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No Surrender

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  1. #21
    Dale Hunt's Avatar

    Dale Hunt



  2. #22

    Green light given (With fingers crossed) since the character's out of immediate risk of being run over.

  3. #23
    Dale Hunt's Avatar

    Dale Hunt


    Dale nodded as his fellow Talons agreed with telling Nieves to come meet with them. "Alright," he said, and then pulled out his phone and puched out a quick text to the feisty Rahu. "The message has been sent. Now we wait and see if she shows up."

  4. #24
    Nieves Werra's Avatar


    Some time passed. When Nieves received Dale's message there had been a thrilling shiver that had passed through her. Yet the message had only said they were to talk. Still, she left her pack's Den with a wide stride in her step, hurrying down the side-streets towards Fremont Park. Nieves tried to think about how she felt about this, joining a Tribe, giving herself to the Oaths and the traditions that were all but stories up till now.

    The Rahu was panting as the greenery of their rendezvous greeted her in the soft glow of the streetlamps. She stopped, catching her breath, not wanting to seem desperate in her hurry. As she did the smell of several Uratha snapped her mind to attention. Not just Dale... She looked around, approaching down the walkway deeper in until she saw the figures gathered ahead. Dale she knew. John and Alejandra she'd seen before, though were still strangers to her. The others were new to her altogether. The Blood Talons, the Suthar Anzuth, as Dale had called it. The badass, war-torn, don't-take-no-shit warrior tribe of the moon.

    The breath caught in her throat for a moment. Was this to be the test Dale had warned her of?

    "I'm here," she stated with more confidence than she felt.

  5. #25
    Ryan Deshane

    Digger tosses his smoke and moves forward from where he was standing. "Pff who the fuck are you little girl." Digger says purposefully playing the Bully, "You wanna be Suthar Anzuth. What the fuck makes you think your even worthy to stand in front of me, let alone join my Tribe." Only Alpha in the room that makes him top dog as far as Digger is concerned...
      4suxx to intimidate
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-08-04 11:12:50 Digger (ST addition) rolls 3 to +3 Renown (10 Again) 7, 8, 9 2 successes
    2012-08-03 19:22:37 Digger rolls 4 to Presence+Intimidation (10 Again) 3, 7, 9, 9 2 successes
    Digger looks to the others, "You have to be fucking kidding me. Has this pup even tasted glory, or gotten her fucking period." He looks back to Neives "Training Bra don't make you a big girl." Digger turns and walks back toward the tree he was leaning against. He makes eye contact with Dale and gives him a wink.

    "I'm fucking disappointed Splitter. I figured we'd have some fucking entertainment." Digger leans against his tree and lights another smoke.

    Given that this is an initiation, it is appropriate to add Tribal renown to dice pools against Nieves. Just a heads up, guys. ~ Kaz

  6. #26

    Alejandra stood watching the other woman, as she made her way toward the group. Her arms were folded across her chest, and her expression set in a grim mask of determination. None of the Uratha assembled that evening had had it easy during their Initiation, and Nieves would not be the exception.

    She would take whatever they threw at her, or she would fail and face the disgrace that came after.

    She remained silent as Digger spoke, and Alejandra's lips quirked into a tiny smirk. The response did not reach her eyes however, and her gaze remained hard.

    "This is your last chance to turn back, girl," the Irraka stated resolutely.

      7 successes to Intimidate
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-08-04 15:22:51 Alejandra rolls 6 to Presence + Intimidation +3 Glory (10 Again) 10, 10, 9, 10, 2, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 10, 5 7 successes

  7. #27
    Dale Hunt's Avatar

    Dale Hunt


    Dale kept a straight face as his Alpha verbally ripped Nieves' a new one, watching the younger Rahu's reactions to the Cahalith's words. After all, if she couldn't even handle a little shit-talking, she was not fit to even go through the trials. She needed to be able to keep her cool, something that young Rahu sometimes struggled with. He knew that himself first hand, but with years of experience he had learned to channel his rage for when it was necessary.

    He stood there, watching her. There was a rather feral look in his eyes, a predatory glare that was shot in her direction. Dale stared the younger Rahu down, not saying a word as he let his eyes do all the talking.

    This is your first test. Now let's see if you've got what it takes...

      4 suxx
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-08-05 17:50:44 Dale Hunt rolls 10 to Presence+Intimidation+Spec+Glory to "death glare" (10 Again) 3, 5, 4, 9, 3, 8, 7, 7, 9, 9 4 successes

  8. #28
    Swift's Avatar

    Skaald adds his stare of reproach to the assemblage. Let us see how this pup handles herself.

    "I have heard no stories of Glory from this one. What makes you think you deserve to stand amongst the followers of Fenris-Ur? Why in the light of our Mother should he accept you?"

      2 suxx
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-08-05 23:12:23 Skaald rolls 5 to Presence + Intimidation [untrained] + Glory (10 Again) 4, 7, 8, 7, 10, 5 2 successes

  9. #29
    John Holt's Avatar
    John Holt
    John "Chaplain" Holt
    Ithaeur, Blood Talons

    Presence 3 (Devout)
    Glory 3, Wisdom 3, Purity 2, Honour 2, Cunning 1
    Trained Observer
    Auspice Blessing (Occult)
    Status (Police) 1
    Status (Clerical Standing) 2

    Size: 6
    Health: 9

    Size: 7
    Health: 11

    Size: 6
    Health: 8


    John, hearing the others of his Tribe begin the scaremongering, stood without any movement, simply observing the candidate. It was not his place to act as the bad cop, the bully. He was the chaplain. It was he who got them through the worst.

      Checking out Nieves' emotions
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-08-06 11:46:29 John Holt rolls 8 to Wits + Empathy (10 Again, WillPower) 6, 3, 9, 1, 6, 4, 3, 8 2 successes

  10. #30
    Nieves Werra's Avatar


      She's scared
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-08-06 12:42:07 Nieves rolls 5 to resist intimidation [Resolve+Wits] (10 Again) 2, 4, 10, 2, 6, 9 2 successes
      She Looks Scared
    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-08-06 12:44:13 Nieves rolls 2 to hide emotions [Wits+Sub(-1 untrained)] (10 Again) 4, 5 failure
    Nieves felt the fear encroach in on her mind like a shadow obsuring her senses. Had they gathered to teach her a lesson? Was her desire to join the Tribe such a great insult? It felt like when Dale had brought her to the Brotherhood only to be ambushed. No, that wasn't how it went exactly... She had shown disrespect back then. Maybe he had told the Blood Talons of her great blunder and they had gathered to run her out of town.

    Her body was tense, her hands clenched into fists tightly so the knuckles went white. She instinctively took a step back, and then another just to keep from falling back. Her joints were stiff and unresponsive, frozen by the fear. She tried to speak, to protest the insults heaped onto her the formidable big shot, but her throat was constricted making the pitch of her voice raise unnaturally. "I...I.." she stammered, trying to achieve some control over herself. "I'm Nieves and I want to join the...the Suthar Anzuth," falling back on the obvious. All this talk of glory, she had none that she knew of, nothing to defend her request. But she couldn't turn back, not after having made her wish known to them.

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