Jordan was busily pulling his apartment into something that very vaguely resembled order. His bachelor existence led to clutter, which was no working environment. He had given Ryan directions to his place, with an eye to examining the student's books, as Dr. Primoria had recommended. Jordan would have to discuss that conversation with Ryan when he arrived with the volumes. He wondered idly if Ryan had selected a Shadow Name yet.

Trench followed the writen directions on a slip of paper to the aparments, his books loaded up into his bookbag along with ethe original letter that was starting to look a little worse for wear. He had finally found someone willing to help him figer out what his books hold. Luck was on his side for the first time in awhile.

Jordan opened up. "Hi, Ryan. Welcome to the T Street hideaway." He showed Ryan into the living room. Framed replicas of old manuscripts were on the wall and comfortable modern couches and occasional chairs were in the living room/study combination. A dining table was separated from the kitchen by a raised semi-wall and shelf.

"Have a seat." invited Jordan. "Coffee, tea, soft drink, something serious?"

"Uh. No thanks....And it's Trench now." Trench said, shaking his head at the mans offer. "Soo, how are you?" it looked like he was trying some small talk before they began.

Jordan nodded. "I'm pretty fair, thanks. Still settling in here. You took a Shadow Name. Well done. I changed my name outright. Have a seat, let's discuss a couple of things, then we'll jump on the books."

He gestured to the living room couch, and himself took a chair at a right angle to it.

"Thanks." Trench said as he took off the book bag and sat down. His shoulder was killing him. Hauling around books all day does that to a person. "Um, Ok. What do you want to talk about?"

"Well," responded Jordan, "As promised, I did have a word with the powers that be concerning you. I went to Dr. Primoria, who is senior on the Consilium as well as head of the Mysterium. Much to my surprise, she asked me to take on some of the basics of your training...and with your permission I'll do so. Additionally, she would like you to take part in a research project that one of the more senior Mysterium leaders is spearheading. This will give them a chance to evaluate whether you are Mysterium material. Questions?"

Trench thought this over for a few moments before saying " What's this project everyone is doing and what basics are you going to go after?"" Best to know what your getting into before your 100% commited.

Jordan sat back.

"Well, let's see. We can look at the basics of spellcasting, the use of Awakened will, how to make frequently used spells more powerful and likely to come off. Part of it will involve how much you have already learned. The project has something to do with the tracking of ley lines...bands of magical energy grounded in the earth. I don't lead the mission so I don't know much in the way of details."

"Ah ok. I've taught myself some basic stuff from what I've been told from another Moros called Joshua. I don't know much about ley lines, but I shouldn't be surprised, I barely know much about whats going on around me half the time anymore."

The Mystagogue chuckled. "You, too, eh? Don't feel alone, by any means. I warned the Curator that I've never had a student before. With luck, we'll learn from one another. We'll make a plan, but for now, let's look at the books."

Trench nods and starts rummaging through his bookbag for the books. a few seconds later he pulled out two leather bound books with a hand full of random cut outs from various books clipped to the pages. There was also a partially folded letter added to the small pile. "Here you go."

"Bring them on in here." The two went through one of the bedroom doors to a room that Jordan used as workspace. The books were put on a table, and Jordan put on a pair of tight-fitting blue latex gloves. The Mystagogue set the letter aside for a moment. He started a small console tape recorder.

"We have two standard sized volumes bound expertly in an animal hide, presumably leather. The script is in no known Eastern or Western language. We will assume for the moment that this is traditional Atlantean script."

Jordan concentrated on the books now, forming the imagio of an hourglass with sand running from the bottom to the top. Trench could see the calm and tranquility of Jordan's face give way to surprise and just a breath of annoyance, then a look of stubborness and determination. Then his taught body relaxed.

"The standard Precise Dating spell reports that the books were assembled in their final form in December, 1870. Mysterium deduchoi and above should be advised that the books tested resistent to the spell. Nature of the warding could be protection against Time magic alone or to magic in general. Caution in handling is indicated."

He looked at Trench. "Now that was really peculiar. I've never had a reaction to a dating spell like that. It was downright defiant. In handling the books, did they ever feel peculiar or uncomfortable in your hands?"


Trench shook his head. "No, I haven't. But then again I have been handeling them while I was a Sleeper if that makes a difference." He explained as he watched everything going on. The Date sounded close to what he was seeing, that he was sure of.

Jordan nodded in return. "OK. Let's try something a little more mundane."

