it on his tongue. It was like rolling mud around with his tongue but stomached it and continued to smile, "Mmm, a fine dish," he lied as the contents sat in his undead stomach. Oh how much he would rather have one of these servants bent over beneath his penetrating fangs...

    -1 Vitae to Stomach Food

    "So we've heard some of it from father but please, brother, tell us more about your business, I'm certain it's already a booming success," prattled Ethelyn with enough irk to suggest she didn't really think so.

    Chase obliged her, rather put on the spot now, anything to keep from putting more food in his mouth. "Yes, well, it's an internet service provider. We provide access to the internet for small business and general consumers. We utilize fiber optic technology which is still relatively young for use on a large scale of data transference. So far we're keeping up with sales and distribution. Usually the first month is the most difficult time for dealing with unforseen circumstances, so overall I'd say we're off to a good start."

    Ethelyn smiles sourly at this, "How lovely to hear, and what have you named this company? Opaquity, was it?"

    "Ubiquity," corrected Chase unbothered by the tone. "It means 'capacity of being everywhere', much like the internet."

    "A fine name," declared his father, who had been analyzing him sternly.

    The dinner continued gradually, courses being swapped out and drinks refreshed. Chase was feeling woozy from forcing himself to go along with it. He hadn't counted on it being this difficult. At some point during the exchanges Ethelyn's maid brushed her bodice against his arm and leaned down for a wink. Chase recoiled, his face set more sternly. Obviously his sister had encouraged her to try to embarress Chase during dinner, again so petty. This sort of thing wouldn't get under his skin though.

    His father raised his glass for a toast to capitalism and the rise of technology, and Chase swore to himself he wouldn't go anywhere near food or non-blood drinks for a month. "Chase, I've been meaning to tell you. Ethelyn here has finished her business degree and gotten her Bachelors. I think it would be really beneficial to your company if you'd hire her on your team."

    Chase nearly spat out his drink, having wanted to anyways, "What? Father," he protested, "Couldn't you just hire her into your company? There'd be a lot more experienced employees for her to rely upon and..."

    "Ah, but you forget, Ubiquity is partially my company as well. That's the benefit I get for being your investor. I think it's important to keep the family close together, working together. You're both very talented in your fields, I would think you'd be leaping at the chance for her expertise."

    Untrained expertise, as if she could do anything but cause me trouble, fumed Chase under the guise of calm. "Well, if you insist, I suppose it's for the best." You crotchity old geezer, I bet she's your spy to keep tabs on me, the overachieving loyalist brat who has it out for me. Play us against each other to control the both, is that your game?

    His father nodded, having expected the yielding as a man who always gets his way.

  3. #3
    Chase Ankers's Avatar

    Chase Ankers
    Chase Ankers

    Presence ••• (charming)
    Striking Looks •• (handsome)
    Blood Potency •
    Status: Ventrue • Ordo Dracul • Academia ••
    -Blush Active in Social Scenes-


    Chase sat at his desk at work looking over reports again. Mixed in was a letter from a fiber collaboration database wanting to review their facilities. They boasted a complete record of those supporting fiber optic to-the-door efforts, so their recognition might prove as suitable free-advertisement. Another paper turned out to be a financial report detailing the federal stimulus funding from the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. Free money from the state, how thoughtful. It seems that before 2006 broadband was unavailable to 50% of the state so efforts were put in place to act as a growth catalyst. And because of Verizon's presence as an internet backbone the program was still going strong three years later. Now three years after that it seemed the state was cluttered with ISPs all hopping on the Tier 3 Network bandwith-wagon.

    They weren't getting their name out fast enough. By the end of the year the debts would be coming in and the company would need an injection of liquidity to keep going. Their speed of fiber optics was their greatest selling point and Ubiquity was only barely making those speeds. As they acquired more traffic that would only degrade the performance...

    Ethelyn pushed the door of the office open and strode inside unannounced. "Hello, Mr. Ankers," she said in her snide and superior manner. Chase's sister and company employee had been hired recently as a financial advisor for the company. As such the Lord was forced to entertain her analysis and advisement.

    "Hello, Miss Ankers," replied Chase, an air of displeasure. "Has knocking become a courtesy no longer?"

    She laughed as if the statement were meant to be a joke. "Oh but I knew you'd want to see my financial assessments as soon as possible, Mr. Ankers. That and I'm tired and I want to go out for a drink. Why the hell are the work hours here so late?" she quibbled, slamming the noted assessment down on the desk.

    Chase ignored the question. "If you want to go, then go, I'm sure I can read your notes without an aid." He'd be happier for every moment the bitch was out of his building.

    She didn't bite, knowing her presence made him uncomfortable and enjoying it all the more. "Knowing you, you'd put it off until the last minute just to make me look like a fool. I want you to read it now while I'm here."

    Grumbling, Chase reluctantly pulled the assessment over and fingered through it, looking mostly for the end figures. "What is this?" he asked after a moment.

    "It's a cash flow statement, and an itemization of expenses taking into account overtime and new hires," she answered.

