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International World Peace Rose Garden

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  1. #11

    "Nice to meet you all, I'm Bianca Maria Sable and fairly new to the city," She was very new, and by the names being passed around she could place some of the people by affiliation. She smiled to David for the more casual tone which she preferred, we all weren't in the military, and it is becoming dated to call your friends by their last name. She then looked over to Tracy and smiled softly, her innocent look only being overshadowed by her beast.

    Her eyes settle back to Mr. Reese and she answers his querry, "I try to go to as many as I can, from Avalon and the other dance clubs around here to quieter pubs and bars that handle anything from karaoke to local bands." She didn't want to bore him with too many details. "The more places you go, the more drama you can avoid I guess." It may have sounded backwards, but it made sense in her world and the protection of the masquerade.

    Feeling the weight of the other kindred around her, she did not want to make a bold grab for the limelight yet, and politely went silent after offering an inkling on her nightly affairs of not hiding in her haven. "So what do you guys do for fun." She smiles softly at her comment.


  2. #12
    Neil Kingsley

    Neil smiled genuinely to both Bianca and Reese. "Pleased to meet you both," he said as they introduced themselves. Neil wasn't the most social of creatures, but he supposed it made some sense to get out of his head and his science and get to know some people. Plus, the scenery really was unique.

    Tracy's introduction was really rather smooth - assuming these people had been through Acknowledgment and knew who Greyson was. He was sure he'd seen Blake running around at Court, but 'Bianca Maria Sable' was entirely new to him.

    Neil didn't like new very much. New meant a variable, and he was not a mathematician. At least the puzzle was pleasant enough to try to solve. Her question about what they did for fun made him smile slightly and simultaneously realize how much of a giant nerd he was. Yeah, I do science for fun. And play Portal.

    "Oh, a night at the club here, a long drive there. There's a nice lake nearby too that's rather calm and good for a swim," he volunteered. His idea of fun was the social talkative kind of place where one could converse rather than dealing with pounding music.

  3. #13
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    Tracy smiled at the Daeva. "It is a plesure to meet you Miss Sable," said the petite Deputy in response to her introduction. The Gangrel listened quietly to the exchange between Bianca and Blake, waiting for the right time to give a little of her own input on the subject. "If you enjoy the club scene, I hear the Asylum is quite the interesting place," she said to the Succubus, a devious smirk touching the corner of her lips.

    Well, at least it sounds like she is being careful about where she feeds, which is good. The question is...has she been Acnkowledged yet? Because if she hasn't, that will be a problem...

    The redheaded Savage raised an eyebrow just slightly. "What do I do for fun?" she asked, repeating the question out loud. "Well, I enjoy riding my bike around the city late at night. I find it rather calming actually, gives me time to think about stuff." She smiled and gave them all a little shrug.

    The other things I do for fun are probably not a good topic of conversation for a public place such as this one...

  4. #14
    David Silver's Avatar
    David Silver

    Circle of the Crone
    Rose Garden

    4 blood


    "I generally look for new places, like this garden, and examine the stars. On clear nights like these you can see untold numbers of them, each with their own meaning. Or reading. I am sad to say I am not as active as my fellows here."
    But I am not sad to be less active. Pushing the boundaries of knowledge, hunting for the elusive truths in ancient scrolls, finding that the similarities between us run so much deeper than anyone imagined. Yes, I do not regret that at all.
    BP1 | Presence 3-Serene

  5. #15
    Benji's Avatar


    Knot appears, for a moment, as a marionette, roughly carved from wood and painted in a facsimile of life, bound up in a spiderweb tangle of it's own strings, that are pulled every-which way by unseen hands.

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks (Roguish Good Looks) 2


    "I like going places and meeting interesting people, then trying to isolate what I find interesting about them. It's interesting how many different people you can meet if you sign up for culture classes." He shrugs. It was interesting to see all the different people that take time out of their private lives to improve themselves at night. Everyone dressed for an art class similarly enough, but scratch their surface and the things they were into and did during the day could be and often were wildly different.

    He looks at the Deputy with obvious intrest. "I've heard of Asylum but I've never been there. Is there a great deal of... presence inside?" Blake asks, delicately.
    no offense but do i look like i understand anything?

  6. #16

    OOOO sorry :(

    Bianca nods as she listens to the other kindred speak, and lifts a brow to the innocent looking grels smirk. "you make it sound dangerous. I do enjoy people watching too." Her second comment was directed to Blake. With the presence of the other kindred she didn't want to come off as too chatty. The last thing you want to leave is a bad first impression.

    I didn't realize so many people were into world peace she thought as the reality of the situation caught up to her that her kind of 'people' thrived off of conflict.

  7. #17
    Neil Kingsley

    Dr. Kingsley looked to David Silver, a smile on his face at the mention of space and the stars. "Are you an astronomer, sir? Or do the stars mean something more personal?"

    His eyes flicked between the others as they spoke. He was curious about the Asylum, but he'd heard things about it here and there. Bondage and spankings and all that weren't something he'd ever experimented with before. He hadn't been square in life, but he hadn't been around all that long, either.

    It seemed the Requiem promoted learning of all kinds.

  8. #18
    David Silver's Avatar
    David Silver

    Circle of the Crone
    Rose Garden

    4 blood


    "Something like that. I frequently focus more on the social impact they have on our lives, and the cultures before us. The babylonians started much of what we know, but the impact of the germanic tribes is interesting. They reckoned by nights, not days."
    David looks on as the others talk of the Asylum, some club apparently. Not really his style.
    BP1 | Presence 3-Serene

  9. #19
    Tracy Burns's Avatar


    Tracy nodded at the Ventrue's question. "As a matter of fact, there is," responded the petite Gangrel. "Unless I'm mistaken, it is owned by the same gentleman that owns the Avalon. So, you can imagine that it is a fine establishment." A little smirk formed on the corner of the Deputy's lips.

    "However, I have not visited the club myself," she said to Blake with a little shrug. "But I have heard a great deal about it. From what I understand, the Asylum caters to a specific subculture..." the redheaded Savage let her words trail off, not wishing to go into too much detail unless asked.

  10. #20

    "Got ya," she says to the petite gangrel. She then remarks to Mr. Silver, "It's amazing how girls love to get flowers, and how some people live out their horroscope." She wish she had more to say on the topic, but the roses studies were more about understanding the flow of people, and not the impact of nature.

    She then glances back to Tracy, "if you are up to it, we should go one night, it could be fun." She smirks back to the innocent looking one. Maybe his grace will be there, would be nice to meet him one night.

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