The City of Davis, Armadillo Music, and KDVS 90.3FM is presenting a Vinyl and Music Fair. This is a perfect opportunity for you to acquire the vinyl record that you have been looking for or to sell some to make room for more. Everything from vinyl records, CDs, tapes, and DVDs will be available for sale. Over 50 tables are available to vendors.
Stone Soup Catering & To Go will have food for sale and browsing music will be provided by KDVS.

Velma folded the flyer and stored it back into her hand purse as the taxi arrived the place, a small 20 minutes ride until Davis for the music fair should be well worth it!

With a few cash in hand for souvenirs and maybe one or another vinyl Velma entered the event hosted inside Davis Senior Center, today she was wearing a rather casual outfit, cut for Sacramento’s hot summer nights and jovial get togethers.

The music was good and pleasant to the ear and there was a small crowd at the place browsing for rarities or just the odd vinyl. People from different ages and walks of life all had joined in for their love of music and records, collectionism, work or just to see, listen and learn.

For Velma it was nostalgia and maybe a way to find someone who also shared her passion for music and songs…

As she stepped inside the Daeva's eyes skimmed over the place, the friendly and welcoming environment appealed to her, she held her beast at bay for possible interlopers meanwhile forcing her blood to help her body mimic the life stole from her a century ago; she paused and listened to the babbling cacophony, everywhere attendants shared titles of records, dates, songs, it was musicology all over the place.

It felt good, it felt home.

-1 Blood - Blush of Life active for the scene