He went to the windows and pulled blackout blinds. Then he switched off the lightswitch by the door and walked to the table by the light of the table lamp. From the bottom left hand drawer of the table, he pulled an ultraviolet hand lamp and switched it on, then extinguished the table lamp. He moved the hand lamp to the end of the table, and, from the same drawer, pulled a sheet of photosensitive paper from the black-lined box.

Opening one of the books to a random page, Jordan slipped the paper behind the page, then passed the UV hand lamp across the page two or three times.


The photograde paper reflected the ridges that pressed paper makes, but no maker's watermark was there. Jordan continued to record:

Watermark test identifies paper as mass produced bond paper with little rag content, consistent with the kind of paper produced for personal journals."

He put his things away, including the tape player, and put the photograde paper in an envelope which he marked with the date and the comment: Trench , Journals. Then he stretched a bit from being hunched over the worktable and said: "Let's go back to the living room."

When they were seated again, Jordan said: "Trench, what we do know now is that you have two volumes of some kind of personal journal, written in Atlantean runes in the latter part of 1870. What I'd like to do, with your permission, is to hold on to the books for a few days; I'd like to read them. I can read Atlantean runes, but I'm not just going to curl up with them as bedtime books. The spell resistance they show make me really suspicious, and I want to find a safe, warded place to try to read them. I don't know if the writer booby-trapped them with some kind of curse, and I'd just as soon try to work them out some place where the worst that could happen is that I turn into three notes of music. One thing I'm fairly certain of...this kind of protection isn't placed on an ordinary diary...I would certainly guess that you have some serious magical artifacts of some kind. May I hold on to them a bit longer?"

Umm...Sure...Just one question. Atlantian? Really?" It looked like Trench though Jordan was yanking his chain and telling him that werewolfs and fairies existed.

They did of course, but he didn't know that.

Jordan nodded. "Yes, really. When you join one of the Orders, it's one of the things they teach you. If you follow through with the Mysterium, I'll probably be asked to teach you myself. Trench, I follow the Path of Thistle...called Acanthus. We especially know that words have power. And a knowledge of Atlantean...the High Speech it's called...can add power and potency to your spells. That's why I want to handle those books with care. For a Sleeper, they are pretty harmless. But for one of the Awakened...well, I don't know. And I really want to's a weakness of the Order, I guess."

He chuckled at his own threadbare joke.

Clearly the joke went right over Trench's head as he just gave Jordan a vacant stare.
"OK then...But seriously, Atlantis?"

Jordan's eyes crinkled with amusement at the younger man's incredulity.

"Have you ever read Salman Rushdie, Trench? He said that 'Sometimes legends make reality, and become more useful than the facts.' But in this case, you're getting the facts, too. Atlantis was a real city, with real citizens, and is considered by those who should know to be the place where our magic originated. So yes, seriously, Atlantis. One day I'll tell you the story, if no one else does."

"Ah....huh..." If it wasn't for the whole magic thing I would be suggesting he visit the asylum...even if it looks creepy as hell. Trench though as he took a deep breath and nodded. "Apparently I have mythology to read up on, but then again I'm guessing its all covered up?"

The Mystagogue shrugged. "Maybe switched around some. But you're Awake now. You'll end up having to believe six impossible things before breakfast. But maybe you'd like to sleep on some of this stuff. You've had a core dump of information to chew on, I think." A thoughtful, smile.

"Yyyyeeeaaaahhh, I seem to be bombarded with either the impossible or the horrific since my Awakening." Trench replied, with thoughts of Ollie's burnt body appearing in his mind.

Jordan stood. "Then go get some rest, and metabolize some of this stuff. I'll call in a day or two and let you know what's happening. We'll also set up to get together so I can try to teach some things...if I haven't frightened you off, yet."

"Belive me, I have plenty of time to scare myself off when try and think on anything long enough." Trench said as he stood up and strenched. "So, wait for a bit 'till I hear from you again?"

"'Fraid so. Waiting is a royal pain...but there aren't a lot of alternatives."

"Well, I would help. But I don't know much about Atlantas other than the myths. Could check the letter that came with the books for anything magical or something, I dunno."

Jordan nodded. He took the letter from the coffee table with the books. "That's a thought. Have you been taught a variation of Mage Sight?"

"I've had some form of it cast on me once. I haven't tried to use it myself though." Trench said with a shrug.

The Mystagogue shook his head."Then, my friend, that's the first thing you learn. Sit back down."

