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  1. #81
    Jag's Avatar

    The Sun Banisher listened to the opinions of each of the Lost in the room, remaining quiet as he considered what each of them said. After they were all done talking, he took a moment to evaluate things in his head before speaking again. "Last time we split up I lost half of my team," said Harvey with a stone cold expression on his face.

    "Perry, arrange a meeting, will you?" he said to the other Shadowsoul, before turning his attention to the group as a whole. "We are gonna give this a try and hope we get better results than last time." And he hoped that they did. Shooting down random drugdealers was not a favorite hobby of his after all. "We should be clear about how many of us are showing up though. Last time we arranged this kind of meeting, the dealer was not all that happy that three people showed up," said the Sun Banisher to the group.

    "I'm assuming if we do that, he will bring some muscle with him," he said in an unnaturally calm voice. "We should come up with a contingency plan in case things go south." With those words, he gave the Lost lawyer a nod, which was the "go ahead" for him to call whoever he needed to call in order to make the meeting happen.

  2. #82
    Perry diCarto's Avatar

    Perry diCarto

    Perry nodded, pleased that Magnus and Harvey both had his back on this. I really hope I don't get shot.

    "Sure," he replied. "Also, where do we want to do this? I'd love a neutral location if we can find it, but that may be on the Samoan if I can't get the guy on the phone previously. We wanna keep this guy cool so he stays receptive... so I'd suggest we only put one other person near me for the up-close and personal talking part of the meet." His eyes flicked to Harvey. A guy he could trust. Then again, if Harvey was any good at gunplay, he could be put as cover... hmm.

    There was one other idea. "Harvey, I may also could try to rent an evening of... streetwise additional security in the form of T-Bone and his boys, if we need a cover team nearby just in case shooting starts. Is that of any interest to you?" The question was posed simply as a possibility. Perry's inflection didn't suggest one answer or another.

    Reflecting a bit on his contracts and his wardrobe, the lawyer planned out what he was going to wear to really help sell this with the Samoan. Step one: kevlar under the dress shirt.

    Am I seriously about to fucking run a gangster meeting like some kind of 1920s guido lawyer? What the fuck is my career coming to?

  3. #83

    John nodded at Harvey's words, though he felt the Shadowsoul was being somewhat superstitious if he took Magnus's words - well, word - to heart. Nora would probably have flaked even worse at the dealer meeting, and not splitting up wouldn't have stopped Regina leaving traces.

    It's his show, though, so he calls the shots. And Perry has a point that we're likely to be killed if caught sneaking around. Not that it's likely I'd be caught.

    As the discussion continues however, the darkling has a sinking feeling that he may be more hindrance than help at any meeting with this guy. Instinct tells him to stay quiet, not to admit any more weakness, but he firmly overrules it.

    Because if they end up relying on you for cover you can't provide, someone might get killed.

    Reluctantly, he speaks up.

    "Before we plan much more, I should probably make clear that I'm not gonna be much use as backup in a fight. Never touched a weapon, and not much of a brawler, either.

    If we meet at night, though, I could potentially work distraction tactics if things go wrong, especially if I get some prep time."

  4. #84
    Dark Passenger's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen
    Aaron van Valen

    Dragon Lord

    'I'll fully follow your lead here, then.' Alec says as he looks around. He was already doing that of course, but again he feels a bit out of place here. 'I'm socially less... usefull, for this.'

    It was obvious yeah, and not all to blame on the fact I'm an Elemental.

    'I will keep my eyes open, and if we plan this somewhere outside I could use the environment to our advantage in case things go wrong... I can also fight pretty well, although we shouldn't show any weapons if the idea is to 'talk'.'
    Not a native speaker - always aiming to improve

  5. #85
    Swift's Avatar

    Magnus simply listens to the contributions of the others. It seems his supply of words has been exhausted for now.

  6. #86
    Jag's Avatar

    The Sun Banisher remained silent, listening to what the others had to say. He took each suggestion into consideration, evaluating what the best course of action was. "Alright. We should try to set up the meeting for tomorrow night, give us some time to rest so we can go in there clear-headed," as he said those words, he looked down at his empty glass for a brief moment.

    "We either have to let him know ahead of time that we are rolling in five deep, or we'll have to split up," said the Shadowsoul as he lookd at the other Lost around him. "Things didn't go too well when we split up last time, but they also didn't go too well when we showed up to that dealer's house unannounced and with more people than he expected...if he expected anyone at all." He paused for a moment considering Perry's offer, eventually shaking his head.

    "We are not trying to start a gang war here, and we should try to avoid escalating things if we can. Hiring a bunch of thugs won't help us do that," said Harvey to the other Shadowsoul in response to his suggestion before turning back to address the group as a whole. "If we end up getting into a fight, it means we did something wrong."

    There was another pause, this one a little longer than the last. "That is not to say, that we shouldn't be ready for it in case it happens," added the Sun Banisher as he lookd around the room at each of them respectively. "Alec is right though, if we are gonna bring any sort of weapons with us, they should be concealed. We are approaching this from a more diplomatic perspective, so showing up brandishing our weapons will be counterproductive to any discussions we may be able to have with this Samoan guy." Harvey paused once more, allowing for his words sink in.

    "So, any other questions or concerns before Perry calls his guy to set this up?" he asked, looking around to see if anyone would speak up.

  7. #87
    Perry diCarto's Avatar

    Perry diCarto

    Perry listened carefully, nodding at the appropriate times as the Sun Banisher spoke common sense. He nodded at the end. "Just one, to confirm some things since I'm new on this team. Our two objectives for tomorrow are to stop the distribution of the weed, and to figure out who's supplying it to the dealers, correct? Is that everything you want to accomplish, Harvey, or did you have any other objectives in mind?"

    God only knew he could handle making some more friends. Maybe the Samoan was a friendly guy.

    Then again, perhaps not.

  8. #88

    John simply shakes his head in reply to Harvey's question, figuring that the shadowsouls have the most expertise here.

    Let them set up the meeting, and you can chip in at the fine detail stage if it's appropriate. Don't make any more of an idiot of yourself.

  9. #89
    Dark Passenger's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen
    Aaron van Valen

    Dragon Lord

    Alec just shakes his head as a reply to Harvey, no further questions. Well, it is good that Perry wants to know things for sure.

    One can never know things for sure...

    The Elemental's face is plain, so it seems. Although his eyes betray just a little touch of excitement. Alec is in for this one.
    Not a native speaker - always aiming to improve

  10. #90
    Jag's Avatar

    "Well, if this Samoan guy is only a small time dealer, whether we stop him or not won't have much effect in the greater scheme of things," said Harvey in response to the other Shadowsoul. "Our main objective is to find out where he's getting the stuff from. If he's the one supplying it, then we need to stop him. If not, we need to get that information from him so we can take care of the problem at its source." The Sun Banisher looked around at the others, realizing that no one else had any more questions.

    "Alright Perry, call your guy and set up that meeting," he said to the Fairest lawyer. "Once you have the details, send the rest of us a text so we know where we need to go. We'll meet a few blocks away from the location your guy gives you, to go over any last minute details and make sure we are all set to go." With those words, Harvey stood up and cracked his neck once.

    "Now, if you will excuse me, there's something I've got to do before the end of the night," he said to the group as he headed out the door.


    End Scene

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