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Forging ahead

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  1. #11

    "That is very reasonable. Do you wish the full sum before you begin or if I bring several installments would you have it completed by the final payment?" Signing the money order, Terra holds it out to Danny.

    Wasn't expecting it to only be money. Money's easy. And I kind of expected it to be more. Might have to come back for more at this rate.

  2. #12

    "I take no deposits. Payment on completion, and it only usually takes a few days to a week for me to finish any particular project. If you need time to get the rest of the money together, that's fine. Also, bear in mind that the price I'm giving you now is a guess. When the work is finished, it may go up or down, depending on the quality. Do we have a deal?" Danny said simply.

    He figured that way, if the other Lost tried to cheat him out of pay, he'd just not give her the blade and there would be no money problems. He could always sell on a good piece of work.

  3. #13

    Terra folded carefully her money. At least when it came down to it, the man was reasonable and knew what he wanted.
    "It will take some time to get the needed funds. If I may, I'll call you when prepared? It should be near the beginning of October, if my schedule holds to what I've planned."
    She rises from the chair, "Thank you for meeting with me."

  4. #14

    "You're welcome," Danny said. "It will be finished by then."

    Long before, most likely. He worked extremely well, and the folding of steel was one of the few things that stopped him shaking. He was already planning the work that would consume him for the next few days.

    If only clarity could be had like that in every moment of his life.

  5. #15

    Terra moves to the door, a wistful smile on her face, almost calm.


  6. #16

    Danny politely, but quite firmly, locked the door behind the Fairest. He took a deep breath, still not entirely sure whether or not he should be saying 'sir' or 'ma'am'.

    That was incredibly awkward.

    The Smith could hardly believe he'd gotten through it, until he realised that next to Katrin's presence, low levels of terror were starting to be... a little dimmer, maybe.

    Only a little, but not a lot could match up to the command of the Winter Queen.

    Aand scene close

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