When they were settled, Jordan said: "Every mage has some kind of Mage Sight, that helps you see beyond the mundane. The first thing to do is to muster your Awakened will...the same mental and emotional awareness that you have used when you have done any other magic. Then you focus on what you want to Look at, with a capital L. You cast any spell with a combination of that Awakened will, that we call Gnosis, then focus the spell. As a Moros, a Necromancer, you'll see things a bit differently than I would as an Enchanter. Now...look at the letter, summon the will the way you've done for other beginning spells, and focus your concentration on the letter. Try please."

Trench nodded slowly as he sat back down. "Uh, sure I'll give it a shot." He mumbled as he focused on H's Letter and focused on the formation of the imago. Then....

[spoiler="Activate Grim Sight'] 2009-09-20 22:56:25 Trench rolls 5 to Grim Sight (Gnosis+Death) (10 Again) 5, 7, 2, 8, 10, 9 3 successes [/spoiler]

...Everthing seemed to look different. [COLOR=Blue][I]Whoa...OK, Keep focused Ryan.[/I][/COLOR] Then he tried to focus on the letter with the new Sight.

[spolier=Nada] 2009-09-21 04:22:29 Trench rolls 1 to Scrutinize (Int+Occult-8) (10 Again, Chance) 7 failure [/spoiler]

He shook his head and sighed. [COLOR="Blue"]"I'm sorry, but I don't see anything else other than the letter, even with this Sight thing." Trench reported, sounding dissapointed.
"That's OK." Jordan said reassuringly with a small smile.

"There may just be nothing there to see. But cast the spell for yourself every morning. Not only is it good practice, but it might bring insights. I promise I'll call in a couple of days with a progress report. And we'll set up to do more together in magecraft.

"Ok....I'll try and remember to do that." Trench said with a nod.

"Anything else you''d like to cover?"

"Ummmmm..." He trailed off for a moment, trying to work out a question. "...What exactly are the Mysterium looking for in new mages anyway?"

"Hmmm."Jordan hmmm'd thoughtfully. They sat back down.

"It varies, really. Discretion probably tops the list. I think they want ingenuity and patience in developing and uncovering the knowledge that we all seek. I also think a certain amount of courage is required...some of the stuff the Mysterium can find might be scary. Respect for superiors is usually a big deal. And I'd say integrity in dealing honestly with acquisitions or discoveries. Now, other mystagogues might have other priorities...but this is how I see it."

"Sounds very involved. You sure I will get in?" Trench asked, feeling very doubtfull about himself. He wanted to know more about this new world and as far as he could tell, the Mysterium was the best way of knowing.

"Sure? No sure things, Trench. You'll meet more Mysterium members over time and be evaluated, no doubt. And being a mage is another career, don't doubt it. Any thoughts that magic would make everything easier...forget it, mate."

Trench sighed as he shook his head. "I didn't think it would be easy. Nothing really ever is."

"You've never spoken truer words," Jordan responded as he walked over to his refrigerator. He opened it and pulled out the staff of life: Diet Vernors in a can. He popped the tab as he spoke. "The thing that really wierded me out when I Awakened was that there were other mages out there who would like to kill me, just because I can do magic. Really kill me, who never had a real enemy except for my fencing coach in college. It really chilled me for a while. Would you like a soda?"

"Scared the crap out of me when I found out." Trench said before nodding to the idea of soda. He was starting to get thirsty. "I still don't get the why of it all.

The Mystagogue pulled another can from the fridge and handed it to Trench, then sat down in the comfy chair. "Come on, now, of course you do. You've studied history. What are the reasons for one wanting to take the life of another...a people, a nation, whatever? Guys like the Banishers or the Seekers covet magical power, which is the resource of the Awakened. People kill to control resources as exclusively as possible, or to protect the resources that they have. Jealousy, suspicion, fear, just plain evil. Take your choice."

"I forget that sometimes. But still, It's not like magic is a limited resource...Is it?"

Well, we don't know how many Awakened there are, but we do know that there are fewer Awakened than there are Sleepers. In that sense, it's limited. The Black Hats are really proprietary about it, and want to corner the market. Sharing is not their thing."

"Sounds pretty selfish." Trench said as he took another sip of soda and sighing. "Is there anything else we need to cover? Just wanna be sure thats all."

Jordan shook his head. "No, I think that's plenty for you to chew on, don't you think?

"Yeah. I think thats enoug for now. Would hate to see my head explode." Trench said with a smile.

My Signature