    "I can't afford new hires, we've already got more specialists on the team than I originally anticipated," snapped Chase bitterly.

    "But you've got to hire them or you'll be worse off by the year's end than you will be now, I'm using a few tricks to keep the budget afloat but everything is riding on a surge of customers in the next couple months." She smiled, a thin press of lips, smug and sure. Was she sabotaging the business or just putting more pressure on him?

    He smiled in return and looked her in the eyes. It seemed to end this way often enough where he'd use his trick to send her home without further harassments. She nodded and complied, most likely to the bar or home. In a way she was a valuable asset but her dislike of Chase's success and rebellious actions made her unbearable at times. He looked through the report once more. Maybe he should take a more direct hand in the technology. He could act as a technician as well as an owner, that would save the need for an additional hand. It was always a time issue, so many hours in the night. He had wanted to drive by the Ordo Chapter House to make use of its gym. That might have to wait.

  4. #4
    Chase Ankers's Avatar

    Chase Ankers
    Chase Ankers

    Presence ••• (charming)
    Striking Looks •• (handsome)
    Blood Potency •
    Status: Ventrue • Ordo Dracul • Academia ••
    -Blush Active in Social Scenes-


    In the offices of Ubiquity ISP, two figures converse in private, one of the living and one of the undead.
    -1 Vitae for Blush of Life

    "You what!?" bellowed Chase, completely losing his cool as he stood in his office opposite his sister and employee.

    "I said, I let them go. I understand that they were skilled specialists but they were asking too much. I'm your financial advisor and I say we can't afford to employ such exorbinant pay rates. We'll just have to get by without them."

    "Get by? Do you have any idea what is at stake here? Are you trying to sabotage me?" growled Chase, his tone accusing. "This is unacceptable! You can't go behind my back with these decisions."

    "I already have. I made this decision because you have obviously no understanding of financial stability. You have value of talent sure but with diminishing returns we're likely to go broke before our company has the necessary time to gain renown," Ethelyn retorts calmly.

    Chase stared, dumbfounded. That his sister had the gall to undermine him was unforgiveable. He seethed in place, his face contorting in anger, almost to the point where his fangs began pushing out. He debated what it might mean to feast on his conceited sister's blood again and leaving her witless until the next morning but such thoughts were contrive. A hair fell out of place before his eyes and he brushed it aside, turning his back and folding his hands as he attempted to get control of himself.

    "We won't be gaining any renown as it is. Without those specialists everything is up to me. I'll have to play technician when my time is greatly needed elsewhere."

    Ethelyn folded her hands across her chest dubiously, her eyes fixed to the back of his head. "And just where is your precious time going, Mr. Ankers? What is so important that you keep disappearing to every other night? You have a business to run and from how I see it you've been avoiding taking any real responsibility of it. What, too many midnight golf outings keeping you from crossing a few wires?"

    Chase reeled around, his glare like ice, "What are you talking about?" he demanded.

    "Oh don't think I don't keep track of your expenses, brother. That was quite the bill, arranging that outing. I bet daddy would be quite interested to know how you're spending your time." The thin line of her lips creased up into a coy smile threateningly.

    "Oh please," barked Chase venemously, "that was an important social outing. I have to impress a number of important figures as an executive." This may have been true to an extent, though still as much a lie.

    "A likely story," replied Ethelyn as she scrutinized Chase. "But I think you'd do well to cease these late-night respites and get some real work done if you want this company to succeed. And that includes these ridiculous hours you force your employees to work. I've come to you time and again with these complaints and you just wave me off like it's not a big deal but it is." She gave one last look to Chase before turning on her heel and striding out of the office, slamming the door behind her, having the final word.

    A gutteral sound emerged from Chase's mouth as his anger overcame his capacity for words. He wanted to fire her more than anything but his father had final word on the matter, being the only condition in addition to the deadline of the company's success. His specialists were the one thing keeping the company functioning. Now he had to train new specialists, amateurs. He didn't have that kind of time. With no displacement for his frustration the kindred bashed his fist against his desk. He grimaced at the pain that followed and he clutched his fist, glad no one paid witness to his blunder. Drained of confidence he slumped unhappily into his chair and stared up at the ceiling in dismay.

    How am I to rectify this? he wondered absently. My vampire nature restricts me from the workday's affairs. My constant mask of life drains me of my unnatural vitality and so I must feed nightly despite my training in the Coils. My Disciplines are not refined enough to keep my sister at bay for long. Should I simply coerce her somehow? Make a deal with her to swear silence? But what could she possibly want except to see my downfall?

    He thought for a moment further. Hmm, yes, that might be one way. Though why not just give it to the old man himself? Nonsense, why risk prolonging that man's life any further. As his only heirs we would receive his wealth nonetheless. Yes, even if he denied me the mantle, she would still bear it, and as a loyal servant what is hers will be mine. You want us to work together, father? We shall be inseparable, oh yes...

    There would be time to consider this later, however. For now he was still faced with the problem of overcoming their shortage of technical experts. He stood up once more and headed for the server room to watch over the router nodes.

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